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Examining “The Law of Help” and “Of Leaf Beauty” from John Ruskin’s Modern Painters V (1860), this paper argues that Ruskin used both botany and aesthetics to pursue an organic conception of organisation and creativity, and attempted to... more
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      Landscape EcologyVictorian StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesEnvironmental History
The days have passed in which John Ruskin's scientific writings were deemed secondary and separate to his art, architecture, or politics, but his science still tends to be viewed predominately via the prism of his later natural history,... more
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      Victorian StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesVictorian LiteratureVictorian cultural studies
Close readings of Ruskin's 'The Work of Iron' and 'Moss', used to argue that Ruskin's detailed and moving engagements with quotidian features of environment (despised rust and overlooked moss) moved towards, and powerfully articulated,... more
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      Landscape EcologyVictorian StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesEnvironmental History
This article examines critical responses to J. M. W. Turner’s Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhon Coming On (1840), and John Ruskin’s 1843 critique of the painting, in the years following the publication of David... more
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      AestheticsHistory of SlaveryJohn RuskinJ. M. W. Turner
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      Victorian StudiesEcologyJohn Ruskin
This article examines the problematical attempts of William Harrison Riley, a working-class Anglo-American writer and political activist, to forge connections between two of his literary heroes, Walt Whitman and John Ruskin. It will... more
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      Victorian StudiesWalt WhitmanJohn RuskinNineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture
See: This article offers a reading of the role of pastoral in Charles Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens, the great author of urban experience, is largely disinclined to... more
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      Victorian StudiesLandscape HistoryThe Old Curiosity Shop
This essay examines a distinctive corpus of late-Victorian environmental disaster narratives by Richard Jefferies, William Delisle Hay, Grant Allen, and Robert Barr. The texts are analysed in relationship to the notions of ecocatastrophe... more
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      Victorian LiteratureVictorian studies (Literature)Environmental HumanitiesJohn Ruskin
This article focuses on the attempts of working-class intellectual, William Harrison Riley, to act as a transatlantic bridge between two of his literary heroes, John Ruskin and Walt Whitman, and on what this reveals about the operations... more
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    • Sociology
In this special issue scholars from Britain, America, and Australia examine European interactions between British and American celebrities, and between famous Americans and their British admirers, in order to address a deficiency in... more
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    • History
This article explores Dickens’ engagements with pastoral in The Old Curiosity Shop and other works, arguing that Dickens’ urban gaze makes him a poor cousin amongst nineteenth century nature writers, but an insightful reader of rural... more
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      HistoryOLIVER TWISTThe Old Curiosity Shop
While industrial activity has long characterised the countryside, pastoral’s tendency to idealise and valorise farming life often pushes other forms of economic activity to the representational peripheries. Although predominantly focused... more
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      Victorian StudiesVictorian LiteratureGeorge EliotCharlotte Brontë
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
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      HistoryVictorian LiteratureVictorian studies (Literature)Environmental Humanities
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior... more
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