Papers by Jaroslaw Konieczny

Materials, 2025
The optimization of CuNi 2 Si 1 alloy's mechanical and electrical properties was achieved through... more The optimization of CuNi 2 Si 1 alloy's mechanical and electrical properties was achieved through a combination of experimental approaches and metaheuristic algorithms. Optimizing hardness and electrical conductivity through a variation in aging temperature (450-600 • C) and aging duration (1-420 min) was taken under consideration in the present work. Cold rolling with 50% strain after solution annealing aided in microstructure refinement and accelerated Ni 2 Si precipitates' development, and property improvement increased. Optimum temperature and holding period were 450 • C and 30 min, respectively, with 266 HV and 13 MS/m and 167 HV and 11.2 MS/m for non-deformed samples, respectively. SPBO, genetic algorithm (GA), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) metaheuristic algorithms were considered, and SPBO exhibited the best prediction accuracy. SPBO predicted 450 • C for 61.75 min, and experimental testing exhibited 267 HV and 14 MS/m, respectively. Polynomial regressions with 0.98 and 0.96 values for R 2 confirmed these values' accuracy. According to this work, computational optimization proves effective in optimizing development and property tailoring for application in industries including aerospace and electrical engineering.

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal,, 2025
Disclosure of removed or illegible identification marks occurs when the need arises to establish ... more Disclosure of removed or illegible identification marks occurs when the need arises to establish the origin of the object or attempt to alter the original designation. In order to make it difficult to identify the subject, the offender removes all the marks characterizing the subject while applying a new mark. In addition to the most primitive character removal methods, there are those that make it difficult to evaluate the removal of the original mark. The publication presents selected methods of destructive and non-destructive testing which are used in forensic vehicle identification. The results of research on the detection of forgeries of vehicle identification numbers obtained using the methods discussed are presented in the publication. The presented results illustrate how easy it is to detect the attempts to process car numbers. As a result of the performed tests, the forgeries of a VIN (vehicle identification number) were revealed using the chemical method in a Hyundai Tucson car and the magnetic method in a Nissan car. In addition, using the thermal method, a forgery of the engine number of a Daewoo Matiz car was revealed. In turn, in an Audi A6 car, an attempt was made to counterfeit the VIN using the permanent magnetic method, and the method of replicas was disclosed.

ournal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering , 2024
Purpose: The traditional method of regeneration of railway wheels is the correction of the shape ... more Purpose: The traditional method of regeneration of railway wheels is the correction of the shape of the running surface by reprofiling using semiautomatic lathes adapted to machining and measuring the parameters of railway wheels. Traditional reprofiling causes the thickness of the rim to decrease over time to such an extent that it has to be replaced. During reprofiling, at least 6 mm of metal is removed from the running surface of the wheel.
Design/methodology/approach: One of the possible effective ways to create, produce, analyse, and optimise new and existing industrial production processes of metal treatment, including laser technologies, is to develop qualitative and quantitative knowledge helping to
understand the thermal processes existing in the mutual relations between wear resistance and hardness.
Findings: As a result of accidents that occurred on the world railways, it was found out that the traditional surfacing process, including cladding and or remelting, is not used for wheel regeneration for safety reasons.
Research limitations/implications: Therefore, fibre laser cladding was chosen for investigation as a more sophisticated tool compared to the often used Diode Laser, which has a more accurate laser beam with even higher energy density. Depending on the situation and the welding technique used, the weld can be made with materials in the form of fine powder, wire, or self-shielding wire.
Practical implications: As a result of cladding, the surface layer can be enriched with metal particle, and in some cases, a high-quality top layer can be obtained. Concerning the original practical implications of this work, it was important to investigate the appliance possibility of
cladding for enhancement of the surface properties.
Originality/value: The scientific reason was also to describe structure changes and compounds occurring on the remelted laser surface. It is also important to determine the laser treatment parameters, particularly the laser power, to achieve a high value of layer hardness and wear resistance to protect the newlynew developeddeveloped material from losing their properties and to make the wheels surface more resistant to wear.

