Papers by Yohanes Kristianto

Abstrak Makanan jajanan pada siswa sekolah masih banyak yang bermutu rendah sehingga keterampilan... more Abstrak Makanan jajanan pada siswa sekolah masih banyak yang bermutu rendah sehingga keterampilan anak dalam memilih memegang peran penting dalam mendapatkan jajanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai mutu jajanan siswa sekolah dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menentukan pemilihan jajanan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional pada 120 siswa sekolah dasar di Kota Batu yang dipilih secara purposif pada bulan September hingga Desember 2009. Mutu jajanan sekolah diperiksa di laboratorium. Siswa diminta untuk menjawab 28 pertanyaan tentang pemilihan jajanan. Data yang diperoleh diolah dan dianalisis dengan uji analisis faktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya jajanan pada siswa seko-lah mengandung energi di bawah standar (300 Kkal/porsi). Komposisi bahan penyusun jajanan kurang bervariasi. Sebagian besar jajanan (71,4%) mengandung formalin. Faktor utama yang menentukan pemilihan jajanan di sekolah mencakup variabel harga, hadiah, ukuran porsi, aroma, dan kebebasan menentukan pilihan sendiri. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kandungan gizi dan keamanan jajanan anak sekolah perlu ditingkatkan. Determinan utama pemilihan jajanan didominasi aspek harga, hadiah, dan cita rasa. Untuk membuat jajanan yang bergizi dan aman disarankan pembuatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahan pan-gan dan teknologi lokal. Selain itu, juga diperlukan penegakan hukum terkait dengan penggunaan bahan berbahaya dalam jajanan siswa sekolah. Abstract Snacks of poor qualities which still predominate foods sold in school highlights the importance of skill in choosing healthy foods. This research was aimed to examine the quality of snack and determine factors that contribute to children's food choice. The study was conducted using cross sectional design on purposefully selected 120 school children from four elementary schools in Kota Batu in September to December 2009. School snacks were 489 collected for laboratory analyses. The children were asked to the extent they agree or disagree with 28 questions on snack choice. The collected data were analysed using factor analysis test. The study revealed that the energy content of the snacks was generally below standard (300 Kcal/serving). The snacks were in most cases made of less diverse food ingredients while 71.4% samples contained formaldehyde. The children choice to snacks were primarily determined by factor including price, gimmick, serving size, flavor, and freedom to choose their own snacks. It is concluded that both snack quality and safety should be improved. Determining factors to snack choice mainly cover price, gimmick, and food sensory qualities. Snacks made of local mixed-ingredients should be promoted to decrease the price while regulations on providing better and safer foods should be seriously enforced.

Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 2006
As salt is a potential vehicle for delivering iodine to a population, study on salt intake is imp... more As salt is a potential vehicle for delivering iodine to a population, study on salt intake is important. Many methods have been used to measure iodised-salt intake, but the methods were suspected to be inaccurate. A new method, called a lithium-marker technique, has been considered as suitable and safe; hence it has been proposed as a gold standard for measuring the actual salt intake of an individual. We conducted a study to determine discretionary salt intake using the lithium marker technique. The study shows that the total salt intake for children (N = 15) and mothers (N = 15) were 5.4+/-2.1 g/d and 5.8+/-1.7 g/d respectively in which 48.5+/-17.1% and 50.5?17.3% were discretionary salt. The discretionary salt intake measured using lithium marker (2.53 +/- 1.2 g/d for children and 2.99 +/- 1.5 g/d for mother) were significantly lower than using 24-hour salt recall (7.01+/-2.44 g/cap/d) and salt weighing (6.00+/-1.8 g/cap/d) (p<0.001). In conclusion, the discretionary salt inta...

One of the nutritional problems of hospitalized patients is hypoalbuminemia. Hospitality malnutri... more One of the nutritional problems of hospitalized patients is hypoalbuminemia. Hospitality malnutrition data in Indonesia shows that 45% -50% of patients suffer from hypoalbuminemia, some of whom are at life-threatening level. In an effort to help patients with hypoalbuminemia is albumin administration in form of Human Serum Albumin (HSA), which until recently is still an expensive choice. Snakehead fish (Channa striata) extract has been introduced and significantly proven to increase levels of albumin in hypoalbuminemia and to accelerate the process of wound healing in postoperative patients. This paper aims to describe the nutrients profile of Channa striata extract and their role in health. Snakehead is one of native freshwater fish that is widely available in many tropical regions such as Asia and Africa, and has been shown to have high nutrition and health benefits. Snakehead extract contains abundant of albumin (2.17 ± 0.14g/100mL) which is the largest fraction (64.61%) of protein. This is sufficient to provide albumin for highly demanded such as hypoalbuminemia and post-surgical patients, and growing children. Snakehead extract is a potential source of albumin as per 100 mL it contains 3.36± 0.29 g protein, 2.17± 0.14 g albumin, 0.77± 0.66 g total fat ; Total Glucose 0.07 ± 0.02 g, Zinc 3.34 ± 0.8 mg; Cu 2.34 ± 0.98 mg and 0.20 ± 0.09 mg Fe.

