Book Reviews by György Sági
Századvég, 2021
KLESTENITZ Tibor: Pajzs és kard. Bangha Béla élete és eszmeisége, Budapest 2020. könyv recenziója... more KLESTENITZ Tibor: Pajzs és kard. Bangha Béla élete és eszmeisége, Budapest 2020. könyv recenziója, ismertetése.
Magyar Sion - Új folyam, 2021
Erdészeti Lapok 156 (2021) 1. p. 30., 2021
KANÁSZ Viktor: Fenyvesek és Pagonyok c. könyvének recenziója.
Mediárium 12 (2018) 1–2. 137–141.
A Vatikánvárosi Áilam botygónk legkisebb szuverén országa, az egykori Pápai Áilam jogutódja; álla... more A Vatikánvárosi Áilam botygónk legkisebb szuverén országa, az egykori Pápai Áilam jogutódja; államfője teokratikus és abszolút uralkodóként a mindenkori római pápa. A miniállam ad otthont az Apostoli Szentszéknek és hivatalainak. A honlapjára2 pillantva is erről kapunk képet. A kilenc nyelven, olaszul, angolul, spanyolul, franciául, németül, portugáltrl, kínaiul, arabul, latinul elérhető weboldalon természetesen megttrdhatrrnk minden szükséges információt a jelenlegi pápáról és tevékenységérőI, valarnint a szentszéki dikasztériumok műköcléséről, az egyházi év felosztásáról. Mind-azonáItal ha jobban belemélyedünk a tanulmányozásba, akkor nagy men-nyiségű információhoz férhettink hozzá az elmúlt időkre, korokra,n,onatkozőan egyaránt.

Keresztény Szó 29 (2018) 7. 29–32.
születésű brit tényfeltáró újságíró, a tit kosszol gálatok kiváló ismerője 2012-ben publikálta an... more születésű brit tényfeltáró újságíró, a tit kosszol gálatok kiváló ismerője 2012-ben publikálta angol nyelven könyvét lhe Pope's Jews: The Vatican's Secret Plan to Saye Jews from the Nazis címmel, a New York-i St. Martin's Press kiadásában, a Thomas Dunne Books köteteként. A könyv magyar nyelvre való átültetése Rezsőfi Juditnak köszönhető, aki már nem először fordított Xll. Piusz pápa (1939)(1940)(1941)(1942)(1943)(1944)(1945)(1946)(1947)(1948)(1949)(1950)(1951)(1952)(1953)(1954)(1955)(1956)(1957)(1958) korát íeldolgozó idegen nyelvű2 művet. A szerző könyvét feleségének, a belsőépítész Edith Maria Thomasnak ajánlotta, aki íérje mellett koordinálta a könyv elkészítését, az ahhoz végzett kutatómunkát, Thomas 332 oldalas könyve elején felsorolja azokaí, akik valamilyen módon segítették munkáját, részt vettek a kutatásban. Az előszőban és a könyv végi epilógusban vázolja a nácizmus, illetve Hitler zsidókkal szembeni álláspontját, valamint rátér a Xll. Piusz személye körüli ellentmondásokra, melyek a ll. világháború alatti működése kapcsán kialakultak, Egyértelműen utal arra már itt is, hogy nem állja meg helyét a ,,Hitler pápája" vád, amit Rolf Hochhuth 1963-ban bemutatott darabja3 rosszhiszemű, politikai indíitatású vádjai után egyes szerzőka tovább erősítettek, hamis képet alakítva ki a katolikus egyház néhai fejéről, saját világnézeti beállítottságuk alapján formázva az egyházíő profilját. Mindezek alapjául az szolgálhatott, hogy kétségteienül sok német származású személy ,,,eíe körül Szent Péter 259. utódját. Az eg;,háziönek a német népről kialakult jó véleménye is erősíteite ezt a hatástmindez a vélemény még németországi apostoli nunciusi korában történt tapasztalataira vezethető vissza -. ez azonban nem jelentett semmiképpen sem ideológiai szimpátiát a Németországban kiépülő nemzetiszocialista rendszer irányában. Xll. Piusz és a zsidők. zsidőmentési terae Gordon Thomas: A vatikőn titkos Thomas könyvét öt részre osztotta fel, ezen belül összesen tizenhét fejezet különül el. lgen olvasmányosan tálalt művében a szerző elénk tárja a római gettó és általánosságban véve az Örök Város és a Vatikán életét a háború sújtotta Európa kulturális szívében. Művéből érezhető, hogy a szerző nem szakképzett történész, ennek ellenére igényesen törekszik bemutatni a vizsgált témát, Könyvében azonban metlőz minden hivatkozást, még az idézésekkor is, csupán könyve végén írja le, milyen forrásokra hagyatkozott, valamint hogy kik azok, akiknek visszaemlékezéseit felhasználhatta íorrásként. A íelhasznált szakirodalmat is ezt követően sorolja fel. A hivatkozások, pontos forrásmegjelölések hiánya az, ami egyedül negatívumként róható fel a lnprrsTvÉREK (Praeconia 2018 l'1,., Vigilia 20181 6., Korunk 20]-.81 6.