rchives of Materials Science and Engineering, 2024
The paper presents the results of the stereometry specification of the damaged guide of a section... more The paper presents the results of the stereometry specification of the damaged guide of a section insulator of railway electric traction made of hard electrolytic copper Cu-ETP. The tested guides were withdrawn from service due to damage. Design/methodology/approach: The tests were carried out on guides that were operated for 6 or 12 months on lines where trains moved at a maximum speed of 40 or 120 km/h.The analysis of the geometry of the surface was based on data acquired by measuring selected fragments of guides and executing them on a laser profile measurement gauge MicroProf of the FRT company. The microstructure analysis was performed on the ZEISS SUPRA 25 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) using the EDS. Findings: Analysis of the test results showed that the electric arc is the most destructive phenomenon that accompanies the operation of the guides of section insulators made of Cu-ETP copper. The stereometric tests have characterised the guide surfaces using specific values, e.g., copper drop height or abrasion depth. Research limitations/implications: Since the tests were carried out on guides operated on the railway electrical traction, in real conditions, it is very difficult to acquire data on operating parameters such as voltage and electric current, the pressure force of the pantograph on the electric traction, the temperature to which the guide heats up as a result of an electric discharge or under the influence of flowing air, high current, etc. Practical implications: The most important mechanisms destroying the guide made of Cu-ETP copper have been characterised, and thanks to this, in the next stage of research, it will be possible to counteract the effects of damage effectively. Originality/value: The presented test results concern guides operated in real conditions and show the effects of the electric arc and the accompanying physical phenomena. The test results are not the result of laboratory simulations intended to reflect real operating conditions.

The traditional method of regeneration of railway wheels is the correction of the shape of the ru... more The traditional method of regeneration of railway wheels is the correction of the shape of the running surface by reprofiling with the use of semi-automatic lathes adapted to machining and measuring the parameters of railway wheels. Traditional reprofiling causes the rim thickness to decrease over time to such an extent that it has to be replaced. During reprofiling, at least 6 mm of metal is removed from the running surface of the wheel. And the surface created in this way is not subjected to any process that would cause an extension of the time for which it will maintain its parameters.
Therefore PTA (Plasma Transferred Arc) treatment was chose for investigation, as a more sophisticated tool, compared to the often used diode laser. Depending on the situation and the welding technique used, the weld can be made with materials in the form of fine powder, wire or self-shielding wire. In this case wire was used for cladding. Based on the performed investigations it was possible to obtain a layer consisting of the heat affected zone, transition zone and remelted zone, with higher hardness value compared to the non remelted material. As a result of cladding, the surface layer can be enriched with the metal particle and in
some cases, a high-quality top layer is possible to obtain [1-3].

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 2024
This article presents research on the influence of an electric arc on the properties and structur... more This article presents research on the influence of an electric arc on the properties and structure of a traction section guide made of ETP (electrolytic tough pitch) copper in a segment insulator of a railway section. An electrical discharge occurring during use, which may accompany the passage of the pantograph current collector between adjacent guides, may cause many physical phenomena. In addition to existing guide wear mechanisms, such as friction, corrosion, and/or oxidation, the action of an electric arc also has a devastating effect on the guide in use, causing its complete destruction in extreme cases. The aim of the investigation was to determine what type of damage to the sectional guide in real operation conditions was caused by the impact of an electric arc that is induced when the pantograph passes from one guide to the adjacent one. The paper presents the results of tests on an operational guide made of hard electrolytic copper Cu-ETP, in particular the results of microscopic observations, the results of microscopic tests obtained using the ZEISS SUPRA 25 scanning electron microscope, as well as the analysis of the chemical composition in micro-areas (EDS-Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy). On the basis of the tests carried out, it was found that the dominant destructive mechanism of the guide is the electric arc, the presence of elements from the external environment was also determined, and the degree of damage was analysed depending on the conditions and operating times.

