The Holy Qur'an is a basic living guidance for Muslims. The depth of the sea of knowledge in the ... more The Holy Qur'an is a basic living guidance for Muslims. The depth of the sea of knowledge in the Holy Qur'an gives its own attractiveness to many researcher to conduct exploration involving automated application. This article provides a practical works of text mining applied as an initial route which begin with some Qur'anic structures phenomenon by clustering the verses. K-means algorithm has been applied to clustering experiment in a framework of text mining. This study resulted the total of 6236 verses (data corpus), using unsteamed and steamed words which then establish three clusters.
Citation in research activity is crucial. Various of journal publication media are available as a... more Citation in research activity is crucial. Various of journal publication media are available as a forum for publication and a source of research reference. In this study, we propose an analytical model for cytation networks in journal publications using a network of sciences. In addition, our cited network analysis model contains a structured text representation with Sequence of Words (SOW) form in the pre-process stage. The algorithm which is used to produce text representation in this research is the algorithm that corresponds to the generated SOW form, such as sequential or frequent pattern algorithm. The conceptual validation of the cytation network model in this study was carried out at the Department of Informatics Engineering, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. By using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a conceptual validation, the cited network analysis model in this study is ready and possible to implement easily because it is described in general concept.
This article proposes a conceptual framework design tool to implement Secure Place Locator (SPL) ... more This article proposes a conceptual framework design tool to implement Secure Place Locator (SPL) that can help the process of Disaster Management (DM) through utilizing social media, in which this software can inform disaster site and safe point for casualities evacuation in real time with Geographic Information System (GIS) aid. The discussion is limited to the system design, with design methodology tool as an adaptation of the model development System of Design Life Cycle (SDLC), which includes the following stages: problem identification and selection, initiation and planning, analysis, and design. The analysis of formulated design is expected to handle disaster evacuation quickly and appropriately, this device will have a significant impact in the evacuation process (recovery) of victims by discovering a safe point of evacuation in order that help is given on target and evenly. The benefit of SPL implementation is that SPL can map position, quantity, density, and incident in the disaster site, so that DM process can be performed quickly and accurately.
The research implements a Case-based Reasoning method into an expert system to help mechanical te... more The research implements a Case-based Reasoning method into an expert system to help mechanical team in an automobile service station in relation with making a specific decision to address customer complaints. A number of mechanistic criteria and potential alternatives are designed, using knowledge-based as a system backbone which is elaborated into four main general phases known as retrieving similar problems, reusing knowledge, revising solution and retaining experiences to fortify a best solution. Technically, an on line application system are constructed by Object-oriented Software Engineering (OOSE) model to serve end-users interactively. The result of this study indicates an on line expert system where the application not only can be effectively utilized by specialized team but also be able to serve as a knowledge bridge for other.
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 1999
Background: TGF- 1 is a prosclerotic cytokine implicated in fibrotic processes. Fibrosis of the ... more Background: TGF- 1 is a prosclerotic cytokine implicated in fibrotic processes. Fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma and airways is a frequent presentation in lung transplant recipients before and after transplantation. There are two genetic polymorphisms in the DNA sequence encoding the leader sequence of the TGF- 1 protein, located at codon 10 (either leucine or proline) and at codon 25 (either arginine or proline). The codon 25 arginine allele is associated with higher TGF- 1 production by cells activated in vitro. We tested the hypothesis that inheritance of alleles of the TGF- 1 gene conferring higher production of TGF- 1 may be responsible for over-expression of TGF- 1 in transplant recipients resulting in lung allograft fibrosis.
Forty patients underwent orthotopic cardiac transplantation at Wythenshawe Hospital between May 1... more Forty patients underwent orthotopic cardiac transplantation at Wythenshawe Hospital between May 1991 and November 1992. Twenty patients had transplantation using an alternative technique that preserves the shape of the left atrium and leaves the right atrium intact (group A). The remaining twenty had conventional transplantation using the technique described by Lower and Shumway (group B). The patients were randomized to either the new or the conventional technique on an alternate basis. There was no mortality in group A, but two patients in group B developed right ventricular failure and died. Two patients in each group developed nodal rhythm and all four recovered sinus rhythm. Echocardiography and Doppler velocimetry at the transvalvular level confirmed normal atrial function in group A with erratic atrial contraction wave in group B. There was also slightly lower incidence of mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation in group A than in group B. The improved atrial function in group A may play a part in the prevention of right sided failure following cardiac transplantation.
