Related Authors
Yii-Wen Pan
National Chiao Tung University
Amir Mosavi
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Margot Böse
Freie Universität Berlin
Wen-Chi Lai
National Cheng Kung University
Ram Ray
Prairie View A&M University
Papers by Adrian GROZAVU
current society. This book examines the issues of natural hazards (e.g., typhoons,
landslides, wildfires), anthropogenic activities (construction of artificial dams, the
operation of nuclear power plants), and their potential risks to the environment and/
or quality of life at various scales, from local to regional and even at a global level. Th
book intends to discuss concepts, methods, and techniques to address environmental
risks and vulnerabilities, revealing the complex interactions between nature and human
communities and activities. Policies and practices for disaster risk management should
be based on the best state-of-the-art methods and techniques, integration between
natural and/or social approaches, interdisciplinary research, and multilevel cooperation.