Papers by Nur Mustika Aji Nugroho
JAAD Case Reports, 2020
Dermatology Department, University Hospital Miguel and the Pathological Anatomy Department, Unive... more Dermatology Department, University Hospital Miguel and the Pathological Anatomy Department, University l Miguel Servet, IIS Arag on. he authors have no funding sources to declare. of interest: The authors have no funding sources to . val status: Not applicable. dence to: Alba Navarro-Bielsa, MD, Paseo Isabel la a, 1-3, 50009, Zaragoza, Spain. E-mail: [email protected]. JAAD Case Reports 2020;6:1363-4. 2352-5126 2020 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Elsevier, Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license ( 4.0/).

Key word: Stunting Behavior Application Background: Stunting is a health problem that increases m... more Key word: Stunting Behavior Application Background: Stunting is a health problem that increases morbidity and mortality. The development of health promotion program through health education with an Android application is expected to provide information and can be used young. Objective: To determine the effect of the GASING application on stunting prevention behavior in high school students in Kalibawang Kulon Progo District. Methods: Quasi-experiment with Pretest Posttest with Control Group Design. The research sample was taken by simple random sampling. Respondents were given information about nutrition and PHBS. The statistical test that will be used is the program SPSS for Windows. Results: The increase in stunting prevention behavior in the GASING application user group increased by 15.67, while the group given leaflets increased by 3.54. The results of the test’s Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney obtained a p-value of 0.000 (p-value <0.05). Thus, the use of the GASING application in...

Management Analysis Journal, 2014
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of profitability, sales growth, fir... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of profitability, sales growth, firm size, and age of the company on the capital structure. The population in this study was 40 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Pati regency brass handicrafts. Samples were taken using a sampling method that is saturated by using the whole population there is as much as 40 SMEs. Methods of data analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results showed variable profitability pelelitian significant positive effect on capital structure, sales growth variable significant positive effect on capital structure, company size significantly negative on capital structure, and firm age significant positive effect on the capital structure. The conclusions of this study are variable profitability, sales growth, firm size, and firm age are all factors that determine the capital structure of SMEs. For further research in order to add some other variables than those use...
Plastic and Aesthetic Research, 2021
The microbiota changes as the host ages, but also the relationship between host and bacteria impa... more The microbiota changes as the host ages, but also the relationship between host and bacteria impacts host aging and life expectancy. Differences in the composition of certain bacterial species in the human gut and skin microbiome have been identified between the elderly and the young. In this sense, it has been suggested that the manipulation of the microbiota of older adults would be an innovative strategy in the prevention and treatment of age-related comorbidities.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a great concern in the global health sector This isdueto t... more The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a great concern in the global health sector This isdueto the large number of people infected within a wide area The possibility of transmission from one person to anotherraises the need for isolation or restrictions in terms of physical and social interactions within the community This study aims to determine the extent of community compliance in conducting Physical Distancing The research design was observational analytic, using cross sectional method,and was performed with 753 respondents In addition, data was collected using internet-based questionnaire in the first Government Emergency Response period from March 23 to April 11, 2020 The information obtained includes demographics, physical social compliance variables and risk level Therefore, qualitativeanalysis was performed to evaluate the frequency distribution, while the relationship between risk categories with Covid 19 cases was determined using chi square The results showed the majori...