\ Liturgikus nyelv címmel jelent meg a magyar liturgikus szakfolyóirat, a Praeconia ez évi első száma. A liturgia cselekvése mellett kiemelkedő szerepe van a szónak, a beszédnek, a nyelvnek, Ezt ismerte fel a Il. vatikáni zsinat, amikor a Sacrosaníum conciliumban szorgalmazta a népnyelv használatát (pl. 36. pont), ugyanakkor az egyház hivaialos nyelvének megőrzését is. A szó lsten szava és az ő küldöitjének, Krisztusnak a tanítása, ame|y hozzánk szól, minkei szólít meg, iőlünk vár határozott lépéseket, döntéseket, Másrészi a mi nyelvünk is, amivel kifejezzük odafordulásunkat lstenhez, amivel válaszolunk neki, amivel önmagunkat, hódolatunkat nyilvánítjuk ki előtte. Ezért ,,az együttünneplés és tevékeny közreműködés egyik alapfeltétele az érthetőség" -ahogy Várnagy Antal helyesen megállap ítla (Litu rgi ka. Sze rtartástan, Lámpás Kiadó, Abaliget, 1993, 45). Ezt az összetett valóságot kell kiszolgálnia annak a nyelvnek, amit liturgikus nyelvnek nevezünk, s ami valószínűleg soha nem lesz olyan csiszolt, veretes, teológiailag tökéletesen pontos, mint a görög vagy a latin volt, mégis ez a nyelv szól a ma élő emberekhez, ez nyilla meg a szívüket, ez oktatja őket, ez vezeii közelebb őket lstenhez, A folyóirai mostani számában arra tesz kisérletet, hogy felvázolja, milyen irányelvek mentén, milyen bölcs belátásokat figyelembe véve alakítsuk, formáljuk, javítsuk a liturgia nyelvét, hogy az a mai emberhez szóljon, őt íelezze ki, ugyanakkor lsten örök szavát közvetítse, Erről szól a lap hat tematikus tanulmánya. Az egyéb tanulmányok között iíz írás érint érdekes és aktuális liturgikus, a liturgiával is kapcsolatban lévő kérdést. A Dokumentumok rovaIban négy új egyházi megnyilatkozás olvasható. A Liturgikus élet tizenegy kisebb írást tartalmaz liturgikus szakemberekről és liturgikus témákról, Mint ez már szokás: sajnos van ,,horror liturgicus" is, Az aktuális liturgikus kérdés a szentmise bűnbánati aktusára vonatkozik. A Szemlében pedig hét új könyvről írnak. A lap húsvétra jelent meg, amikor is a megváltás teljességét ünne-
CSÍKY BALÁZS: Serédi Jusztinián, Magyarország hercegprímása. Szerkesztette, lektorálta és sajtó a... more CSÍKY BALÁZS: Serédi Jusztinián, Magyarország hercegprímása. Szerkesztette, lektorálta és sajtó alá rendezte: Tóth Krisztina. Budapest, MTA BTK TTI -MTA-PPKE Fraknói Vilmos Római Történeti Kutatócsoport, 2018. (Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum, I/3. -Magyar Történelmi Emlékek. Értekezések) 484 old. 1
Magyarország és a római Szentszék (Források és távlatok). Tanulmányok Erdő bíboros tiszteletére (... more Magyarország és a római Szentszék (Források és távlatok). Tanulmányok Erdő bíboros tiszteletére (CVH I/8), szerk. TUSOR PÉTER, Budapest–Róma 2012. p. 466
Giovanni Barberini: La politica del dialogo. Le Carte Casaroli sull’Ostpolitik Vaticana (A párbes... more Giovanni Barberini: La politica del dialogo. Le Carte Casaroli sull’Ostpolitik Vaticana (A párbeszéd politikája – Casaroli keleti politikája) Società Editrice il Mulino, Bologna 2008. p. 882.
Horváth Terézia–Menyhárt Ágnes–Sági György: Magyarország és a római Szentszék II. Vatikáni magyar kutatások a 21. században (CVH I/15), szerk. Tusor Péter–Szovák Kornél–Fedeles Tamás, Budapest–Róma 2017. In: Egyháztörténeti Szemle 19. (2018) 1. 155-162.
Papers by György Sági

Fraknói Emlékkönyv (CVH I/24). szerk. Tusor Péter - Kanász Viktor, 2024
The study provides an insight into a little known period of Vilmos Frankl/Fraknói’s life, the per... more The study provides an insight into a little known period of Vilmos Frankl/Fraknói’s life, the period of the first scientific attempts of the scholar who was to lay the foundations for modern Hungarian historiography and systematic Vatican research.
Between 1858 and 1862, Vilmos Frankl was a student at the Central Institute for the Education of the Clergy (Seminarium Centrale) in Budapest. Since 1813, the seminary had a self-education circle for seminarists, which has continued its work under the name of the Hungarian Ecclesiastical Literature School since 1850 to this day. It has been intended to promote the linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical skills of the seminarians, in the framework of which translations, poems and studies are prepared and presented at their meetings; they also evaluate each other’s work. The annual “output” is usually published as the Munkálatok (Acts) publications.
The present study shows that, in addition to the renowned scholar’s priestly vocation, he had strong historical-scientific goals and interests from a very young age, and that he developed a strong affinity for them as a seminarist. Already at such an early age, at the dawn of his career, he displayed an objective critical vision, combined with a mature self-awareness. He is largely responsible for the establishment of this evaluative perspective within the School. Frankl was a full member of the School for two academic years between 1859 and 1861, but remained closely associated with it until his death. Between 1879 and 1892, Fraknói also offered a prize for the best students who had written the best dissertations on religious studies (preferably on church history).

