This endpoint is solely responsible for sending emails with Postmark through a specific server. Please note that the batch endpoint accepts up to 500 messages per API call, and up to 50 MB payload size, including attachments.
Content-Type |
required application/json |
Accept |
required application/json |
X-Postmark-Server-Token |
required This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found on the API Tokens tab under your Postmark server. |
curl "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Postmark-Server-Token: server token" \
-d '{
"From": "[email protected]",
"To": "[email protected]",
"Subject": "Postmark test",
"TextBody": "Hello dear Postmark user.",
"HtmlBody": "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.</body></html>",
"MessageStream": "outbound"
From | string |
required The sender email address. Must have a registered and confirmed Sender Signature. To include a name, use the format
To | string |
required Recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50. |
Cc | string |
Cc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50. |
Bcc | string |
Bcc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50. |
Subject | string |
Email subject |
Tag | string |
Email tag that allows you to categorize outgoing emails and get detailed statistics. Max characters 1000. |
HtmlBody | string |
required If no |
TextBody | string |
required If no |
ReplyTo | string |
Reply To override email address. Defaults to the Reply To set in the sender signature. Multiple addresses are comma separated. |
Headers | array |
List of custom headers to include. |
TrackOpens | boolean |
Activate open tracking for this email. |
TrackLinks | string |
Activate link tracking for links in the HTML or Text bodies of this email. Possible options: |
Metadata | object |
Custom metadata key/value pairs. |
Attachments | array |
List of attachments |
MessageStream | string |
Set message stream ID that's used for sending. If not provided, message will default to the "outbound" transactional stream. |
"From": "[email protected]",
"To": "[email protected]",
"Cc": "[email protected]",
"Bcc": "[email protected]",
"Subject": "Test",
"Tag": "Invitation",
"HtmlBody": "<b>Hello</b> <img src=\"cid:image.jpg\"/>",
"TextBody": "Hello",
"ReplyTo": "[email protected]",
"Headers": [
"Value": "value"
"TrackOpens": true,
"TrackLinks": "None",
"Attachments": [
"Name": "readme.txt",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "text/plain"
"Name": "report.pdf",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "application/octet-stream"
"Name": "image.jpg",
"ContentID": "cid:image.jpg",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "image/jpeg"
"Metadata": {
"MessageStream": "outbound"
To | string |
Recipient email address |
SubmittedAt | string |
Timestamp |
MessageID | string |
ID of message |
ErrorCode | integer | |
Message | string |
Response message |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"To": "[email protected]",
"SubmittedAt": "2014-02-17T07:25:01.4178645-05:00",
"MessageID": "0a129aee-e1cd-480d-b08d-4f48548ff48d",
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Message": "OK"
Content-Type |
required application/json |
Accept |
required application/json |
X-Postmark-Server-Token |
required This request requires server level privileges. This token can be found from the API Tokens tab under your Postmark server. |
curl "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Postmark-Server-Token: server token" \
-d '[
"From": "[email protected]",
"To": "[email protected]",
"Subject": "Postmark test #1",
"TextBody": "Hello dear Postmark user.",
"HtmlBody": "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.</body></html>",
"MessageStream": "outbound"
"From": "[email protected]",
"To": "[email protected]",
"Subject": "Postmark test #2",
"TextBody": "Hello dear Postmark user.",
"HtmlBody": "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.</body></html>",
"MessageStream": "outbound"
From | string |
required The sender email address. Must have a registered and confirmed Sender Signature. To include a name, use the format
To | string |
required Recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50. |
Cc | string |
Cc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50. |
Bcc | string |
Bcc recipient email address. Multiple addresses are comma separated. Max 50. |
Subject | string |
Email subject |
Tag | string |
Email tag that allows you to categorize outgoing emails and get detailed statistics. Max characters 1000. |
HtmlBody | string |
If no |
TextBody | string |
If no |
ReplyTo | string |
Reply To override email address. Defaults to the Reply To set in the sender signature. |
Headers | array |
List of custom headers to include. |
TrackOpens | boolean |
Activate open tracking for this email. |
TrackLinks | string |
Activate link tracking for links in the HTML or Text bodies of this email. Possible options: |
Metadata | object |
Custom metadata key/value pairs. |
Attachments | array |
List of attachments |
MessageStream | string |
Set message stream ID that's used for sending. If not provided, message will default to the "outbound" transactional stream. |
"From": "[email protected]",
"To": "[email protected]",
"Cc": "[email protected]",
"Bcc": "[email protected]",
"Subject": "Test",
"Tag": "Invitation",
"HtmlBody": "<b>Hello</b> <img src=\"cid:image.jpg\"/>",
"TextBody": "Hello",
"ReplyTo": "[email protected]",
"Headers": [
"Value": "value"
"TrackOpens": true,
"TrackLinks": "None",
"Attachments": [
"Name": "readme.txt",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "text/plain"
"Name": "report.pdf",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "application/octet-stream"
"Name": "image.jpg",
"ContentID": "cid:image.jpg",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "image/jpeg"
"Metadata": {
"MessageStream": "outbound"
"From": "[email protected]",
"To": "[email protected]",
"Cc": "[email protected]",
"Bcc": "[email protected]",
"Subject": "Test",
"Tag": "Invitation",
"HtmlBody": "<b>Hello</b> <img src=\"cid:image.jpg\"/>",
"TextBody": "Hello",
"ReplyTo": "[email protected]",
"Headers": [
"Value": "value"
"TrackOpens": true,
"TrackLinks": "None",
"Attachments": [
"Name": "readme.txt",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "text/plain"
"Name": "report.pdf",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "application/octet-stream"
"Name": "image.jpg",
"ContentID": "cid:image.jpg",
"Content": "dGVzdCBjb250ZW50",
"ContentType": "image/jpeg"
"Metadata": {
"MessageStream": "outbound"
Please note that the /batch
endpoint will return a 200-level http status, even when validation for individual messages may fail. Users of these endpoints should check the success and error code for each message in the response from our API (the results are ordered the same as the original messages).
To | string |
Recipient email address |
SubmittedAt | string |
Timestamp |
MessageID | string |
ID of message |
ErrorCode | integer | |
Message | string |
Response message |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Message": "OK",
"MessageID": "b7bc2f4a-e38e-4336-af7d-e6c392c2f817",
"SubmittedAt": "2010-11-26T12:01:05.1794748-05:00",
"To": "[email protected]"
"ErrorCode": 406,
"Message": "You tried to send to a recipient that has been marked as inactive. Found inactive addresses: [email protected]. Inactive recipients are ones that have generated a hard bounce, a spam complaint, or a manual suppression. "