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:) [Apr. 29th, 2004|03:22 pm]

[mood |ditzyditzy]
[music |Linkin Park-Numb]

I'm so happy, my boyfriend joined this thing :) his name on here is Quaalin, he is a total sweetheart and he actually talks to me unlike some other person...not gonna mention names but umm derek lmao anyways I gotta go, me=hungry rofl BYE!!! Oh yea and tabitha, Justin, me, Derek, and my brother can all go to the Underground we just gotta figure out when your dad is gonna be at my house to pick us up...and you'll get to meet Justin...I can't wait, I know you'll like him and if you don't...lie to me rofl lol bye now
Love Manda's

BTW I don't really feel ditzy, just wanted to see what the smiley looked like lmao
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rofl [Apr. 26th, 2004|08:11 pm]

[mood |crazycrazy]

Whoa I replied fast to that lol
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Hey lmao [Apr. 26th, 2004|08:01 pm]

[mood |mischievousmischievous]

Hey Manda I read what you wrote in here and so I'm replying, I like wut ya wrote about me Manda it was cool and what you wrote about tabitha was tight to. Anyways tabitha I got some pics of me I wanna show ya, I look different in them though, I don't got my hat with me :( Oh wellz I am still lookin good yo! Holla back
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Journal [Apr. 26th, 2004|07:59 pm]

[mood |cheerfulcheerful]
[music |Usher-burn...New Favorite Song!]

hey ya'll look at my journal, especially tabbie and shaun, I wrote messages about what I thought of ya'll in there, you'll have to look for your name but hey! You'll find it some time or another lmao alright I've typed alot today and my hands hurt so bye and shaun is on!!!Yayness
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Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi rofl...HI!!! [Apr. 25th, 2004|03:55 pm]

[mood |bouncybouncy]
[music |Britney Spears-Baby One More Time(MUSIC CHANNEL)]

Hey ya'll, I had the best weekened, read my journal and see what we all did...saved tabitha alot of work but just typin it in mine for her rofl haha Love4Manda and Love4Tabbie rofl funny stuff haha can't get past that one lmao scared the shit outta Derek though lmao damn funny stuff
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Tabbles lmao another new name rofl [Apr. 24th, 2004|07:11 pm]

[mood |depresseddepressed]
[music |Nada]

hey! I'm so sorry that your ex-bf was so mean to you, I'd do anything to make it so you didn't have to go through that. Anyways I have to go dinner...I'm sorry I could go to the Underground with you tab and manda...have fun with Derek though, he probably won't even talk to you guys, lmao video game freak rofl but yea I gotta go now.
Love ya tab

rofl thats what boredom does to you rofl buh bye now
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(no subject) [Apr. 24th, 2004|06:45 pm]

[mood |thirstythirsty]
[music |Yeah---Usher]

yeah person...i'm tab. lol. you seem cool though. im so bored. justin(my cousin over here) is gonna get in some serious trouble today. heh. yeah...i DID get in a fight with my ex and yes, he IS a prick. i could say more but i'd rather not. i'm just glad i'm with shaun now ^___^, see ya'll later (it's a southern thing lol)

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Hi [Apr. 24th, 2004|01:57 pm]
[mood |coldcold]

Shaun nice long post there, who is Tab? Is that Tabbie_Rocker? Oh well anyways good thing to know you would stand up for her...anyways I'm really bored right now and I'm just sitting here writing this because...I'm bored duh lmao anyways I call ya later Shaun. bye!

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Hey [Apr. 24th, 2004|01:11 pm]

[mood |enragedenraged]
[music |Linkin Park-Numb] had a fight with her ex...he is a real prick and talks alot of smack that he can't back up, i feel bad that she actually dated him, at least she broke up with him and got with me rofl I feel loved yo! Manda sent me what he wrote to her or some of it, I can't believe some of the things he said to her, he needs to grow up and act his age, callin a girl a slut and a ho aren't real great ways to get a girlfriend...thats probably why she left him...I don't blame her lol He said really crappy things to her and they were really inappropriate...I've called a couple girls ho's but they actually were and so it was the truth...and manda is definately not a ho... she is really nice and everything, anyways tab is sending me her talk with him as well so I get to see just how mean he is to her...if he said anything mean to her...I'm gonna go to cookville and beat the shit out of one is gonna disrespect ma girl and get away with it...I ain't down wit that shit. Aight I write somethin else in here later. peace
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Bored [Apr. 24th, 2004|02:46 am]

[mood |boredbored]
[music |Outkast-Roses(Think thats the name of it)]

Hey ya'll, tab told me to update so I am, not much is happenin right now, at my dad's house, so friggen boring to, TABBIE is on though so s'all good ya know? she wrote me a note or somethin and drew the blink smiley, can't wait till Monday so I can read wut she wrote :) haha tab I gave u a 100 hugs, don't ya feel special? Lots of love babe!

Oh yea and hey Amanda(ex) and Linsey(hope I spelled dat right) lmao
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