XXVI. Tavaszi Szél Konferencia 2023 - Tanulmánykötet II., 2023
József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa and Bács (1943–1961) held the position of President of the Hu... more József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa and Bács (1943–1961) held the position of President of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Bench several times. This report in question was written during his second presidency (1948–1951), on 11th December 1949. The report cannot be found in the archives in Kalocsa, Hungary. During my Vatican research last autumn, I found this Latin document in the Historical Archives of the Papal State Secretariat. Grősz also attached copies of letters in Hungarian to his report. A summary of the report prepared in Italian at the State Secretariat. The list of events described by Archbishop Grősz begins shortly before the arrest of József Cardinal Mindszenty, Prince Primate of Hungary, Archbishop of Esztergom (1945–1974) in December 1948, and summarizes the following year – so it does not yet include the agreement signed by Grősz in the year 1950. From the source, we can find out what information had the Apostolic Holy See and Pope Pius XII (1939–1958) about Hungary at the time. In his writing, Archbishop Grősz comprehensively presents of relations between the state and the Church. He uses examples to illustrate state abuses and the unsuccesful steps of the Bishops’ Bench in the interests of Mindszenty, and also writes about the difficulties of the bishops and priests. In my study, I want to give a brief overview of the content of the report of the relationship between the Hungarian state and the Church at the time. I want to talk about
the significance of the report in church history.

The aim of this study was to examine the person of József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács (1943... more The aim of this study was to examine the person of József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács (1943–1961), not on the basis of written sources but using other sources available to us (paintings, photographs, film and sound recordings, and statues). We will also examine the extent to which Archbishop Grősz is part of the canon of remembrance, and how the nature of this can be described. Our aim is to create a portrait of Archbishop Grősz from as broad and varied a perspective as possible, which can be as close as possible to an understanding of the real person, the real prelate and the real man, complemented by an understanding of the commemorative purpose of canonization. To this end, we have drawn on the sources listed above, which historians, in their academic research and work, would perhaps not examine, or only partially, or not at all. However, in order to place these sources in their proper context, the career, calling and work of József Grősz is also briefly outlined. In the next part of our paper, we will analyze the types of sources mentioned above, and the conclusions we can draw from them.

The paper describes the conditions under which the members of the Kalocsa Poor School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, lived in Bácska, a new region established between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Serbian-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom (the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) after the First World War and placed under the jurisdiction of the latter, as stipulated in the Treaty of Trianon on the 4th of June in 1920. It provides a detailed overview of the various methods used by the general mother superiors, Mária Bernárda Bleilőb, Mária Aquina Vojnich and Mária Ildefonsa Bali, with the help of the archbishops of Kalocsa–Bács, Lipót Árpád Várady, and specially count Gyula Zichy and József Grősz, to secure their control over the convents in the annexed territories, with varying degrees of effectiveness. Furthermore, the paper provides insights into the relevant steps of the papal diplomacy, the correspondence between the Sacred Congregation for Religious (Sacra Congregatio de Religiosis) and the parties, the various processes, the role of the papal nuncios in Belgrade and in Budapest, as well as the activities of Lajos Budanovich, who was appointed Vicar General and later twice Apostolic Administrator of Bácska, in relation to the cause of the school sisters.
Subsequently, the study outlines the steps taken from 1925 on, under the direction of Sister Mária Leticia Marczenkovich, to set up a province which would consist of the annexed convents situated in Bácska, but which would also form a unit with the Kalocsa Society, and explains why this did not finally materialize. It also gives an idea of the circumstances under which, in 1930, the separation of the convents in Bácska took place, not unrelated to the support provided by Budanovich. Furthermore, it shows how Mária Annunciata Kopunovics, appointed in 1931 as the general mother superior of the newly-established Bácska Poor School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, governed the convents situated in Bácska. The paper also explains how, when Bácska came once again under the jurisdiction of Hungary, Kopunovics resettled with the Catholic Serbian sisters supporting her and became the general mother superior of the new Society established in Zagreb. Last but not least, it describes how, in 1941, following the decision of the Holy See, the convents in Bácska were placed under the authority of the general mother superior of Kalocsa until further decision of the Holy See. It also provides insights into the debate between Yugoslav and Hungarian church and monastic representatives on the governance of the Bácska convents after the Second World War.
Finally, the paper briefly outlines how, by overcoming many difficulties, the Bácska Province of the school sisters was established in the 1960s under the direction of Mária Hermenegild Zách, and how they became independent in 1971 under the name Bácska School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, led by Mária Benedikta Hippich. This was the end of a long process, which has resulted in three independent societies functioning today: two in the territory that was re-annexed after the Second World War (one in Bácska and one in Zagreb) and one in Kalocsa, Hungary. (Translation by Eszter Krakkó)
Fons 28 (2021) 2, 277-307.
Sági György-Kanász Viktor: Az Irgalmas Nővérek és Nagykanizsa. Németh Károly kézirata és a nagykanizsai egyháztörténet. In: Kanizsai antológia. (szerk. Kardos Ferenc), Nagykanizsa, 2022. 136-148.