... Please follow the link if you wish to visit the database now. International Journal of Remote... more ... Please follow the link if you wish to visit the database now. International Journal of Remote Sensing. ... Lineament mapping in a tropical environment using Landsat imagery. ... DOI: 10.1080/01431160902842383 MF Ramli a * , NK Tripathi b , N. Yusof a , HZM Shafri c & Z. Ali ...
To determine the effect of subchronic dermal application of these chemicals on the adult brain, w... more To determine the effect of subchronic dermal application of these chemicals on the adult brain, we evaluated histopathological alterations in the brain of adult male rats following a daily dermal dose of DEET (40 mg/kg in 70% ethanol) or permethrin (0.13 mg/kg in 70% ethanol) or a combination of the two for 60 days. Control rats received a daily dermal dose of 70% ethanol for 60 days. Animals were perfused and brains were processed for morphological and histopathological analyses following the above regimen. Quantification of the density of healthy (or surviving) neurons in the motor cerebral cortex, the dentate gyrus, the CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus, and the cerebellum revealed significant reductions in all three treated groups compared with the control group. Further, animals receiving either DEET or permethrin exhibited a significant number of degenerating (eosinophilic) neurons in the above brain regions. However, degenerating neurons were infrequent in animals receiving both DEET and permethrin, suggesting that neuronal cell death occurs earlier in animals receiving combined DEET and permethrin than in animals receiving either DEET or permethrin alone. The extent of neuron loss in different brain regions was similar among the three treatment groups except the dentate gyrus, where neurodegeneration was significantly greater with exposure to DEET alone. The neuron loss in the motor cerebral cortex and the CA1 subfield of all treated groups was also corroborated by a significant decrease in microtubule associated protein 2-immunoreactive elements (15-52% reduction), with maximal reductions occurring in rats receiving DEET alone; further, the surviving neurons in animals receiving both DEET and permethrin exhibited wavy and beaded dendrites. Analysis of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity revealed significant hypertrophy of astrocytes in the hippocampus and the cerebellum of all treated groups (24 -106% increase). Thus, subchronic dermal application of DEET and permethrin to adult rats, alone or in combination, leads to a diffuse neuronal cell death in the cerebral cortex, the hippocampal formation, and the cerebellum. Collectively, the above alterations can lead to many physiological, pharmacological, and behavioral abnormalities, particularly motor deficits and learning and memory dysfunction.
Vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm (VAP) is the result of the penetrating neck trauma, chiropractic ... more Vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm (VAP) is the result of the penetrating neck trauma, chiropractic manipulation, vasculopathies and rarely iatrogenic due to internal jugular vein (IJV) catheterization. It should be identified and treated immediately because of its potential risk of rupture. We present a case of a right VAP resulting from jugular vein catheterization, with the Doppler ultrasonography (US), Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. Although angiography is a well known gold standard modality, Doppler US, CT and MRI findings can be sufficient to demonstrate VAP.
Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines co... more Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines considerably during ageing. However, potential age-related alterations in migration, enduring survival and neuronal fate choice of newly born cells, and rate of maturation and dendritic growth of newly differentiated neurons are mostly unknown. We addressed these issues by analysing cells that are positive for 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), doublecortin (DCX), BrdU and DCX, and BrdU and neuron-specific nuclear antigen (NeuN) in the DG of young adult, middle-aged and aged F344 rats treated with daily injections of BrdU for 12 consecutive days. Analyses performed at 24 h, 10 days and 5 months after BrdU injections reveal that the extent of new cell production decreases dramatically by middle age but exhibits no change thereafter. Interestingly, fractions of newly formed cells that exhibit appropriate migration and prolonged survival, and fractions of newly born cells that differentiate into neurons, remain stable during ageing. However, in newly formed neurons of the middle-aged and aged DG, the expression of mature neuronal marker NeuN is delayed and early dendritic growth is retarded. Thus, the presence of far fewer new granule cells in the aged DG is not due to alterations in the long term survival and phenotypic differentiation of newly generated cells but solely owing to diminished production of new cells. The results also underscore that the capability of the DG milieu to support neuronal fate choice, migration and enduring survival of newly born cells remains stable even during senescence but its ability to promote rapid neuronal maturation and dendritic growth is diminished as early as middle age.