Applied Science, 2024
Silver alloys are often used for electrical switches in railway transportation. However, a well-k... more Silver alloys are often used for electrical switches in railway transportation. However, a well-known issue with these switches is their relatively short application period due to certain disadvantages of silver alloys, mainly their low hardness and low resistance to abrasive wear, in
contrast to their excellent electrical conductivity. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to increase or maintain the hardness of the surface layer in order to extend the life of worn parts without compromising their electrical properties. Instead of ceramic particles, as in other studies, metallic powders were used, which could increase the electrical and/or thermal properties of silver alloys. The following work presents the use of laser processing as a relatively new technique for metal and metal alloy surface processing technology. In particular, a process based on the melting of silver (Ag) with metallic powders, such as chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) particles, is presented. The aim was for these powders to create intermetallic phases with a silver matrix in the obtained surface layer, significantly improving the mechanical properties based on the formation of the phases coherent or semi-coherent with the silver matrix. Regarding the original practical implications of this work, it was important to investigate the possibility of applying fibre laser for surface property enhancement. The scientific aim was to describe the changes in microstructure and compounds that occurred in the laser-remelted surface silver layer after Ni and Cr particles were fed into the basic silver material. It was concluded that the surface layer obtained after chromium application was without cracks and defects and had a higher hardness than the untreated material. A three-zone structure was also found in the obtained surface layer: (1) the remelted zone, (2) the heat-affected zone, and (3) the matrix material. The remelting zone revealed a higher hardness compared to the untreated material, reaching 92 HV0.3, which is more than twice the initial hardness value.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

This article presents a Train on Railway Track simulation model and program developed by the auth... more This article presents a Train on Railway Track simulation model and program developed by the authors. The model implements the module for multiple-criteria optimization with a set of proposed objective functions allowing reductions in train passing time, total costs, energy consumption, and adverse environmental impacts. The Train on Railway Track simulator has been developed to allow both the simulation itself and the ride optimization. The main achievement is the development of an algorithm that simulates the passage of a train over 500 km, the duration of which did not exceed two minutes. We present an analysis of the impact of model changes on the duration of the simulation and the accuracy of the results obtained. This allows the use of these achievements in simulations carried out for the railway, automotive, or aviation industries as well. Changes in the classical approach to optimization proposed by the authors made it possible to obtain results directly by solving classical systems of equations. The change in the approach to the optimization and system algorithm has reduced the operating time of the optimization system from thousands of simulations to a single simulation with an additional optimization process that takes several minutes to calculate. This article is a continuation of the description of the work performed, and basic information about the developed simulation model and software functionality is included in a separate publication.

Energies, 2023
Currently, hydrogen and electric drives used in various means of transport is a leading topic in ... more Currently, hydrogen and electric drives used in various means of transport is a leading topic in many respects. This article discusses the most important aspects of the operation of vehicles with electric drives (passenger cars) and hydrogen drives. In both cases, the official reason for using both drives is the possibility of independence from fossil fuel supplies, especially oil. The desire for independence is mainly dictated by political considerations. This article discusses the acquisition of basic raw materials for the construction of lithium-ion batteries in electric cars, as well as methods for obtaining hydrogen as a fuel. The widespread use of electric passenger cars requires the construction of a network of charging stations. This article shows that, taking into account the entire production process of electric cars, including lithium-ion batteries, the argument that they are ecological cannot be used. Additionally, it was indicated that there is no concept for the use of used accumulator batteries. If hydrogen drives are used in trains, there is no need to build the traction network infrastructure and then continuously monitor its technical condition and perform
the necessary repairs. Of course, the necessary hydrogen tanks must be built, but there must be similar tanks to store oil for diesel locomotives. This paper also deals with other possibilities of hydrogen application for transformational usage, e.g., the use of combustion engines driven with
liquid hydrogen. Unfortunately, an optimistic approach to this issue does not allow for a critical view of the whole matter. In public discussion, there is no room for scientific arguments and emotions to dominate.