DOSZ XXV. Tavaszi Szél Konferencia, Tanulmánykötet III., 2022
A Trienti Zsinat (1545–1563) által életre hívott szemináriumok hazai megszervezésére, ezen belül ... more A Trienti Zsinat (1545–1563) által életre hívott szemináriumok hazai megszervezésére, ezen belül kiemelten a kalocsai papnevelés történeti előzményeire térek ki a tanulmány elején. A Patachich Gábor kalocsa–bácsi érsek (1733–1745) által 1733-ban elindított szemináriumi képzéstől kiindulva az 1950-es évek elején beálló változásokig szintén röviden szót ejtek. Mind
ez megfelelő kontextusba helyezi az írásom lényegi részét. Ennek fő hányadát a nem sokkal Grősz József kalocsa–bácsi érsek (1943–1961) letartóztatását követően a főegyházmegyei papképzésben beálló átalakulás bemutatása teszi ki. Szó esik a kommunista pártállam beavatkozásáról, valamint az átszervezések egyházmegyeközi lebonyolításának kivitelezéséről. A kalocsai nagyszeminárium Szegedre történő átköltöztetése, pontosabban szólva a szegedi szemináriummal való összevonásának elbeszélése fontos része jelen munkámnak. Mindezen lépések a megfélemlített főegyházmegye kormányzását átmenetileg átvevő Kujáni Ferenc nagyprépost, általános érseki helynök vezetése alatt (1951–1955) lettek kényszerűen végrehajtva. A hivatalos propaganda szerint egyházi kérésre történt meg az átszervezés, amit az állami hatóságok örömmel fogadtak és támogatóan nyilatkoztak róla. Az 1950/1951. évi tanév volt az utolsó, amit a kalocsai kispapok az érseki székvárosban végezhettek el. A főegyházmegye papnövendékei attól kezdve napjainkig jórészt Szegeden
készültek/készülnek a papságra, noha más szemináriumokban is elő-elő fordulnak (pl. budapesti Központi Szeminárium). Tanulmányomban röviden vázoltam az új viszonyok adta nehézségeket, az átszervezéssel kialakított szegedi egyházmegye-közi szeminárium tanári karára nehezedő felelősséget. Néhány mondat erejéig bemutattam a tanárok közül pl. Várkonyi Imre vagy Bárd János segédpüspök személyiségét, illetve szegedi szerepét. Végezetül rövid kitekintő áttekintést nyújtottam az 1950-es években Szegeden tanuló papnövendékeknek a felszentelésének lebonyolítása kapcsán felmerülő körülményekről. A Grősz-érában felszenteltek pontos létszámáról is áttekintést adtam.

Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae I/21, 2022
The negotiations between József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács,
with Alvary Gascoigne, Briti... more The negotiations between József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács,
with Alvary Gascoigne, British Envoy to Budapest, in 1945
This paper presents and analyzes two reports by Alvary Gascoigne, British Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Budapest (1945–1946), in which he informed the British Government about his negotiations with József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács (1943–1961). Copies of these reports were also sent by the diplomat to his Vatican counterpart, Sir Francis D’Arcy Osborne, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary based in Rome. The documents, preserved in the papal Archivio Storico della Segreteria di Stato, were forwarded by the latter diplomat to Domenico Tardini, papal Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who was also in charge of the international relations of the Apostolic Holy See as Secretary of the Holy Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs. Pope Pius XII was, thus, able to receive news of the recent developments in Hungary’s ecclesiastical and political conditions, from direct Hungarian sources via British mediation at the end of World War II. Having given an outline of the historical background as well as Gascoigne’s career, we present an account of two meetings of the Archbishop and the Envoy (taking place on May 28th and July 23rd, 1945). During these meetings, the two men discussed the current political, social and ecclesiastical situation, as well as the Hungarians’ experience of the Soviets and the Communists. The important issue of realizing land reform and property redistribution was also raised, just like the difficulties of maintaining and managing the extensive ecclesiastical organization. Besides, the state of the Hungarian legal system, as well as the coming parliamentary elections, were also discussed by the Archbishop and the Envoy. Gascoigne offered to open a communication channel between Hungary’s Catholic Church and the Apostolic Holy See, which the Archbishop Grősz did accept. That is how Grősz’s report (dated September 2nd, 1945) to Pope Pius XII on the state of the Hungarian people and their Church found its way to the Eternal City. Finally, to conclude our paper intended as a publication of sources, we briefly discuss the Archbishop’s Anglo-American connections and their effects, with special regard to their reception during the Archbishop’s show trial in 1951.
Múltbanéző, 2021
Book Reviews by György Sági
Papers by György Sági
Between 1858 and 1862, Vilmos Frankl was a student at the Central Institute for the Education of the Clergy (Seminarium Centrale) in Budapest. Since 1813, the seminary had a self-education circle for seminarists, which has continued its work under the name of the Hungarian Ecclesiastical Literature School since 1850 to this day. It has been intended to promote the linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical skills of the seminarians, in the framework of which translations, poems and studies are prepared and presented at their meetings; they also evaluate each other’s work. The annual “output” is usually published as the Munkálatok (Acts) publications.
