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Journal created:
on 29 May 2004 (#3308672)
on 8 December 2010
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
This community is for those who are Victorians, considering being Victorians or are interested in Victorians.

The original focus was(is still) on: The Working Poor and The Hardly Working. The idea is to offer a playground of information regarding: assistance in getting by, information about advancing ones career and enjoying life more - with little to no money. However, people who do not consider themselves either of the above have shown interest in this community and I believe they can also contribute to the group.

Social Workers, Activists, Recent Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Discount Shoppers, Students, Penny Savers, and others are also more than welcome to join the group if they believe they can add to the community objectives. :-) We can use all the help we can get! Keep in mind though that the original focus is still on: The Working Poor and The Hardly Working, therefore some posts might not apply to all.

Please feel free to post advice and questions! If something doesn't work well within the community, myself or others will let you know.
apartments, bad credit, bankruptcy, bargain hunting, bargains, basements, begging, being broke, bill collectors, bills, blue collar, bounced checks, british columbia, broke, budgeting, budgets, bus, business, canada, cardboard houses, change, clothes, clubs, community, community activism, cost of living, coupons, creative, creativity, credit cards, credit declines, debt, discount, discounts, discrimination, dollar store, entrepreneur, food, free, freedom, freelancer, getting by, getting organized, graveyard shift, grocery stores, homelessness, housing, hunger, jobless, jobs, landlords, layoffs, life, living, living paycheck to paycheck, mental health, minimum wage, money, musicians, nine to five, no car, no entertainment, no frills, no life, no money, no name, old car, one room, organization, organize, overworked, panhandling, part time jobs, paychecks, payday, penny saver, poor, poorinbc, poorinto, poverty, public assistance, public transportation, ramen noodles, rent, rent control, roommates, rusty car, salvation army, saving, school, self employed, shelters, shopping, slums, small business, small paycheques, social services, spare changing, spending, streets, stress, stressing out, student, student loans, students, telemarketers, telephone surveys, temp jobs, the better way, the hardly working, the streets, the system, the working poor, thrift shopping, thrift shops, thrift stores, training, trash picking, underpaid, unemployed, unemployment, uninsured, used clothing, used goods, vancouver, victoria, w.i.n., welfare, work, working, working class, working hard