Materials, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport, 2020
Rail transport is presently one of the most supported means of transport in Europe; it existed fr... more Rail transport is presently one of the most supported means of transport in Europe; it existed from the end of the 18th century. However, some issues especially concerning materials and its exploitation are still actual and are a matter of scientific projects or developments. In this paper, analyses concerning the characterisation of used track infrastructure elements in form of sleepers of the popular rail fastening system SKL 12 were performed. Specifically, the main objective of the work was the characteristics of the material microstructure and properties after long-term usage and natural ageing, reaching over a few decades. In this paper was conducted investigations concerning the non-used and used fasteners by reason of classic material research methods. The analysis was carried out based on the results obtained through research using mainly light, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), as well as electron diffraction for the lattice structure determination, EDS chemical microanalysis and Rockwell hardness testing were also carried out in terms of identification of the chemical analysis changes that occurred after long-term application. The main reason was to characterise the long-term usage for K. Labisz, J. Konieczny the microstructure changes on the surface layer of the used fasteners compared to newly produced material.
Raport Kolejowy, 2022
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono zjawisko kolizji, ich liczbę i konsekwencje, którymi są opóź... more W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono zjawisko kolizji, ich liczbę i konsekwencje, którymi są opóźnienia i uszkodzenia pociągów, a co za tym idzie koszty ekonomiczne.
Raport Kolejowy, 2022
Historia kolizji pociągów z dzikimi zwierzętami rozpoczęła się zapewne od momentu, kiedy rozpoczę... more Historia kolizji pociągów z dzikimi zwierzętami rozpoczęła się zapewne od momentu, kiedy rozpoczęto świadczyć usługi transportowe koleją. Zderzenia pociągów z dzikimi zwierzętami muszą być rozpatrywane w różnych aspektach.

Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to show and compare of modern method composite materials wit... more Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to show and compare of modern method composite materials with aluminium alloy matrix reinforced by Ti(C,N) particles manufacturing. Design/methodology/approach: Powders of the starting materials were wet mixed in the laboratory vibratory ball mill to obtain the uniform distribution of the reinforcement particles in the matrix. The mixed powders were then dried in the air. The components were initially compacted at cold state in a die with the diameter of Ø 26 mm in the laboratory vertical unidirectional press – with a capacity of 350 kN. The selected compacting load was sufficient to obtain prepregs which would not crumble and at the same time would not be deformed too much, which would also have the adverse effect on their quality, as the excessive air pressure in the closed pores causes breaking the prepreg up when it is taken out from the die. The obtained PM compacts were heated to a temperature of 480-500˚C and finally extruded – with the ex...
Papers by Jaroslaw Konieczny
Design/methodology/approach: One of the possible effective ways to create, produce, analyse, and optimise new and existing industrial production processes of metal treatment, including laser technologies, is to develop qualitative and quantitative knowledge helping to
understand the thermal processes existing in the mutual relations between wear resistance and hardness.
Findings: As a result of accidents that occurred on the world railways, it was found out that the traditional surfacing process, including cladding and or remelting, is not used for wheel regeneration for safety reasons.
Research limitations/implications: Therefore, fibre laser cladding was chosen for investigation as a more sophisticated tool compared to the often used Diode Laser, which has a more accurate laser beam with even higher energy density. Depending on the situation and the welding technique used, the weld can be made with materials in the form of fine powder, wire, or self-shielding wire.
Practical implications: As a result of cladding, the surface layer can be enriched with metal particle, and in some cases, a high-quality top layer can be obtained. Concerning the original practical implications of this work, it was important to investigate the appliance possibility of
cladding for enhancement of the surface properties.
Originality/value: The scientific reason was also to describe structure changes and compounds occurring on the remelted laser surface. It is also important to determine the laser treatment parameters, particularly the laser power, to achieve a high value of layer hardness and wear resistance to protect the newlynew developeddeveloped material from losing their properties and to make the wheels surface more resistant to wear.