The present study shows that, in addition to the renowned scholar’s priestly vocation, he had strong historical-scientific goals and interests from a very young age, and that he developed a strong affinity for them as a seminarist. Already at such an early age, at the dawn of his career, he displayed an objective critical vision, combined with a mature self-awareness. He is largely responsible for the establishment of this evaluative perspective within the School. Frankl was a full member of the School for two academic years between 1859 and 1861, but remained closely associated with it until his death. Between 1879 and 1892, Fraknói also offered a prize for the best students who had written the best dissertations on religious studies (preferably on church history).
the significance of the report in church history.
The paper describes the conditions under which the members of the Kalocsa Poor School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, lived in Bácska, a new region established between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Serbian-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom (the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) after the First World War and placed under the jurisdiction of the latter, as stipulated in the Treaty of Trianon on the 4th of June in 1920. It provides a detailed overview of the various methods used by the general mother superiors, Mária Bernárda Bleilőb, Mária Aquina Vojnich and Mária Ildefonsa Bali, with the help of the archbishops of Kalocsa–Bács, Lipót Árpád Várady, and specially count Gyula Zichy and József Grősz, to secure their control over the convents in the annexed territories, with varying degrees of effectiveness. Furthermore, the paper provides insights into the relevant steps of the papal diplomacy, the correspondence between the Sacred Congregation for Religious (Sacra Congregatio de Religiosis) and the parties, the various processes, the role of the papal nuncios in Belgrade and in Budapest, as well as the activities of Lajos Budanovich, who was appointed Vicar General and later twice Apostolic Administrator of Bácska, in relation to the cause of the school sisters.
Subsequently, the study outlines the steps taken from 1925 on, under the direction of Sister Mária Leticia Marczenkovich, to set up a province which would consist of the annexed convents situated in Bácska, but which would also form a unit with the Kalocsa Society, and explains why this did not finally materialize. It also gives an idea of the circumstances under which, in 1930, the separation of the convents in Bácska took place, not unrelated to the support provided by Budanovich. Furthermore, it shows how Mária Annunciata Kopunovics, appointed in 1931 as the general mother superior of the newly-established Bácska Poor School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, governed the convents situated in Bácska. The paper also explains how, when Bácska came once again under the jurisdiction of Hungary, Kopunovics resettled with the Catholic Serbian sisters supporting her and became the general mother superior of the new Society established in Zagreb. Last but not least, it describes how, in 1941, following the decision of the Holy See, the convents in Bácska were placed under the authority of the general mother superior of Kalocsa until further decision of the Holy See. It also provides insights into the debate between Yugoslav and Hungarian church and monastic representatives on the governance of the Bácska convents after the Second World War.
Finally, the paper briefly outlines how, by overcoming many difficulties, the Bácska Province of the school sisters was established in the 1960s under the direction of Mária Hermenegild Zách, and how they became independent in 1971 under the name Bácska School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, led by Mária Benedikta Hippich. This was the end of a long process, which has resulted in three independent societies functioning today: two in the territory that was re-annexed after the Second World War (one in Bácska and one in Zagreb) and one in Kalocsa, Hungary. (Translation by Eszter Krakkó)
ez megfelelő kontextusba helyezi az írásom lényegi részét. Ennek fő hányadát a nem sokkal Grősz József kalocsa–bácsi érsek (1943–1961) letartóztatását követően a főegyházmegyei papképzésben beálló átalakulás bemutatása teszi ki. Szó esik a kommunista pártállam beavatkozásáról, valamint az átszervezések egyházmegyeközi lebonyolításának kivitelezéséről. A kalocsai nagyszeminárium Szegedre történő átköltöztetése, pontosabban szólva a szegedi szemináriummal való összevonásának elbeszélése fontos része jelen munkámnak. Mindezen lépések a megfélemlített főegyházmegye kormányzását átmenetileg átvevő Kujáni Ferenc nagyprépost, általános érseki helynök vezetése alatt (1951–1955) lettek kényszerűen végrehajtva. A hivatalos propaganda szerint egyházi kérésre történt meg az átszervezés, amit az állami hatóságok örömmel fogadtak és támogatóan nyilatkoztak róla. Az 1950/1951. évi tanév volt az utolsó, amit a kalocsai kispapok az érseki székvárosban végezhettek el. A főegyházmegye papnövendékei attól kezdve napjainkig jórészt Szegeden
készültek/készülnek a papságra, noha más szemináriumokban is elő-elő fordulnak (pl. budapesti Központi Szeminárium). Tanulmányomban röviden vázoltam az új viszonyok adta nehézségeket, az átszervezéssel kialakított szegedi egyházmegye-közi szeminárium tanári karára nehezedő felelősséget. Néhány mondat erejéig bemutattam a tanárok közül pl. Várkonyi Imre vagy Bárd János segédpüspök személyiségét, illetve szegedi szerepét. Végezetül rövid kitekintő áttekintést nyújtottam az 1950-es években Szegeden tanuló papnövendékeknek a felszentelésének lebonyolítása kapcsán felmerülő körülményekről. A Grősz-érában felszenteltek pontos létszámáról is áttekintést adtam.
