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    • Industrial Economics
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By studying all the trades and best bids/asks of ultra high frequency snapshots recorded from the order books of a basket of 10 futures assets, we bring qualitative empirical evidence that the impact of a single 715 trade depends on the... more
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      Empirical FinanceComputational Finance
We define a numerical method that provides a non-parametric estimation of the kernel shape in symmetric multivariate Hawkes processes. This method relies on second order statistical properties of Hawkes processes that relate the... more
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In this work, we bring to light a quantity, referred to as implicit spread, playing the role of spread for large tick assets, for which the effective spread is almost always equal to one tick. The relevance of this new parameter is shown... more
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      Empirical FinanceMarket MicrostructureAlgorithmic TradingGrammatical Evolution
Bibliography My greatest gratitude goes to my advisors, Emmanuel Bacry and Mark Hoffmann for their exceptional guidance. They have accepted me as a PhD student without hesitation even though I had been outside the academic world for a few... more
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We define a numerical method that provides a non-parametric estimation of the kernel shape in symmetric multivariate Hawkes processes. This method relies on second order statistical properties of Hawkes processes that relate the... more
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Bibliography My greatest gratitude goes to my advisors, Emmanuel Bacry and Mark Hoffmann for their exceptional guidance. They have accepted me as a PhD student without hesitation even though I had been outside the academic world for a few... more
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    • Economics
By studying all the trades and best bids/asks of ultra high frequency snapshots recorded from the order books of a basket of 10 futures assets, we bring qualitative empirical evidence that the impact of a single trade depends on the... more
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      EconomicsEmpirical FinanceComputational FinanceMarket Microstructure
In this work, we provide a framework linking microstructural properties of an asset to the tick value of the exchange. In particular, we bring to light a quantity, referred to as implicit spread, playing the role of spread for large tick... more
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      EconomicsEmpirical FinanceMarket MicrostructureAlgorithmic Trading
In this work, we provide a framework linking microstructural properties of an asset to the tick value of the exchange. In particular, we bring to light a quantity, referred to as implicit spread, playing the role of spread for large tick... more
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      Pure MathematicsIll Posed Inverse Problems
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure MathematicsInverse Problems
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    • Pure Mathematics
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    • Pure Mathematics
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsRiemann Surface
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We prove a new global stability estimate for the Gel'fand-Calderón inverse problem on a two-dimensional bounded domain or, more precisely, the inverse boundary value problem for the equation
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    • Pure Mathematics
We consider two inverse problems for the multi-channel two-dimensional Schrödinger equation at xed positive energy, i.e. the equation −∆ψ + V (x)ψ = Eψ at xed positive E, where V is a matrixvalued potential. The rst is the Gel'fand... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
Je tiens à remercier tout d'abord Roman Novikov, qui a dirigé mes recherches pendant ces années de thèse. Je lui suis très reconnaissant de m'avoir aidé et encouragé à aller rapidement au cœur de problèmes de grand intérêt, comme le... more
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