A 47-year-old male patient has been suffering from chest pain. Two fistulas from proximal right c... more A 47-year-old male patient has been suffering from chest pain. Two fistulas from proximal right coronary artery and left main coronary artery to pulmonary artery has been found in both coronary angiography (Fig. 1) and operation (Fig. 2). Fistula orifices were closed ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the preoperative management and long-term survival of patie... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the preoperative management and long-term survival of patients undergoing heart transplantation as a redo-operation and compare the results with those obtained in patients undergoing transplantation as their first cardiac surgical procedure. Between 1990 and 1997, 49 heart transplantation procedures were performed in patients who had undergone previous cardiac surgery (group A). This subgroup of patients was compared to 109 control patients who underwent cardiac transplantation as the primary cardiac procedure (group B). Patient groups were analysed regarding their preoperative, intra-operative, and postoperative variables in addition to survival. Pre-operative events were comparable in both groups but the duration of the operation was longer for group A (311+/-68 min) compared to group B (202+/-34 min); P=0.02. Post-operative exploration for bleeding was 6/49 patients in group A compared to 2/107 patients in group B (P=0.02). Post-operative blood loss and intensive care stay were greater for group A (1302+/-360 ml and 6.1+/-3.1 days, respectively) compared to group B (763+/-126 ml and 4.1+/-1.9 days, respectively); P=0.02. There was no difference in hospital mortality (group A 12.5%, group B 13 % P=0.9) and the 5-year survival rates were 68 and 71% for group A and B, respectively (P=0.9). Heart transplantation after previous open cardiac surgery is entirely justified in terms of outcome and graft function even in time of profound organ scarcity. Long-term events in these recipients are similar to patients in whom transplantation is the primary procedure.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regional infusion of carnitine on spin... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regional infusion of carnitine on spinal cord ischemia--reperfusion (I--R) in rabbits. The 36 rabbits were divided into four equal groups, group I (sham operated, no I--R injury), group II (control, only I--R), group III (I--R+intraaortic lactated Ringer's, LR, during aortic occlusion), group IV (I--R+LR plus 100mg/kg carnitine). Spinal cord ischemia was induced by clamping the aorta both below the left renal artery and above the aortic bifurcation. The spinal cord function of all animals was assessed clinically 24h after aortic declamping. Spinal cord samples were taken to measure the levels of tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and to evaluate the histopathological changes. We found significant increases in the levels of MDA in groups II and III compared with group I (P<0.01), and elevation of MDA in group IV was insignificant. In group II, all animals (100%) were paraplegic with Tarlov's score of 0 and in group III, eight animals (88%) were paraplegic with Tarlov's score of 0 or 1. None of the animals (0%) from group IV was paraplegic. Histologic examination of spinal cords from group IV animals revealed that the appearance of the spinal cord was relatively preserved, whereas spinal cords from groups II and III had evidence of acute neuronal injury. The results suggest that regional infusion of carnitine during aortic clamping reduces spinal cord injury and prevents neurologic damage in rabbit spinal cord I--R model.
The role of aprotinin in the prevention of lung reperfusion injury was investigated in the patien... more The role of aprotinin in the prevention of lung reperfusion injury was investigated in the patients undergoing cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB) for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operations. The study was planned randomly and prospectively. Two hundred milliliters of physiological saline solution was added to the prime solution of patients in group I (n=10) whereas, 200 ml aprotinin (Trasylol, Bayer AG) was given to patients in group II (n=10). In order to measure lung tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, glutathion peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity levels and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) numbers, lung tissue samples were taken before CPB and 5 min after removing the cross clamp. In addition, alveolo-arterial oxygen difference (AaDO(2)) for tissue oxygenation was calculated by obtaining arterial blood gas samples. MDA levels before CPB increased from 41.72+/-21.00 nmol/g tissue to 66.71+/-13.44 nmol/g tissue in group I and from 43.44+/-5.16 nmol MDA/g tissue to 53.22+/-10.95 nmol MDA/g tissue in group II after cross clamp removal (P=0.001 and P=0.021, respectively). The increase in group II was found to be significantly lower than group I (P=0.048). With the initiation of reperfusion, GSH-Px activity decreased in group I from 3.05+/-0.97 to 2.31+/-0.46 U/mg protein (P=0.015) whereas GSH-Px activity in group II decreased from 3.18+/-1.01 to 2.74+/-0.81 U/mg protein (P=0. 055). This decrease in the group II was less than group I (P=0.049). AaDO(2) significantly increased in the group I and II (P=0.012 and P=0.020, respectively), but elevation in the group I was significant than in the Group II (P=0.049). In histopathological examination, it was observed that neutrophil counts in the lung parenchyma rose significantly following removal of cross clamp in both groups (P=0. 001). The increase in group I was significantly larger than in group II (P=0.050). Results represented in our study indicate that addition of aprotinin (2 million units) into the prime solution during CPB can reduce lung reperfusion injury.