Therefore PTA (Plasma Transferred Arc) treatment was chose for investigation, as a more sophisticated tool, compared to the often used diode laser. Depending on the situation and the welding technique used, the weld can be made with materials in the form of fine powder, wire or self-shielding wire. In this case wire was used for cladding. Based on the performed investigations it was possible to obtain a layer consisting of the heat affected zone, transition zone and remelted zone, with higher hardness value compared to the non remelted material. As a result of cladding, the surface layer can be enriched with the metal particle and in
some cases, a high-quality top layer is possible to obtain [1-3].
contrast to their excellent electrical conductivity. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to increase or maintain the hardness of the surface layer in order to extend the life of worn parts without compromising their electrical properties. Instead of ceramic particles, as in other studies, metallic powders were used, which could increase the electrical and/or thermal properties of silver alloys. The following work presents the use of laser processing as a relatively new technique for metal and metal alloy surface processing technology. In particular, a process based on the melting of silver (Ag) with metallic powders, such as chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) particles, is presented. The aim was for these powders to create intermetallic phases with a silver matrix in the obtained surface layer, significantly improving the mechanical properties based on the formation of the phases coherent or semi-coherent with the silver matrix. Regarding the original practical implications of this work, it was important to investigate the possibility of applying fibre laser for surface property enhancement. The scientific aim was to describe the changes in microstructure and compounds that occurred in the laser-remelted surface silver layer after Ni and Cr particles were fed into the basic silver material. It was concluded that the surface layer obtained after chromium application was without cracks and defects and had a higher hardness than the untreated material. A three-zone structure was also found in the obtained surface layer: (1) the remelted zone, (2) the heat-affected zone, and (3) the matrix material. The remelting zone revealed a higher hardness compared to the untreated material, reaching 92 HV0.3, which is more than twice the initial hardness value.
the necessary repairs. Of course, the necessary hydrogen tanks must be built, but there must be similar tanks to store oil for diesel locomotives. This paper also deals with other possibilities of hydrogen application for transformational usage, e.g., the use of combustion engines driven with
liquid hydrogen. Unfortunately, an optimistic approach to this issue does not allow for a critical view of the whole matter. In public discussion, there is no room for scientific arguments and emotions to dominate.
Design/methodology/approach: One of the possible effective ways to create, produce, analyse, and optimise new and existing industrial production processes of metal treatment, including laser technologies, is to develop qualitative and quantitative knowledge helping to
understand the thermal processes existing in the mutual relations between wear resistance and hardness.
Findings: As a result of accidents that occurred on the world railways, it was found out that the traditional surfacing process, including cladding and or remelting, is not used for wheel regeneration for safety reasons.
Research limitations/implications: Therefore, fibre laser cladding was chosen for investigation as a more sophisticated tool compared to the often used Diode Laser, which has a more accurate laser beam with even higher energy density. Depending on the situation and the welding technique used, the weld can be made with materials in the form of fine powder, wire, or self-shielding wire.
Practical implications: As a result of cladding, the surface layer can be enriched with metal particle, and in some cases, a high-quality top layer can be obtained. Concerning the original practical implications of this work, it was important to investigate the appliance possibility of
cladding for enhancement of the surface properties.
Originality/value: The scientific reason was also to describe structure changes and compounds occurring on the remelted laser surface. It is also important to determine the laser treatment parameters, particularly the laser power, to achieve a high value of layer hardness and wear resistance to protect the newlynew developeddeveloped material from losing their properties and to make the wheels surface more resistant to wear.
Therefore PTA (Plasma Transferred Arc) treatment was chose for investigation, as a more sophisticated tool, compared to the often used diode laser. Depending on the situation and the welding technique used, the weld can be made with materials in the form of fine powder, wire or self-shielding wire. In this case wire was used for cladding. Based on the performed investigations it was possible to obtain a layer consisting of the heat affected zone, transition zone and remelted zone, with higher hardness value compared to the non remelted material. As a result of cladding, the surface layer can be enriched with the metal particle and in
some cases, a high-quality top layer is possible to obtain [1-3].
