Pomona College
Asian Languages and Literatures
This study synthesizes longitudinal studies on development of L2 pragmatic competence in the study abroad (SA) context. The purpose is twofold: to describe pragmatic features investigated in the SA context and to find whether L2 learners... more
This paper synthesizes cross-sectional studies of the effect of proficiency on second language (L2) pragmatics to answer the synthesis question: Does proficiency affect adult learners' pragmatic competence? Findings have revealed an... more
This study investigated changes in the use of mitigation and face negotiation in interaction in two advanced-level Chinese learners over eight weeks in China. Data included video-recordings of semi-structured interviews between the... more
This chapter reviewed 29 existing instructional studies on pragmatic competence of high-proficiency learners and found that target pragmatic features in these studies included speech acts, conversational implicatures, pragmatic routines,... more
Study abroad has proven to be greatly beneficial for second language acquisition and gaining intercultural competency. The COVID-19 pandemic affected study abroad significantly, cancelling programs and forcing programs to go online. As... more
and Anime showcases fourteen essays by scholars trained or based in Japan, the United States, Australia, and Europe. The authors represent fields including comparative literature, modern art, comics, religion, visual culture, East Asian... more
In the seventies and eighties literary canons in the United States came under attack for being too exclusionary, 1 but in Japanese studies we have only begun to look at issues of canonicity-at how the Japanese canon 2 has been... more
In Chinese literary scholarship in the U.S., the literary and cultural achievements made by China's ethnic minority groups (shaoshu minzu) remain a largely uncharted territory in clear need of more serious investigation. Some recent... more
The recent debate among Stanford's undergraduate student body regarding the revival of a "Western civilization" humanities requirement has propelled me, a Ph.D. candidate in East Asian Languages and Cultures, to reflect on the value of a... more
Editorial Work at Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs
This paper discusses how authenticity is understood and negotiated in the context of the preservation of urban historic heritage in China today. In the age of rapid economic development and social change, how to safeguard the historic... more
This essay investigates how Chinese immigrants were imagined and represented in American political discourses, news media, and photography at the turn of the twentieth century. At a time when Asian immigrants were regarded as both racial... more
This article discusses how Chinese cities are transforming in visually radical ways to reconfigure their historic memories. In the midst of ‘creative city campaigns’ sweeping over China, which emphasize the discovery and exploitation of... more
The phrase “Virtuous wife” is a loaded gender term common to many patriarchal societies and can help us understand the social expectations and identities of women in pre-modern times. The ancient Near East and traditional China, two of... more
This article probes a long‐overlooked concept in modern China—ethnic indigeneity—to propose new ways of looking at the relationship between the Chinese nation and its multiethnic minority groups. The Western scholarly community has long... more
This is the newest and most comprehensive collection of global Chinese-language poetry edited by Jiayan Mi, a renowned poet and professor. It includes poetry written by Chinese-language poets from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North... more
This paper discusses how authenticity is understood and negotiated in the context of the preservation of urban historic heritage in China today. In the age of rapid economic development and social change, how to safeguard the historic... more