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system may contribute to the renal vasoconstriction and sod... more Activation of the sympathetic nervous system may contribute to the renal vasoconstriction and sodium retention seen in congestive heart failure. Previous studies in congestive heart failure patients employing large doses of prazosin that lowered systemic blood pressure have been generally disappointing. The renal haemodynamic and segmental tubular effects of low non-depressor doses of prazosin (0.25 mg and 0.50 mg) were examined in eight female patients with mild to moderate congestive heart failure. Segmental tubular function was assessed by the lithium clearance method. Compared to placebo, prazosin caused a significant increase in urinary sodium excretion (from 56 +/- 7 to 92 +/- 7 mumol.min-1, P < 0.01), paralleled by significant increases in fractional excretion of sodium and lithium. Glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow were not altered by prazosin. Prazosin pre-treatment did not alter any of the renal responses to frusemide treatment (mean dose 85 +/- 14 mg). This study demonstrates that low non-depressor doses of prazosin have a clear natriuretic effect in congestive heart failure patients, which is predominantly established by interference with tubular reabsorption.
Ergotamine, an ergot alkaloid with partial agonist effects on alpha1 receptors and serotonin rece... more Ergotamine, an ergot alkaloid with partial agonist effects on alpha1 receptors and serotonin receptors, is widely used in the treatment of migraine. Ergotamine may cause severe vasospasm. A 25-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with complaints of sudden coldness, pallor, and pain in his hands and feet for 2 days. He had been using a drug containing ergotamine for his migraine headaches for 1 week. On examination, the pulses of the radial, ulnar, popliteal, and tibial arteries were bilaterally undetectable. Treatment consisted of sodium nitroprusside and heparin. On the third day of the admission, bilateral brachial and femoral artery pulses were lost and his complaints exacerbated. Angiography revealed diffuse vasospasm of the arteries in the both lower extremities (Fig. 1A and C). Because of the lack of response to the ongoing therapy, a single dose of methylprednisolone sodium succinate (1 mg/kg) was given intravenously; the nitroprusside infusion was terminated because of the development of hypotension. The pulses were palpable 2 h after the methylprednisolone dose. Angiography done 12 h after the methylprednisolone dose showed improvement of the vasospasm in the lower extremities. Recovery was uneventful and follow-up evaluation found no abnormalities. Although vasodilator agents are first-line therapy in the treatment of ergotism, corticosteroids may be considered as an alternative therapy, especially for intractable cases. The mechanism by which corticosteroids dilate arteries is not clear. Ischemia in an extremity secondary to ergotamine-induced vasospasm unresponsive to sodium nitroprusside may be treated successfully with methylprednisolone.
Brucellosis is a zoonosis that behaves as a systemic infection with various clinical signs and sy... more Brucellosis is a zoonosis that behaves as a systemic infection with various clinical signs and symptoms. Brucella endocarditis, although a rare complication of Brucella infection, is nevertheless responsible for the majority of deaths related to this illness. Brucella endocarditis was associated with an atrial septal defect (ASD) in a 45-year-old woman. Echocardiography showed a secundum ASD with vegetations of 0.5 x 0.8 cm arising from the border of the defect, and serologic analysis was positive for Brucella agglutinin, thus confirming the diagnosis. She was initially treated with a 1-month preoperative course of antibiotics. At surgery, the vegetations were excised and the defect was closed with polypropylene. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and she was discharged on the 10th postoperative day.
We present a woman having congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava and partial anomalous pu... more We present a woman having congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return from the right lung with atrial septal defect in a 38-year-old. Congenital anomalies of inferior vena cava are rare. They are seen more often in young males. If there are not other anomalies, they are latent for a long time. Peripheral venous thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency, dyspnea and fatigue are often the first symptoms of these anomalies. Surgical repair of atrial septal defect with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return include provision of durably unobstructed systemic and pulmonary venous pathways, closure of the atrial septal defect, and avoidance of arrhythmias. The diagnosis has been determined by compression ultrasonography with color doppler assessment, multidetector computed tomography angiography and echocardiography.