contrast to their excellent electrical conductivity. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to increase or maintain the hardness of the surface layer in order to extend the life of worn parts without compromising their electrical properties. Instead of ceramic particles, as in other studies, metallic powders were used, which could increase the electrical and/or thermal properties of silver alloys. The following work presents the use of laser processing as a relatively new technique for metal and metal alloy surface processing technology. In particular, a process based on the melting of silver (Ag) with metallic powders, such as chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) particles, is presented. The aim was for these powders to create intermetallic phases with a silver matrix in the obtained surface layer, significantly improving the mechanical properties based on the formation of the phases coherent or semi-coherent with the silver matrix. Regarding the original practical implications of this work, it was important to investigate the possibility of applying fibre laser for surface property enhancement. The scientific aim was to describe the changes in microstructure and compounds that occurred in the laser-remelted surface silver layer after Ni and Cr particles were fed into the basic silver material. It was concluded that the surface layer obtained after chromium application was without cracks and defects and had a higher hardness than the untreated material. A three-zone structure was also found in the obtained surface layer: (1) the remelted zone, (2) the heat-affected zone, and (3) the matrix material. The remelting zone revealed a higher hardness compared to the untreated material, reaching 92 HV0.3, which is more than twice the initial hardness value.
the necessary repairs. Of course, the necessary hydrogen tanks must be built, but there must be similar tanks to store oil for diesel locomotives. This paper also deals with other possibilities of hydrogen application for transformational usage, e.g., the use of combustion engines driven with
liquid hydrogen. Unfortunately, an optimistic approach to this issue does not allow for a critical view of the whole matter. In public discussion, there is no room for scientific arguments and emotions to dominate.
Aby umożliwić studentom samodzielną naukę, każde ćwiczenie przedstawione jest w sposób przejrzysty, zawierając liczne zdjęcia realnych stanowisk oraz części i elementów. Przy opisie tematyki autorzy wykorzystali bogaty zasób literatury fachowej zarówno krajowej,
jak i zagranicznej.
W niniejszym podręczniku każde ćwiczenie zostało podzielone na dwie części:
• wstęp teoretyczny do ćwiczenia, w którym omówiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące danego zagadnienia,
• opis stanowiska, instrukcję do ćwiczenia, a także wymagania dotyczące sprawozdania z ćwiczenia.
W ćwiczeniu nr 1, które dotyczy montażu wagonowych wózków eksploatacyjnych, dokonano przeglądu wózków stosowanych w pojazdach szynowych, a także opisano ich budowę i scharakteryzowano ich właściwości. Podano szczegółowe instrukcje odnośnie do przebiegu montażu wybranych podzespołów wózka.
Z kolei we wprowadzeniu do ćwiczenia nr 2 dokonano przeglądu cystern stosowanych w transporcie szynowym – opisano ich budowę oraz najważniejsze właściwości. Scharakteryzowano i opisano przebieg litrażowania i próby hydraulicznej cysterny, z uwzględnieniem odpowiednich przepisów. W części praktycznej ćwiczenia opisano prace
przygotowawcze oraz podano szczegółowe instrukcje dotyczące przebiegu obu prób.
W ramach ćwiczenia nr 3 omówiono badania zabezpieczenia antykorozyjnego wagonu – zaprezentowano rodzaje takich zabezpieczeń i ich składy chemiczne. Opisano również metody pomiaru grubości powłoki antykorozyjnej. Na podstawie norm międzynarodowych, w tym normy europejskie, opisano różne metody używane do wykonywania pomiarów grubości powłok antykorozyjnych oraz kryteria ich oceny, a także scharakteryzowano sprzęt, jaki stosowany jest do takich prac. W części praktycznej student dokonuje pomiaru grubości powłoki za pomocą odpowiedniego sprzętu kontrolno-pomiarowego. Ocena wyników
pomiarów musi uwzględniać takie czynniki, jak temperaturę i wilgotność powietrza oraz temperaturę na powierzchni i temperaturę samej farby.
