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An brief assessment of Nietzschean morality.
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionMoral Philosophy
was the worst day of my life. Alyson, my spiritual mother, the person who lead me into the faith and continued to disciple me for the years following, died after a two
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      TheologyBook of PsalmsHebrew Bible/Old TestamentLament
There may be nothing more controversial in today's world then the topic of religion.
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      ChristianityPeace and Conflict StudiesEcumenical and Interfaith DialogueInterreligious Relations
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      ChristianityAncient Near EastAfterlife studiesBook of Psalms
The Newsboys recently released a song titled "We Believe." It is a song outlining the foundational beliefs of Christianity in a modern way. It seems to be a modernday revision of the Apostles' Creed. The chorus goes as follows:
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      Early ChristianityOrthodox ChristianityCreeds and ConfessionsChristian Apologetics and Preaching
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      ChristianityBaptist TheologyProtestantismEucharist
It is a Christian Necessity to serve the poor.
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      Social JusticeBiblical Studies
Using Prairie Bible Institute as a case study, I look at evangelical interactions with modernism and the ecumenical movement, and see how evangelical separatism was the main driver of interdenominationalism among evangelicals and... more
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      ModernismReligious FundamentalismEcumenismInterdenominational
The focus of this paper will be on the character of the Samaritan woman herself, where we will discover how Jesus empowered her as an evangelist, despite her history and the community from which she came. In this paper, we will be... more
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      ChristianityTheologyWomen in the ancient worldWomen in the Early Church
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      ImprovisationTheologyNew TestamentPractical theology
This class will explore the book of Isaiah with attention given to historical backgrounds, the nature of prophecy in the ancient Near East, the various genres within the book, and significant themes found throughout the book. Students... more
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This introduction to Classical Hebrew stresses vocabulary acquisition, noun and verb morphology, proficiency in oral reading and translation, and familiarization with Hebrew language tools. This class includes a strong focus on the... more
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This course introduces and surveys the literature of the Old Testament from within its historical, cultural, and literary context as the necessary foundation for understanding the character of God, his relationship to his creation, his... more
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ISBN 978-1-9787-0690-3. Pp. xi + 231. $95.00 hardcover.
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The book of Micah presents a familiar prophetic message: Yahweh’s people have become increasingly sinful to the point of requiring serious discipline, judgment, and purging. Through this purging, a faithful remnant will survive to... more
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      Memory StudiesForgivenessMinor ProphetsBook of Micah
This paper briefly evaluates white Evangelical American Christians' susceptibility to a theology of violence and critiques, on biblical ground, the nonviolent ethic’s ascendancy in the Black church’s discourse and teaching in light of... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesReligion and Violence/NonviolenceCivil Rights Movement white evangelical politics,
This paper builds on James Cones' Black Liberation Theology (BLT) and grants the well-known fact that BLT leans heavily on the Hebrew Bible’s Exodus motif for its hermeneutic. Cones used the Exodus motif to argue for the need for... more
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      Black Liberation TheologyRacial JusticeBiblical Studies; New Testament; GospelsThe New Exodus