The Holy Qur'an is a basic living guidance for Muslims. The depth of the sea of knowledge in the ... more The Holy Qur'an is a basic living guidance for Muslims. The depth of the sea of knowledge in the Holy Qur'an gives its own attractiveness to many researcher to conduct exploration involving automated application. This article provides a practical works of text mining applied as an initial route which begin with some Qur'anic structures phenomenon by clustering the verses. K-means algorithm has been applied to clustering experiment in a framework of text mining. This study resulted the total of 6236 verses (data corpus), using unsteamed and steamed words which then establish three clusters.
Citation in research activity is crucial. Various of journal publication media are available as a... more Citation in research activity is crucial. Various of journal publication media are available as a forum for publication and a source of research reference. In this study, we propose an analytical model for cytation networks in journal publications using a network of sciences. In addition, our cited network analysis model contains a structured text representation with Sequence of Words (SOW) form in the pre-process stage. The algorithm which is used to produce text representation in this research is the algorithm that corresponds to the generated SOW form, such as sequential or frequent pattern algorithm. The conceptual validation of the cytation network model in this study was carried out at the Department of Informatics Engineering, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. By using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a conceptual validation, the cited network analysis model in this study is ready and possible to implement easily because it is described in general concept.
This article proposes a conceptual framework design tool to implement Secure Place Locator (SPL) ... more This article proposes a conceptual framework design tool to implement Secure Place Locator (SPL) that can help the process of Disaster Management (DM) through utilizing social media, in which this software can inform disaster site and safe point for casualities evacuation in real time with Geographic Information System (GIS) aid. The discussion is limited to the system design, with design methodology tool as an adaptation of the model development System of Design Life Cycle (SDLC), which includes the following stages: problem identification and selection, initiation and planning, analysis, and design. The analysis of formulated design is expected to handle disaster evacuation quickly and appropriately, this device will have a significant impact in the evacuation process (recovery) of victims by discovering a safe point of evacuation in order that help is given on target and evenly. The benefit of SPL implementation is that SPL can map position, quantity, density, and incident in the disaster site, so that DM process can be performed quickly and accurately.
The research implements a Case-based Reasoning method into an expert system to help mechanical te... more The research implements a Case-based Reasoning method into an expert system to help mechanical team in an automobile service station in relation with making a specific decision to address customer complaints. A number of mechanistic criteria and potential alternatives are designed, using knowledge-based as a system backbone which is elaborated into four main general phases known as retrieving similar problems, reusing knowledge, revising solution and retaining experiences to fortify a best solution. Technically, an on line application system are constructed by Object-oriented Software Engineering (OOSE) model to serve end-users interactively. The result of this study indicates an on line expert system where the application not only can be effectively utilized by specialized team but also be able to serve as a knowledge bridge for other.
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 1999
Background: TGF- 1 is a prosclerotic cytokine implicated in fibrotic processes. Fibrosis of the ... more Background: TGF- 1 is a prosclerotic cytokine implicated in fibrotic processes. Fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma and airways is a frequent presentation in lung transplant recipients before and after transplantation. There are two genetic polymorphisms in the DNA sequence encoding the leader sequence of the TGF- 1 protein, located at codon 10 (either leucine or proline) and at codon 25 (either arginine or proline). The codon 25 arginine allele is associated with higher TGF- 1 production by cells activated in vitro. We tested the hypothesis that inheritance of alleles of the TGF- 1 gene conferring higher production of TGF- 1 may be responsible for over-expression of TGF- 1 in transplant recipients resulting in lung allograft fibrosis.
Forty patients underwent orthotopic cardiac transplantation at Wythenshawe Hospital between May 1... more Forty patients underwent orthotopic cardiac transplantation at Wythenshawe Hospital between May 1991 and November 1992. Twenty patients had transplantation using an alternative technique that preserves the shape of the left atrium and leaves the right atrium intact (group A). The remaining twenty had conventional transplantation using the technique described by Lower and Shumway (group B). The patients were randomized to either the new or the conventional technique on an alternate basis. There was no mortality in group A, but two patients in group B developed right ventricular failure and died. Two patients in each group developed nodal rhythm and all four recovered sinus rhythm. Echocardiography and Doppler velocimetry at the transvalvular level confirmed normal atrial function in group A with erratic atrial contraction wave in group B. There was also slightly lower incidence of mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation in group A than in group B. The improved atrial function in group A may play a part in the prevention of right sided failure following cardiac transplantation.