with Alvary Gascoigne, British Envoy to Budapest, in 1945
This paper presents and analyzes two reports by Alvary Gascoigne, British Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Budapest (1945–1946), in which he informed the British Government about his negotiations with József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács (1943–1961). Copies of these reports were also sent by the diplomat to his Vatican counterpart, Sir Francis D’Arcy Osborne, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary based in Rome. The documents, preserved in the papal Archivio Storico della Segreteria di Stato, were forwarded by the latter diplomat to Domenico Tardini, papal Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who was also in charge of the international relations of the Apostolic Holy See as Secretary of the Holy Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs. Pope Pius XII was, thus, able to receive news of the recent developments in Hungary’s ecclesiastical and political conditions, from direct Hungarian sources via British mediation at the end of World War II. Having given an outline of the historical background as well as Gascoigne’s career, we present an account of two meetings of the Archbishop and the Envoy (taking place on May 28th and July 23rd, 1945). During these meetings, the two men discussed the current political, social and ecclesiastical situation, as well as the Hungarians’ experience of the Soviets and the Communists. The important issue of realizing land reform and property redistribution was also raised, just like the difficulties of maintaining and managing the extensive ecclesiastical organization. Besides, the state of the Hungarian legal system, as well as the coming parliamentary elections, were also discussed by the Archbishop and the Envoy. Gascoigne offered to open a communication channel between Hungary’s Catholic Church and the Apostolic Holy See, which the Archbishop Grősz did accept. That is how Grősz’s report (dated September 2nd, 1945) to Pope Pius XII on the state of the Hungarian people and their Church found its way to the Eternal City. Finally, to conclude our paper intended as a publication of sources, we briefly discuss the Archbishop’s Anglo-American connections and their effects, with special regard to their reception during the Archbishop’s show trial in 1951.
Between 1858 and 1862, Vilmos Frankl was a student at the Central Institute for the Education of the Clergy (Seminarium Centrale) in Budapest. Since 1813, the seminary had a self-education circle for seminarists, which has continued its work under the name of the Hungarian Ecclesiastical Literature School since 1850 to this day. It has been intended to promote the linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical skills of the seminarians, in the framework of which translations, poems and studies are prepared and presented at their meetings; they also evaluate each other’s work. The annual “output” is usually published as the Munkálatok (Acts) publications.
The present study shows that, in addition to the renowned scholar’s priestly vocation, he had strong historical-scientific goals and interests from a very young age, and that he developed a strong affinity for them as a seminarist. Already at such an early age, at the dawn of his career, he displayed an objective critical vision, combined with a mature self-awareness. He is largely responsible for the establishment of this evaluative perspective within the School. Frankl was a full member of the School for two academic years between 1859 and 1861, but remained closely associated with it until his death. Between 1879 and 1892, Fraknói also offered a prize for the best students who had written the best dissertations on religious studies (preferably on church history).
the significance of the report in church history.
The paper describes the conditions under which the members of the Kalocsa Poor School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, lived in Bácska, a new region established between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Serbian-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom (the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) after the First World War and placed under the jurisdiction of the latter, as stipulated in the Treaty of Trianon on the 4th of June in 1920. It provides a detailed overview of the various methods used by the general mother superiors, Mária Bernárda Bleilőb, Mária Aquina Vojnich and Mária Ildefonsa Bali, with the help of the archbishops of Kalocsa–Bács, Lipót Árpád Várady, and specially count Gyula Zichy and József Grősz, to secure their control over the convents in the annexed territories, with varying degrees of effectiveness. Furthermore, the paper provides insights into the relevant steps of the papal diplomacy, the correspondence between the Sacred Congregation for Religious (Sacra Congregatio de Religiosis) and the parties, the various processes, the role of the papal nuncios in Belgrade and in Budapest, as well as the activities of Lajos Budanovich, who was appointed Vicar General and later twice Apostolic Administrator of Bácska, in relation to the cause of the school sisters.
Subsequently, the study outlines the steps taken from 1925 on, under the direction of Sister Mária Leticia Marczenkovich, to set up a province which would consist of the annexed convents situated in Bácska, but which would also form a unit with the Kalocsa Society, and explains why this did not finally materialize. It also gives an idea of the circumstances under which, in 1930, the separation of the convents in Bácska took place, not unrelated to the support provided by Budanovich. Furthermore, it shows how Mária Annunciata Kopunovics, appointed in 1931 as the general mother superior of the newly-established Bácska Poor School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, governed the convents situated in Bácska. The paper also explains how, when Bácska came once again under the jurisdiction of Hungary, Kopunovics resettled with the Catholic Serbian sisters supporting her and became the general mother superior of the new Society established in Zagreb. Last but not least, it describes how, in 1941, following the decision of the Holy See, the convents in Bácska were placed under the authority of the general mother superior of Kalocsa until further decision of the Holy See. It also provides insights into the debate between Yugoslav and Hungarian church and monastic representatives on the governance of the Bácska convents after the Second World War.