W ćwiczeniu nr 4 omówiono montaż zaworu dennego cysterny. W tym rozdziale we wstępie teoretycznym kontynuowano przegląd cystern stosowanych do przewozu materiałów płynnych. Przedstawiono listę najczęściej transportowanych ciekłych substancji chemicznych oraz gazów skroplonych. Scharakteryzowano budowę cystern, koncentrując się na ich wyposażeniu w zawory, a także opisano zawory montowane w cysternach oraz sposoby napełniania i opróżniania zbiornika. W części praktycznej opisano montaż zaworu dennego oraz innych urządzeń, koncentrując się na praktycznych aspektach tych czynności (podobnie jak
w przypadku innych ćwiczeń).
Ćwiczenie nr 5 dotyczy montażu aparatu cięgłowego, haka cięgłowego oraz sprzęgu śrubowego. We wstępie przedstawiono rys historyczny dotyczący ich rozwoju oraz rolę odgrywaną w transporcie szynowym. Rodzaje tych urządzeń scharakteryzowano, ilustrując je odpowiednimi rysunkami. Przebieg ćwiczenia opisano bardzo szczegółowo, podając wiele praktycznych wskazówek − jak po kolei wykonywać poszczególne czynności montażowe.
W ćwiczeniu nr 6 opisano pomiar wysokości położenia zderzaków oraz wysokości osi sprzęgu nad główką szyny. We wprowadzeniu opisano budowę i działanie urządzeń cięgłowych i zderzakowych stosowanych w kolejnictwie. Powołano się na odpowiednie przepisy normatywne polskie i europejskie, w tym TSI. Wybrane rozwiązania tych urządzeń zilustrowano za pomocą rysunków. W części praktycznej opisano sposób pomiaru wysokości sprzęgu nad główką szyny za pomocą liniału i taśmy mierniczej. W przypadku zderzaków zastosowano odpowiedni przyrząd.
W następnym ćwiczeniu − nr 7 − omówiono montaż pompy szybkiego działania w cysternie kolejowej. We wprowadzeniu opisano rodzaje, budowę i działanie pomp stosowanych w kolejnictwie, a także przyrządów pomiarowych, takich jak manometr i manowakuometr. Zwrócono uwagę na zjawisko kawitacji. Wymieniono również jednostki, które obowiązują do
opisu ciśnienia.
Ćwiczenie nr 8 nawiązuje do wykonania próby pneumatycznej wagonu cysterny. W części teoretycznej zaprezentowano rys historyczny rozwoju cystern kolejowych głównie w USA, a także opisano obecne trendy w tym zakresie. Ponadto zaprezentowano przegląd prób wykonywanych na cysternach kolejowych. Podobnie jak w poprzednich ćwiczeniach,
odwołano się do przepisów krajowych i europejskich, a także scharakteryzowano próby pneumatyczne. W części praktycznej szczegółowo opisano procedury stosowane podczas prób
pneumatycznych dla dwóch ciśnień o stosunkowo niskich wartościach.
W ćwiczeniu nr 9 przedstawiono próbę zaazotowania wagonu cysterny. Opisano w nim krótko różne typy wagonów zbiornikowych, w tym wagony przeznaczone do przewozu gazów sprężonych, materiałów płynnych oraz materiałów sypkich z naciskiem na wagony zbiornikowe, czyli cysterny kolejowe. Przedstawiono klasy towarów niebezpiecznych, zgodnie z przepisami RID. Wyjaśniono na czym polega operacja zaazotowania zbiornika i jaka jest jej rola dla zapewnienia prawidłowej eksploatacji wagonu. W ramach instrukcji do ćwiczenia laboratoryjnego przedstawiono sposób postępowania podczas wykonywania prób zaazotowania cysterny.
W ostatnim ćwiczeniu (nr 10) omówiono wykonanie pomiarów skrajni wagonu. W części teoretycznej przedstawiono rodzaje skrajni stosowanych w kolejnictwie, zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami, a także opisano metody ich pomiaru. W ramach ćwiczenia zaplanowano pomiar odległości najwyższego punktu wagonu od skrajni kinematycznej oraz odległości cysterny od skrajni kinematycznej w osi poziomej wykonanej za pomocą niwelatora laserowego i odbiornika.