... Please follow the link if you wish to visit the database now. International Journal of Remote... more ... Please follow the link if you wish to visit the database now. International Journal of Remote Sensing. ... Lineament mapping in a tropical environment using Landsat imagery. ... DOI: 10.1080/01431160902842383 MF Ramli a * , NK Tripathi b , N. Yusof a , HZM Shafri c & Z. Ali ...
To determine the effect of subchronic dermal application of these chemicals on the adult brain, w... more To determine the effect of subchronic dermal application of these chemicals on the adult brain, we evaluated histopathological alterations in the brain of adult male rats following a daily dermal dose of DEET (40 mg/kg in 70% ethanol) or permethrin (0.13 mg/kg in 70% ethanol) or a combination of the two for 60 days. Control rats received a daily dermal dose of 70% ethanol for 60 days. Animals were perfused and brains were processed for morphological and histopathological analyses following the above regimen. Quantification of the density of healthy (or surviving) neurons in the motor cerebral cortex, the dentate gyrus, the CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus, and the cerebellum revealed significant reductions in all three treated groups compared with the control group. Further, animals receiving either DEET or permethrin exhibited a significant number of degenerating (eosinophilic) neurons in the above brain regions. However, degenerating neurons were infrequent in animals receiving both DEET and permethrin, suggesting that neuronal cell death occurs earlier in animals receiving combined DEET and permethrin than in animals receiving either DEET or permethrin alone. The extent of neuron loss in different brain regions was similar among the three treatment groups except the dentate gyrus, where neurodegeneration was significantly greater with exposure to DEET alone. The neuron loss in the motor cerebral cortex and the CA1 subfield of all treated groups was also corroborated by a significant decrease in microtubule associated protein 2-immunoreactive elements (15-52% reduction), with maximal reductions occurring in rats receiving DEET alone; further, the surviving neurons in animals receiving both DEET and permethrin exhibited wavy and beaded dendrites. Analysis of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity revealed significant hypertrophy of astrocytes in the hippocampus and the cerebellum of all treated groups (24 -106% increase). Thus, subchronic dermal application of DEET and permethrin to adult rats, alone or in combination, leads to a diffuse neuronal cell death in the cerebral cortex, the hippocampal formation, and the cerebellum. Collectively, the above alterations can lead to many physiological, pharmacological, and behavioral abnormalities, particularly motor deficits and learning and memory dysfunction.
Vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm (VAP) is the result of the penetrating neck trauma, chiropractic ... more Vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm (VAP) is the result of the penetrating neck trauma, chiropractic manipulation, vasculopathies and rarely iatrogenic due to internal jugular vein (IJV) catheterization. It should be identified and treated immediately because of its potential risk of rupture. We present a case of a right VAP resulting from jugular vein catheterization, with the Doppler ultrasonography (US), Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. Although angiography is a well known gold standard modality, Doppler US, CT and MRI findings can be sufficient to demonstrate VAP.
Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines co... more Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines considerably during ageing. However, potential age-related alterations in migration, enduring survival and neuronal fate choice of newly born cells, and rate of maturation and dendritic growth of newly differentiated neurons are mostly unknown. We addressed these issues by analysing cells that are positive for 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), doublecortin (DCX), BrdU and DCX, and BrdU and neuron-specific nuclear antigen (NeuN) in the DG of young adult, middle-aged and aged F344 rats treated with daily injections of BrdU for 12 consecutive days. Analyses performed at 24 h, 10 days and 5 months after BrdU injections reveal that the extent of new cell production decreases dramatically by middle age but exhibits no change thereafter. Interestingly, fractions of newly formed cells that exhibit appropriate migration and prolonged survival, and fractions of newly born cells that differentiate into neurons, remain stable during ageing. However, in newly formed neurons of the middle-aged and aged DG, the expression of mature neuronal marker NeuN is delayed and early dendritic growth is retarded. Thus, the presence of far fewer new granule cells in the aged DG is not due to alterations in the long term survival and phenotypic differentiation of newly generated cells but solely owing to diminished production of new cells. The results also underscore that the capability of the DG milieu to support neuronal fate choice, migration and enduring survival of newly born cells remains stable even during senescence but its ability to promote rapid neuronal maturation and dendritic growth is diminished as early as middle age.