Finally, the paper briefly outlines how, by overcoming many difficulties, the Bácska Province of the school sisters was established in the 1960s under the direction of Mária Hermenegild Zách, and how they became independent in 1971 under the name Bácska School Sisters’ Society, Named after Our Lady, led by Mária Benedikta Hippich. This was the end of a long process, which has resulted in three independent societies functioning today: two in the territory that was re-annexed after the Second World War (one in Bácska and one in Zagreb) and one in Kalocsa, Hungary. (Translation by Eszter Krakkó)
ez megfelelő kontextusba helyezi az írásom lényegi részét. Ennek fő hányadát a nem sokkal Grősz József kalocsa–bácsi érsek (1943–1961) letartóztatását követően a főegyházmegyei papképzésben beálló átalakulás bemutatása teszi ki. Szó esik a kommunista pártállam beavatkozásáról, valamint az átszervezések egyházmegyeközi lebonyolításának kivitelezéséről. A kalocsai nagyszeminárium Szegedre történő átköltöztetése, pontosabban szólva a szegedi szemináriummal való összevonásának elbeszélése fontos része jelen munkámnak. Mindezen lépések a megfélemlített főegyházmegye kormányzását átmenetileg átvevő Kujáni Ferenc nagyprépost, általános érseki helynök vezetése alatt (1951–1955) lettek kényszerűen végrehajtva. A hivatalos propaganda szerint egyházi kérésre történt meg az átszervezés, amit az állami hatóságok örömmel fogadtak és támogatóan nyilatkoztak róla. Az 1950/1951. évi tanév volt az utolsó, amit a kalocsai kispapok az érseki székvárosban végezhettek el. A főegyházmegye papnövendékei attól kezdve napjainkig jórészt Szegeden
készültek/készülnek a papságra, noha más szemináriumokban is elő-elő fordulnak (pl. budapesti Központi Szeminárium). Tanulmányomban röviden vázoltam az új viszonyok adta nehézségeket, az átszervezéssel kialakított szegedi egyházmegye-közi szeminárium tanári karára nehezedő felelősséget. Néhány mondat erejéig bemutattam a tanárok közül pl. Várkonyi Imre vagy Bárd János segédpüspök személyiségét, illetve szegedi szerepét. Végezetül rövid kitekintő áttekintést nyújtottam az 1950-es években Szegeden tanuló papnövendékeknek a felszentelésének lebonyolítása kapcsán felmerülő körülményekről. A Grősz-érában felszenteltek pontos létszámáról is áttekintést adtam.
with Alvary Gascoigne, British Envoy to Budapest, in 1945
This paper presents and analyzes two reports by Alvary Gascoigne, British Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in Budapest (1945–1946), in which he informed the British Government about his negotiations with József Grősz, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Bács (1943–1961). Copies of these reports were also sent by the diplomat to his Vatican counterpart, Sir Francis D’Arcy Osborne, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary based in Rome. The documents, preserved in the papal Archivio Storico della Segreteria di Stato, were forwarded by the latter diplomat to Domenico Tardini, papal Substitute of the Secretariat of State, who was also in charge of the international relations of the Apostolic Holy See as Secretary of the Holy Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs. Pope Pius XII was, thus, able to receive news of the recent developments in Hungary’s ecclesiastical and political conditions, from direct Hungarian sources via British mediation at the end of World War II. Having given an outline of the historical background as well as Gascoigne’s career, we present an account of two meetings of the Archbishop and the Envoy (taking place on May 28th and July 23rd, 1945). During these meetings, the two men discussed the current political, social and ecclesiastical situation, as well as the Hungarians’ experience of the Soviets and the Communists. The important issue of realizing land reform and property redistribution was also raised, just like the difficulties of maintaining and managing the extensive ecclesiastical organization. Besides, the state of the Hungarian legal system, as well as the coming parliamentary elections, were also discussed by the Archbishop and the Envoy. Gascoigne offered to open a communication channel between Hungary’s Catholic Church and the Apostolic Holy See, which the Archbishop Grősz did accept. That is how Grősz’s report (dated September 2nd, 1945) to Pope Pius XII on the state of the Hungarian people and their Church found its way to the Eternal City. Finally, to conclude our paper intended as a publication of sources, we briefly discuss the Archbishop’s Anglo-American connections and their effects, with special regard to their reception during the Archbishop’s show trial in 1951.
about the Cardinal and the Church Political Situation
The study begins with summarising the differences between actual congregations and that of a century ago. The profound and comprehensive definition of notions is followed by a survey of the history of the struggles for Hungarian Catholic autonomy. Catholic self-management, similar to the Roman Catholic Status of Transylvania existing by the princes’ consent, was unreal in the Hungarian Kingdom for centuries. The royal right of presentation made this demand negligible, as the Catholic Church existed in a special state of established church until 1848. The more intense strive for founding Catholic autonomy started at this time, yet it fell flat even after the compromise of 1867, despite the intentions of both ecclesiastical and governmental leaders, since they significantly differed regarding actual implementations of the plans. This lasted until the end of 1910s. The radical change of political life after the first world war and the extreme division of church and state brought change to the situation. Establishing autonomy was trivial for the continuous existence of the church, and it started in the capital in line with archiepiscopal vicar János Mészáros’s concept. The episcopal bench shortly internalised his theories and ordered the foundations of local congregations for parishes on national level. Later it was on diocesan level that autonomy was organised; national autonomy, however, was not supported by the church, since they were dreading a potential governmental influence. The Actio Catholica meant a considerable support for congregations from the 1930s. The early wave of congregation-founding slowed down in the consolidating Horthy period, and rural establishments also took place slowly. This phenomenon charaterised the diocese of Veszprém as well, despite bishop Nándor Rott’s (1917–1939) efforts, realised in his pastoral circulars and the commissions of the two synods held during his prelatry. Foundation processes of congregations are presented in the study by examples for the initial rapid (Bőszénfa, Nemesvámos, Somogyhárságy, Taszár, Törökkoppány) and for the later, problematic
organisations (Andocs, Esztergály, Karmacs, Nemesrádó). These provide a general overview of the process of establishing congregations from the period of bishop Rott.
