Papers by Amelia Nurul Hakim

Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy), May 6, 2023
Background: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the risk factors for COVID-19. This causes the morbidity ... more Background: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the risk factors for COVID-19. This causes the morbidity and severity of COVID-19 patients to be higher in patients with diabetes. Objectivity: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of treatment therapy for COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes at the South Tangerang City General Hospital. Material and methods: This study used a descriptive design with a quantitative approach and retrospective data collection. Sampling was done by Total Sampling with a total sample of 127 patients from 234 patients. Result: The characteristics of COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes were dominated by the male gender (55.1%), with an age range of 46-55 years (38.6%), high school education (43.3%), and have a private employee type of work (55.1%). The symptoms of COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes were cough (89.8%), with a length of stay for patients 7–14 days (72.4%).Treatment for COVID-19 with comorbid diabetes was antibiotics azithromycin (26.0%), antiviral remdesivir (62.2%), methylprednisolone (73.2%), acetylcysteine (85.0%), vitamin C (89.8%), and the antidiabetic group that is often used is insulin novorapid (41.7%). Conclusion: The results of laboratory examinations showed that COVID-19 treatment therapy is effective in reducing the amount of virus in the blood, which is indicated by an increase in the PCR value (p-value <0.001), lowering blood sugar levels (which is characterized by a decrease in blood sugar levels when (p-value <0.001) ), and reduce hypercoagulation which is characterized by a reduction in the value of D-dimer (p-value < 0.005).

Journal of Applied Health Management and Technology, Jan 31, 2021
To evaluate the effectiveness of aerobic training on pain in Rheumatoid arthritis. Methods Asyste... more To evaluate the effectiveness of aerobic training on pain in Rheumatoid arthritis. Methods Asystematic literature search was carried out using the Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane databases untilNovember 2016 and abstractly presented at a scientific meeting of rheumatology for 3 years. Randomizedcontrolled trials (RCTs) comparing resistance exercise-based therapy with interventions withoutresistance exercise for RA patients' treatment were included. Six literature studies, including 547 patients,met the study inclusion criteria. Patient characteristics and exercise did not affect the outcome. Subgroupanalysis revealed a trend toward higher effectiveness associated with high-intensity programs. There isevidence with a low risk of bias that an aerobic exercise program effectively reduces fatigue amongpatients with RA, especially in the short term. An RCT should be performed in patients with RA who areselected for fatigue to strengthen the evidence.

Edu Dharma Journal: Jurnal penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat
The Covid-19 pandemic is a pandemic that has result in high mortality rates in various parts of t... more The Covid-19 pandemic is a pandemic that has result in high mortality rates in various parts of the world, therefore it is important to prevent Covid-19 everywhere, including in the youth environment. Good knowledge about Covid-19 and compliance with the 5M health protocol is one of the efforts to prevent Covid-19. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and compliance with the 5M health protocol for preventing Covid-19 among teenagers at SMA PGRI Rumpin. This research method is quantitative research with a cross sectional approach, data was collected using a questionnaire, the sample size was 154 teenagers at SMA PGRI Rumpin. The research results showed that from 154 respondents, more than half of the respondents were in the high level of knowledge category, 87 respondents (56.49%) and almost half of the respondents in the obedient category, 63 respondents (40.91%), as well as the results of the Spearman rank test, the significance v...

Jurnal Keperawatan
Introduction: Prediabetes is a condition that will develop into type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DMT2) w... more Introduction: Prediabetes is a condition that will develop into type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DMT2) within 3-5 years. Glycaemic control is the primary intervention in long-term management, so structured education with appropriate and sustainable media is needed using mobile health technology. Objectives: The development of the "Melpredia" application based on an android application as a media for health promotion and its effect on HbA1c glycaemic control and self-care management. Methods: The Research type was Research and Development (R&D), and model testing using Quasi-experiments with pre-test post-test control group design was carried out for three months from January to April 2021. The purposive sampling technique consisted of 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups. The data were tested using Paired t-test and an independent t-test. The research instrument used by application "Melpredia." Results: The Android-based Melpredia application obtained a percenta...

Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal)
Background: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the risk factors for COVID-19. This causes the morbidity ... more Background: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the risk factors for COVID-19. This causes the morbidity and severity of COVID-19 patients to be higher in patients with diabetes. Objectivity: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of treatment therapy for COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes at the South Tangerang City General Hospital. Material and methods: This study used a descriptive design with a quantitative approach and retrospective data collection. Sampling was done by Total Sampling with a total sample of 127 patients from 234 patients. Result: The characteristics of COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes were dominated by the male gender (55.1%), with an age range of 46-55 years (38.6%), high school education (43.3%), and have a private employee type of work (55.1%). The symptoms of COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes were cough (89.8%), with a length of stay for patients 7–14 days (72.4%).Treatment for COVID-19 with comorbid diabetes was antibiotics azithromy...

Journal of Applied Health Management and Technology, Apr 30, 2020
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and continued until the age of 2 years with adequate supplem... more Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and continued until the age of 2 years with adequate supplementary feeding is one of the effective interventions to reduce infant mortality. Analyze the factors associated with the success of exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 7-12 months at the Cipondoh Health Center in Tangerang City in 2019. This study uses a quantitative approach to Cross Sectional research design with the independent variable initiation of early breastfeeding (IMD), age, education, occupation, parity, knowledge, husband's support, support of health workers, and mother's attitude. The population is all mothers who have babies aged 7-12 months who visited the Cipondoh Health Center in Tangerang City in January-May 2019. The number of samples 883 respondents were selected by accidental sampling. Data collection uses primary and secondary data using a questionnaire that has been tested. Data analysis performed was univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Analysis of factors that had a statistically significant relationship with the success of exclusive breastfeeding was maternal knowledge (p = 0.016; OR = 17.172; 95% CI; 1,704-173,000). While the relationship between the factors of initiation of early breastfeeding (IMD), age, education, work, parity, husband support, support of health workers and the attitude of mothers with the success of exclusive breastfeeding is not statistically significant. So that health workers are more intensive in providing health education, especially about exclusive breastfeeding.
A. Pengertian Model Praktik Keperawatan Model praktik keperawatan adalah suatu sistem(struktur, p... more A. Pengertian Model Praktik Keperawatan Model praktik keperawatan adalah suatu sistem(struktur, proses, dan nilai-nilai profesional) yg memungkinkan perawatan professional mengatur pemberian asuhan termasuk lingkungan untuk menopang pemberian asuhan tersebut (Hoffart &Woods, 1996) Model praktik keperawatan adalah suatu sistem (struktur, proses dan nilai-nilai profesional), yang memfasilitasi perawat profesional, mengatur pemberian asuhan keperawatan, termasuk lingkungan tempat asuhan tersebut diberikan (Ratna Sitorus & Yuli, 2006). Model praktik keperawatan profesional (MPKP) adalah suatu sistem (struktur, proses dan nilai-nilai profesional), yang memfasilitasi perawat profesional, mengatur pemberian asuhan keperawatan, termasuk lingkungan tempat asuhan tersebut diberikan. B. Tujuan Model Praktik Keperawatan
Papers by Amelia Nurul Hakim