Pot Shots
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Pot Shots.....for picture whores & their weed

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I have a new blog [15 Nov 2010|11:22pm]

I'm the owner of this group and I'm having trouble getting the word out about my new blog. Feel free to read and join, and repost as you wish.


[17 Jan 2009|03:17pm]


Click on the picture above to join a new community for stoners!

If you love reading about the stupid shit that people do when stoned then this is the place. Post your own silly stories, c'mon, you know you have some! Feel free also discuss your crazy stoner theories!



2 Phish Tickets Hampton 3/6/9 SOLD OUT: 1 hour left [19 Oct 2008|05:31pm]

1 hour left: 2 tickets to PHISH hampton 3/6/9


2 Phish Tickets Hampton 3/6/9 SOLD OUT [18 Oct 2008|03:28pm]


(1 Love their Weedie | TokE)

Social website Idea [24 Jun 2008|11:33pm]

Inspiration: Everywhere I go I see posted signs advertising It seems like no matter how remote your location or how minimal your local population, there now exist websites devoted to finding singles in your area. As someone who hasn't had so much experience being single, but LOTS of experience being "lonely" and seemingly "friendless" amongst a HUGE population of people my age, I feel that a website for networking is long overdue. Sure we may live in large cities but rarely do we venture outside our circles when we go out. If you're in a relationship, bar outings typically involve you, your significant other, and either your own or your significant other's friends and their partners. Rarely do we involve ourselves with new faces outside of work or school and even if we want to, rarely do we introduce ourselves to new strangers when faced with the comforting presence of our current friends. As a former member of various sub-cultures including punks and ravers, this "random" meeting of new people with similar interests is an almost guaranteed outcome of attending the various musical events associated with your "scene." I definitely took this for granted in college, meeting 2-a dozen new faces each evening without even trying. If you've been involved in a sub-culture you understand. Simply asking to bum a cigarette or paying someone a compliment on their wardrobe or dance technique is an easy enough way to find a new friend. Then I entered the "real world," full of business types and outgoing yet reserved people, social enough to find themselves in a bar trivia night yet frightened/uninterested enough to avoid social contacts beyond the group they arrived with. Unfortunately I place myself in this category as well; it's not that I don't want to meet new people but when you're already with 10 other people it just seems misplaced and sometimes desperate to strike up conversation with an unknown neighbor. And yet I'm willing to bet there are many like me who have friends and a relationship, and are relatively happy with their life....but still long for others out there with MORE similar interests, or at least a change of the rehearsed, overplayed interactions we're accustomed to. So, my idea is simply to build a site with a basic profile, available for free, to people living in the same zipcode, who aren't looking for anything more than a friend with similar interests. If you're interested and have programming knowledge, please reply so we can get something started.

(4 Love their Weedies | TokE)

hehe [20 Jun 2007|07:56pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Check out this 'commercial' :( no more good connection (cries).
Read more...Collapse )


[19 Jun 2007|07:26pm]

[ mood | drained ]

Here's some photo's from the mountains of West Virginia
Read more...Collapse )

(1 Love their Weedie | TokE)

[10 Jun 2007|11:02am]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

(3 Love their Weedies | TokE)

[07 Jun 2007|04:30pm]

Hey, I'm Prosthetic Faith. New to the community.
This is my brainchild.Collapse )

Nice meeting you guys.

(1 Love their Weedie | TokE)

recent bud shots ;) [06 Jun 2007|11:28am]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


[22 May 2007|06:55pm]

i got a new piece today.

its purple and FABULOUS!!!@!!


Michael Vick...REALLY?!?!? [30 Jan 2007|09:42am]

[ mood | amused ]

(1 Love their Weedie | TokE)

New Night... [07 Aug 2006|02:52am]

Well...I got incredibly baked tonight. I wasn't planing on it... but before ya know it, you're hammered. SO it's been a while since I updated but this one is a damn good one. Got a new bowl 25% off at a local cigar shop, pics below... Also pic's of: My stash jar.. i melted wax onto the lid then carved a question mark in it, this picture is fucking amazing. in the picture you can see part of the "eyebowl" i posted pictures of when i first bought it... it went from clear and red to black with blue spots, it's damn sweet. enjoy the photo's!!

Photo's below, one is HUGE for effect, so if you're dialup.. wait till it's finished, trust me its worth itCollapse )


[24 Jul 2006|02:58pm]

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Go Join! A sweet rating community for anyone who likes drugs.

(1 Love their Weedie | TokE)

[24 Jun 2006|01:30am]


chicago's finestCollapse )


[25 May 2006|03:42pm]

yumCollapse )

(2 Love their Weedies | TokE)

Eyebowl [05 Apr 2006|08:59pm]

New bowl! it's color changing and has the most insane eyeball i've ever seen on it... Also it's got a flower of marbles opposite the side of the choke. Sorry i'm too lazy to use a real camera for pics tonight (used the webcam) but i only slept 6 hours in the last 2 nights and i'm not in the mood to find fresh batteries haha

X-Posted, sorry

Aye it's one crazy EyeCollapse )

(5 Love their Weedies | TokE)

In Memoriam [06 Mar 2006|02:17pm]


RIP Azureus

RIP Azureus
Happier DaysCollapse )

(1 Love their Weedie | TokE)

[03 Mar 2006|03:07pm]

To make up for my lack of a picture the other day
 If i can i'll try and take some pics of my brothers stuff hes got more weed then me and i'll take a picture of his bowl


[01 Mar 2006|05:55pm]

I'm at work so i dont have any pictures (sorry)
but i thought i'd tell you that i'm going to be traveling to Europe this summer and one of my stops is in amsterdam and im gonna get fucked up =] i'm so excited and my brother is so jelous =D
i'm gonna take alot of pictures if i get any good ones i'll post them <3

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