A 47-year-old male patient has been suffering from chest pain. Two fistulas from proximal right c... more A 47-year-old male patient has been suffering from chest pain. Two fistulas from proximal right coronary artery and left main coronary artery to pulmonary artery has been found in both coronary angiography (Fig. 1) and operation (Fig. 2). Fistula orifices were closed ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the preoperative management and long-term survival of patie... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the preoperative management and long-term survival of patients undergoing heart transplantation as a redo-operation and compare the results with those obtained in patients undergoing transplantation as their first cardiac surgical procedure. Between 1990 and 1997, 49 heart transplantation procedures were performed in patients who had undergone previous cardiac surgery (group A). This subgroup of patients was compared to 109 control patients who underwent cardiac transplantation as the primary cardiac procedure (group B). Patient groups were analysed regarding their preoperative, intra-operative, and postoperative variables in addition to survival. Pre-operative events were comparable in both groups but the duration of the operation was longer for group A (311+/-68 min) compared to group B (202+/-34 min); P=0.02. Post-operative exploration for bleeding was 6/49 patients in group A compared to 2/107 patients in group B (P=0.02). Post-operative blood loss and intensive care stay were greater for group A (1302+/-360 ml and 6.1+/-3.1 days, respectively) compared to group B (763+/-126 ml and 4.1+/-1.9 days, respectively); P=0.02. There was no difference in hospital mortality (group A 12.5%, group B 13 % P=0.9) and the 5-year survival rates were 68 and 71% for group A and B, respectively (P=0.9). Heart transplantation after previous open cardiac surgery is entirely justified in terms of outcome and graft function even in time of profound organ scarcity. Long-term events in these recipients are similar to patients in whom transplantation is the primary procedure.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regional infusion of carnitine on spin... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regional infusion of carnitine on spinal cord ischemia--reperfusion (I--R) in rabbits. The 36 rabbits were divided into four equal groups, group I (sham operated, no I--R injury), group II (control, only I--R), group III (I--R+intraaortic lactated Ringer's, LR, during aortic occlusion), group IV (I--R+LR plus 100mg/kg carnitine). Spinal cord ischemia was induced by clamping the aorta both below the left renal artery and above the aortic bifurcation. The spinal cord function of all animals was assessed clinically 24h after aortic declamping. Spinal cord samples were taken to measure the levels of tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and to evaluate the histopathological changes. We found significant increases in the levels of MDA in groups II and III compared with group I (P<0.01), and elevation of MDA in group IV was insignificant. In group II, all animals (100%) were paraplegic with Tarlov's score of 0 and in group III, eight animals (88%) were paraplegic with Tarlov's score of 0 or 1. None of the animals (0%) from group IV was paraplegic. Histologic examination of spinal cords from group IV animals revealed that the appearance of the spinal cord was relatively preserved, whereas spinal cords from groups II and III had evidence of acute neuronal injury. The results suggest that regional infusion of carnitine during aortic clamping reduces spinal cord injury and prevents neurologic damage in rabbit spinal cord I--R model.
The role of aprotinin in the prevention of lung reperfusion injury was investigated in the patien... more The role of aprotinin in the prevention of lung reperfusion injury was investigated in the patients undergoing cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB) for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operations. The study was planned randomly and prospectively. Two hundred milliliters of physiological saline solution was added to the prime solution of patients in group I (n=10) whereas, 200 ml aprotinin (Trasylol, Bayer AG) was given to patients in group II (n=10). In order to measure lung tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, glutathion peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity levels and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) numbers, lung tissue samples were taken before CPB and 5 min after removing the cross clamp. In addition, alveolo-arterial oxygen difference (AaDO(2)) for tissue oxygenation was calculated by obtaining arterial blood gas samples. MDA levels before CPB increased from 41.72+/-21.00 nmol/g tissue to 66.71+/-13.44 nmol/g tissue in group I and from 43.44+/-5.16 nmol MDA/g tissue to 53.22+/-10.95 nmol MDA/g tissue in group II after cross clamp removal (P=0.001 and P=0.021, respectively). The increase in group II was found to be significantly lower than group I (P=0.048). With the initiation of reperfusion, GSH-Px activity decreased in group I from 3.05+/-0.97 to 2.31+/-0.46 U/mg protein (P=0.015) whereas GSH-Px activity in group II decreased from 3.18+/-1.01 to 2.74+/-0.81 U/mg protein (P=0. 055). This decrease in the group II was less than group I (P=0.049). AaDO(2) significantly increased in the group I and II (P=0.012 and P=0.020, respectively), but elevation in the group I was significant than in the Group II (P=0.049). In histopathological examination, it was observed that neutrophil counts in the lung parenchyma rose significantly following removal of cross clamp in both groups (P=0. 001). The increase in group I was significantly larger than in group II (P=0.050). Results represented in our study indicate that addition of aprotinin (2 million units) into the prime solution during CPB can reduce lung reperfusion injury.