Diponegoro Law Review, Apr 1, 2014
Anak merupakan generasi muda yang mempunyai potensi yang diharapkan dapat mewujudkan cita-cita Ba... more Anak merupakan generasi muda yang mempunyai potensi yang diharapkan dapat mewujudkan cita-cita Bangsa Indonesia untuk menjadikan bangsa Indonesia lebih maju dan makmur. Dalam masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak banyak sekali terjadi hal-hal yang sangat kompleks yang salah satunya adalah perbuatan kenakalan yang menjurus kepada tindak pidana. Berdasarkan hal tersebut masalah yang akan diteliti adalah mengenai kebijakan formulasi sistem peradilan pidana anak dalam penanganan tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak dan mengenai pelaksanaan sistem peradilan pidana anak dalam penanganan tindak pidana pencurian kendaraan bermotor dengan kekerasan berdasarkan UU No. 3 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengadilan Anak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris dengan mengumpulkan data dari wawancara dengan pihak yang terkait yaitu dengan Hakim Anak di Pengadilan Negeri Semarang dan Petugas BAPAS dan bahan hukum skunder lainnya, yaitu undang-undang yang mengatur tentang sistem peradilan anak dan undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan anak literatur-literatur yang terkait dengan sistem peradilan anak. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk pemecahan dalam kasus tindak pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh anak. Peraturan perundang-undangan dalam instrumen hukum internasional dan nasional mengenai sistem peradilan anak tersebut digunakan dalam penanganan bagi anak pelaku tindak pidana dan diatur demi memberikan perlindungan hak-hak anak dan mementingkan kepentingan terbaik bagi anak serta mementingkan kesejahteraan bagi anak terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum. Pelaksanaan sistem peradilan pidana anak dalam penanganan tindak pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan seperti yang telah diamanatkan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 tentang Pengadilan Anak. Kata kunci : anak, pelaku tindak pidana, pencurian kendaraan bermotor.

Sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) is one of the surfactant (surface active agent) that is widely used i... more Sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) is one of the surfactant (surface active agent) that is widely used in the petroleum for the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). The use of SLS due it ability that can reduce the interfacial tension of two liquid phases, so it can enhance oil recovery in oil wells. SLS is the product of sulfite and lignin reaction. Lignin is obtained from oil palm bunches of solid waste those are very abundant and easily obtained from the rest of the production of palm oil mill. This research is intended to study the kinetics and the influence of various factors on the reaction of SLS production. SLS-making process carried out by bacth sulfonation in a stirred autoklav reactor that given a heating mantle. Heating and stirring are intended to lowered the activation energy of lignin so that it can react with sodium bisulfite. SLS-making process carried out by varying the concentration of reagent (5%, 10% and 15% by weight NaHSO3), reaction time (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90 and 120 minutes) and temperature (160 0C, 165 0C and 170 0C). Experimental results show that the reaction kinetics is controlled by chemical reaction with the modeling of liquid-liquid reaction of sulfite reaction with activated lignin in the fluid. The highest conversion is 0.83837 on the conditions of 10 g of oil palm empty fruit bunches (content of lignin is 12.37%), sodium bisulfite 15%, temperature 170 0C and reaction time 50 minutes. The model is suitable for this research is a pseudo first order irreversible reaction. Relationships between the temperature and the rate constants can be represented by the equation : k = 1600.214945 exp (- ) ( T in Kelvin and the while R = 8314,34 J / Kg.mol.K ) The purification process is done by variying ratio of cation exchangers weight with the mL versus SLS products (0,5:5
Papers by Nur Mustika Aji Nugroho
Tujuan: untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan e-poster berbasis website terhadap kecemasan physical distancing di lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Sedangkan tujuan
Hipotesis penelitian: Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan e-poster berbasis website terhadap kecemasan physical distancing di lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta
Manfaat penelitian: secara teoritis adalah hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk kemajuan di bidang ilmu keperawatan terutama tentang pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan e-poster berbasis website terhadap kecemasan physical distancing di lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Sedangkang secara praktis adalah diharapkan mampu mengurangi tingkat kecemasan terhadap penerapan physical distancing.
Metode: Quasi eksperiment dengan desain one group pretest-postest. Sampel penelitian diambil secara simple random sampling. Responden diberi pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media e-poster berbasis website tentang physical distancing . Penilaian dilakukan dua kali yaitu sebelum dan sesudah pemberian pendidikan kesehatan pada responden. Uji hipotesa menggunakan uji wilcoxon dengan derajat kemaknaan p < 0,05 artinya ada pengaruh yang bermakna antara dua variabel, maka H1 diterima. Uji statistik yang akan digunakan adalah dengan program SPSS for Windows.