The use of Na2HPO4 as soaking agent in instant-rice making does not only destroy thiamine and pro... more The use of Na2HPO4 as soaking agent in instant-rice making does not only destroy thiamine and protein content of end product but also decreases sensory quality. This research aimed to seek an alternative of soaking solution that results in better quality of instant rice. Na5P3O10 was tested and compared to Na2HPO4 for their cooking time, rehydration rate, cracking rate, amylose and protein contents, and sensory qualities. The IR-64 rice was chosen as raw material for instant rice production. The completely random design of factorial was employed and to indicate the significant effects the ANOVA was used. Hedonic scale test was employed to determine the acceptance of instant rice. Results show that Na2HPO4 and Na5P3O10 at 0.1 and 0.2% have no statistically difference effect of on the rate of rehydration and cracking, cooking time, contents of protein and amylose (p > 0.05). Instant rice prepared by Na5P3O10 0.1% has 267% rehydration rate, cooking time of 8 minutes 31 seconds, 59.85% cracking rate, 10.258% protein, 21.980% amylose and is most liked by the panellists. It is suggested that to indicate statistical difference the use of more than two levels of soaking agent concentration is used. Stirring during steaming process could reduce cracking rate of final product.

Background: Malang still faces nutrition problems that need to be solved with the use of local po... more Background: Malang still faces nutrition problems that need to be solved with the use of local potential in the form of
tempeh. More nutritious and attractive tempeh productsmay be produced by introducing new way of processing known as
second generation of tempeh. This study was aimed to explore second generation tempe consumption pattern of in Malang.
Methods: This study was descriptive qualitative. Tempeh consumption pattern was obtained from group of mother of 6-59
months child with malnutrition and pregnant with chronic energy defiiency in Kendalkerep health care center in which
tempeh industry is localised and Arjowinangun health centers as a comparison. Data collection was conducted through
FGD and tempeh cooking contest. Results: In general, respondents consumed tempeh almost every day. Tempe products
were prepared traditionally in form of snack or protein source side dish. Tempeh processing is generally done by frying.
Respondents have recognized the new way of processing tempeh in form of second generations. Respondents living in the
tempeh industry area usedmore various ingredients and more complex methods of cooking. They also indicated the ability
to adopt new way of tempeh processing. Conclusion: People in Malang consumes tempeh in two forms, ie. side dishes
and snack traditionally processed mainly by frying. They may adopt new way of tempeh processing. Recommendation:
Futher research is needed to prove the benefi in reducing the malnutrition.
Papers by Yohanes Kristianto
tempeh. More nutritious and attractive tempeh productsmay be produced by introducing new way of processing known as
second generation of tempeh. This study was aimed to explore second generation tempe consumption pattern of in Malang.
Methods: This study was descriptive qualitative. Tempeh consumption pattern was obtained from group of mother of 6-59
months child with malnutrition and pregnant with chronic energy defiiency in Kendalkerep health care center in which
tempeh industry is localised and Arjowinangun health centers as a comparison. Data collection was conducted through
FGD and tempeh cooking contest. Results: In general, respondents consumed tempeh almost every day. Tempe products
were prepared traditionally in form of snack or protein source side dish. Tempeh processing is generally done by frying.
Respondents have recognized the new way of processing tempeh in form of second generations. Respondents living in the
tempeh industry area usedmore various ingredients and more complex methods of cooking. They also indicated the ability
to adopt new way of tempeh processing. Conclusion: People in Malang consumes tempeh in two forms, ie. side dishes
and snack traditionally processed mainly by frying. They may adopt new way of tempeh processing. Recommendation:
Futher research is needed to prove the benefi in reducing the malnutrition.
tempeh. More nutritious and attractive tempeh productsmay be produced by introducing new way of processing known as
second generation of tempeh. This study was aimed to explore second generation tempe consumption pattern of in Malang.
Methods: This study was descriptive qualitative. Tempeh consumption pattern was obtained from group of mother of 6-59
months child with malnutrition and pregnant with chronic energy defiiency in Kendalkerep health care center in which
tempeh industry is localised and Arjowinangun health centers as a comparison. Data collection was conducted through
FGD and tempeh cooking contest. Results: In general, respondents consumed tempeh almost every day. Tempe products
were prepared traditionally in form of snack or protein source side dish. Tempeh processing is generally done by frying.
Respondents have recognized the new way of processing tempeh in form of second generations. Respondents living in the
tempeh industry area usedmore various ingredients and more complex methods of cooking. They also indicated the ability
to adopt new way of tempeh processing. Conclusion: People in Malang consumes tempeh in two forms, ie. side dishes
and snack traditionally processed mainly by frying. They may adopt new way of tempeh processing. Recommendation:
Futher research is needed to prove the benefi in reducing the malnutrition.