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system may contribute to the renal vasoconstriction and sod... more Activation of the sympathetic nervous system may contribute to the renal vasoconstriction and sodium retention seen in congestive heart failure. Previous studies in congestive heart failure patients employing large doses of prazosin that lowered systemic blood pressure have been generally disappointing. The renal haemodynamic and segmental tubular effects of low non-depressor doses of prazosin (0.25 mg and 0.50 mg) were examined in eight female patients with mild to moderate congestive heart failure. Segmental tubular function was assessed by the lithium clearance method. Compared to placebo, prazosin caused a significant increase in urinary sodium excretion (from 56 +/- 7 to 92 +/- 7 mumol.min-1, P < 0.01), paralleled by significant increases in fractional excretion of sodium and lithium. Glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow were not altered by prazosin. Prazosin pre-treatment did not alter any of the renal responses to frusemide treatment (mean dose 85 +/- 14 mg). This study demonstrates that low non-depressor doses of prazosin have a clear natriuretic effect in congestive heart failure patients, which is predominantly established by interference with tubular reabsorption.
Ergotamine, an ergot alkaloid with partial agonist effects on alpha1 receptors and serotonin rece... more Ergotamine, an ergot alkaloid with partial agonist effects on alpha1 receptors and serotonin receptors, is widely used in the treatment of migraine. Ergotamine may cause severe vasospasm. A 25-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with complaints of sudden coldness, pallor, and pain in his hands and feet for 2 days. He had been using a drug containing ergotamine for his migraine headaches for 1 week. On examination, the pulses of the radial, ulnar, popliteal, and tibial arteries were bilaterally undetectable. Treatment consisted of sodium nitroprusside and heparin. On the third day of the admission, bilateral brachial and femoral artery pulses were lost and his complaints exacerbated. Angiography revealed diffuse vasospasm of the arteries in the both lower extremities (Fig. 1A and C). Because of the lack of response to the ongoing therapy, a single dose of methylprednisolone sodium succinate (1 mg/kg) was given intravenously; the nitroprusside infusion was terminated because of the development of hypotension. The pulses were palpable 2 h after the methylprednisolone dose. Angiography done 12 h after the methylprednisolone dose showed improvement of the vasospasm in the lower extremities. Recovery was uneventful and follow-up evaluation found no abnormalities. Although vasodilator agents are first-line therapy in the treatment of ergotism, corticosteroids may be considered as an alternative therapy, especially for intractable cases. The mechanism by which corticosteroids dilate arteries is not clear. Ischemia in an extremity secondary to ergotamine-induced vasospasm unresponsive to sodium nitroprusside may be treated successfully with methylprednisolone.
Brucellosis is a zoonosis that behaves as a systemic infection with various clinical signs and sy... more Brucellosis is a zoonosis that behaves as a systemic infection with various clinical signs and symptoms. Brucella endocarditis, although a rare complication of Brucella infection, is nevertheless responsible for the majority of deaths related to this illness. Brucella endocarditis was associated with an atrial septal defect (ASD) in a 45-year-old woman. Echocardiography showed a secundum ASD with vegetations of 0.5 x 0.8 cm arising from the border of the defect, and serologic analysis was positive for Brucella agglutinin, thus confirming the diagnosis. She was initially treated with a 1-month preoperative course of antibiotics. At surgery, the vegetations were excised and the defect was closed with polypropylene. Postoperative recovery was uneventful and she was discharged on the 10th postoperative day.
We present a woman having congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava and partial anomalous pu... more We present a woman having congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return from the right lung with atrial septal defect in a 38-year-old. Congenital anomalies of inferior vena cava are rare. They are seen more often in young males. If there are not other anomalies, they are latent for a long time. Peripheral venous thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency, dyspnea and fatigue are often the first symptoms of these anomalies. Surgical repair of atrial septal defect with partial anomalous pulmonary venous return include provision of durably unobstructed systemic and pulmonary venous pathways, closure of the atrial septal defect, and avoidance of arrhythmias. The diagnosis has been determined by compression ultrasonography with color doppler assessment, multidetector computed tomography angiography and echocardiography.
Papers by Ali Rahman