Vysvätenia piatich biskupov v Budapešti a arcibiskupskáinaugurácia Endre Hamvasa v Kaloči (1964)
A new volume of Collectanea Studiorum et Textuum Classis II., Tom. 2. has been published „ History of the St. Stephen Association (1951-1965) A manuscript of Miklós Esty with an accompanying study edited by asistant research fellow, György Sági. The volume was published by the Gondolat Publishing House.
Miklós Esty (1895-1973) was a secular papal chamberlain and gentiluomo of three former cardinals (János Csernich, Jusztinián Serédi, József Mindszenty). His manuscript that covers the history of the St. Stephen Association in 1951-1965 was compiled based on various verbals of the Association.
The history of the Association perfectly symbolises the Hungarian domestic situations, which can be well followed through the troubles of the Association’s operation. In the course of its long history and through the hardships of the 20th century, the St. Stephen Association carried on functioning as a flagship for the Hungarian Catholic culture with the propagation of the cultural heritages in the present for the future.
Esty Miklós: A Szent István Társulat története (1951–1965) (sajtó alá rendezte és kísérő tanulmánnyal közre adja: Sági György) (CST II/2), Budapest 2020. xxiv + 138 p.
Esty Miklós (1895–1973) pápai világi kamarásnak, a Szent István Társulat 1951–1973 közötti püspöki kar által delegált adminisztrátora hagyatékának rendezése 2015-ben készült el. Ezt a munkát Sági György végezte el. Digitalizása és számos római vonatkozást is tartalmazó naplóinak kiadásra előkészítése folyamatban van. A hagyatékban maradt fenn számunkra Estynek a Társulat 1951–1965 közötti történetéről elkészített gépelt kézirata. Az összefoglaló beszámoló, melyet a szerző társulati jegyzőkönyvek, egyéb iratok és feljegyzései alapján írt meg, a nagy múltú – 1848-ban alapított – Szent István Társulat talán legviszontagságosabb korszakába nyújt betekintést. A forráskiadvány képet ad arról, hogy a Rákosi- és Kádár-korszakok időszakában, amikor nagy nehézségek árán sikerült csak a magyar katolikus kultúra érdekében a Szent István Társulatnak munkálkodnia, ezek milyen körülmények között valósulhattak meg.
A kézirathoz Sági György írt bevezető tanulmányt és látta el a szöveget jegyzetaparátussal. A Mellékletbe az Esty-hagyaték Szent István Társulatra vonatkozó iratainak jegyzéke került. A kötet végén, az indexet követően angol nyelvű rezümé foglalja össze Palotai Ágnes fordításában a kötet fontosabb információit.
The centenary commemorative volume is divided into three main chapters. The first, titled "Chapters from Fraknói's Biography," includes eight studies addressing various aspects of his biography. These studies explore topics such as his family background, early years, ecclesiastical, and academic career the Vatican's rejection of his appointment as Bishop of Pécs, his years in Vienna during the World War and the collapse, and the final phase of his career. The second part, titled "The Historian's Scholarly Path," has the explicit aim of positioning Fraknói on the map of academic scholarship and placing him at the forefront of Hungarian historians. A dedicated study examines his historical perspective, the significance of his Vatican research in understanding medieval Hungarian history, and his role in establishing the modern practice of medieval studies, early modern research, and several sub-disciplines, as well as his contributions to the development of library science. In addition, it covers the heated debates surrounding his textbook and other writings. This chapter, consisting of nine articles, concludes with a scientometric analysis of his journalistic and creative output. Fraknói's European significance is most evident in his activities in Italy.
The third chapter discusses what Fraknói called the "small Hungarian historical school in Rome," including his correspondence with his master and friend Flóris Rómer, related to the foundation of the Monumenta Vaticana Hungariae. Other articles in the chapter focus on key members of Fraknói's Hungarian historical school in Rome, such as Lipót Óváry, László Fejérpataky, Ferenc Kollányi, József Lukcsics, and Endre Veress ("Italy, Rome, Vatican").
In 2024, a total of 24 studies are dedicated to Vilmos Fraknói (born Frankl until 1874) in volume I/24 of CVH. Summaries of varying lengths are provided in both Hungarian and English at the end of the volume to pique the interest of readers. The detailed analyses and the diverse perspectives of the 22 authors, in some respects, make the volume more valuable than a traditional biographical monograph, though they cannot replace the absence of a full Fraknói biography.
Among the appendices, Fraknói's bibliography of works, compiled by Gábor Nemes for the centenary, holds the first place. This list, containing over 500 entries, is followed by a contemporary press review. The third appendix consists of a selection of visual representations of Fraknói, ranging from caricatures to paintings and sculptures, along with a collection of photographs. After the Appendices, the "Life Path/Chronology" section summarizes key data and milestones of his career, often based on the results presented in the commemorative volume. The Bibliography provides complete or selected descriptions of the volumes in the Vatican’s Hungarian historical series, along with a list of lexicons, biographical literature, and obituaries. The Index is a testament to György Sági’s meticulous thoroughness.