Autorzy wyrażają głęboką nadzieję, że niniejszy zbiór ćwiczeń będzie służył pomocą studentom w opanowaniu materiału z podstaw kolejnictwa, stanowić będzie inspiracje do własnych przemyśleń i będzie wykorzystywany również przez studentów innych wydziałów. Autorzy mają świadomość faktu, iż przedstawione ćwiczenia nie wyczerpują tematyki
związanej z opisanymi zagadnieniami, jak również są dalekie od doskonałości i dlatego będą wdzięczni czytelnikom za przekazanie wszelkich uwag i spostrzeżenia.;s,karta,id,2093
In the first part of the monograph, the authors describe the genesis of electric rail transport. Then, the wear mechanisms of the electric traction contact wires were characterised. This chapter emphasises the influence of the contact surface of electrical wires with the graphite cap of the current collector. The influence of the sliding speed between the graphite overlay and the electric traction cable on its wear was characterised. The influence of the increase in friction velocity on the temperature caused by the friction of the cooperating surfaces and thus on its oxidation, was described. The authors have shown that the wear of the pantograph contact strip materials, as well as the contact wires, is related to the friction products formed on the contact surfaces.
In the research part of this monograph, the authors set themselves the goal of presenting and examining the mechanisms that are responsible for damage and destruction of copper guides of sectional insulators. Then, using this knowledge, an attempt was made to increase the tribological properties of the guide's working surface by laser melting with chromium powder. The aim of the research was to produce hardened working surfaces of the guide and to develop technological assumptions for the production of commercially improved guides with extended service life.
Laser remelting was performed by feeding the powder with a speed in the range of 0.2÷0.8 mm3/min in a continuous manner to the area of the molten metal pool by dispensing granules using a fluidized bed feeder. CrAl powder was used as the alloying material.
Based on the macro-inspection of surface layer remelting, the optimal laser power P = 4kW for the Cu-ETP copper substrate material and the appropriate speed of fusion and remelting the guide were determined. It was found that the optimal speed of the laser beam Vskan=0.05m/min. The powder feed rate was 0.2 mm3/min, 0.4 mm3/min and 0.8 mm3/min
In the research part, guide rails that were used on various railway routes were analysed under real conditions, on which the trains ran at a maximum speed of 40 to 120 km/h for periods of 6 to 12 months. Using an Olympus light microscope, the surface microstructure was examined, the surface of the copper guides that is in contact with the graphite plate of the current collector and the cross-section of the guide in the place of its damage. Chemical composition analysis in the EDS micro-areas was performed using a Zeiss Supra 53 scanning electron microscope (SEM), while qualitative X-ray phase analysis was performed using a Panalytical X'Pert diffractometer. In the microstructure of the damaged parts of the sectional insulator guides, cracks and deformations of the surface layer were observed, characteristic of the phenomenon of friction caused by the current collector. The effect of a very intense oxidation process and the action of the electric arc were also observed, which, according to the authors, is the most destructive factor for the condition of the guides.
Hardness was measured on a Zwick/ZHR hardness tester using the Rockwell method. The indenter load was 590 N and the indenter diameter was 1/16 inch. The abrasion resistance test was performed on a tribometer with a counter-sample made of ZrO2 in the shape of a ball with a diameter of 6 mm and a load of 10 N. The analysis of the geometry of surface was based on data acquired with measurement of selected fragments of guides, executed on a MicroProf laser profile measurement gauge from FRT company.
Thermal wear, arc erosion, and abrasive wear are the dominant wear mechanisms occurring in the process of sliding friction with the accompanying electric current flow, along with material transfer.
The last chapter of the monograph presents a model of the relationship between the duration of the process (friction of the current collector and the catenary), the flowing current, the speed of the train, and the pressure of the pantograph, and the temperature generated on the contact surface of the traction system and the current collector. Neural networks were used for this purpose. The simulation results allow us to estimate the influence of selected factors on the temperature generated at the point of contact between the contact wire and the current collector. On the basis of the simulations presented, it is possible to predict the parameters impact of the considered on the increase in temperature and its possible impact on the degradation of the contact wire material.