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      GeologyGeochemistryClimate ChangeStable Isotopes
We present the first results concerning interannual variations in concentrations of glucose and cellobiose, obtained through enzymatic hydrolysis of a-cellulose. The a-cellulose was extracted from late-wood of oak. The tree-ring... more
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      Earth SciencesMass SpectrometryCelluloseBiological Sciences
We present the first results of the quantitative and qualitative gas chromatographic and isotope ratio mass spectrometric analysis of monosaccharides derived from acid hydrolysis of a-cellulose extracted from annual pine tree-rings. The... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeClimateCellulose
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    • Geology
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We present the first analysis of the influence of climate change on carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation factors for two saccharides (glucose and cellulose) of pine wood. The conifers grew in the Niepolomice Forest in Poland and the... more
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Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: Abstract: The distribution of stable isotopes (18O and 13C) and radiocarbon in organic mate- rials, carbonates and water samples collected from the environment of lacustrine sediments in Gosci¹¿ Lake (Central... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryStable IsotopeStable Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes
Biomonitoring obszarów przemysłowych Śląska - zastosowanie metod dendrochronologicznych,
spektrometrycznych i mikroskopowych w badaniach drzewostanów sosnowych w pobliżu elektrociepłowni w
Łaziskach Górnych
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Abstrakt. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pierwszych analiz składu pierwiastków deponowanych na powierzchni igieł rocznych pędów sosny przy pomocy skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego wyposażonego w mikro-analizator składu... more
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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in 16 sites in three industrial regions in Poland was analysed to delineate dendroclimatologically uniform areas. A dendrochronological and mass spectrometric analysis revealed the following: a dry... more
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This study reports the variation of tree-ring widths and annual variation of concentration of metals (Na, Mg, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb) in pine growing nearby chemical factories. The conifers (Pinus silvestris L.) investigated in this study... more
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The main aims of these studies were dendrochronological and mass spectrometric analysis of the impact of climate on tree rings width and stable isotopes composition in pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The conifers were growing in the vicinity... more
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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in 16 sites in three industrial regions in Poland was analysed to delineate dendroclimatologically uniform areas. A dendrochronological and mass spectrometric analysis revealed the following: a dry... more
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In this paper we present data from the measurements of carbon isotopes (Δ14C and δ13C) from α-cellulose extracted from pine tree-rings. The samples were collected in four forests located in the most industrialized part of Poland, where... more
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In this paper we present data from the measurements of carbon isotopes (Δ14C and δ13C) from α-cellulose extracted from pine tree-rings. The samples were collected in four forests located in the most industrialized part of Poland, where... more
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ABSTRACTIn this paper, a record of the 14C and 13C isotope content of atmospheric CO2 for Gliwice is presented for samples collected on a weekly basis in the years 2011–2013. In addition, measurements were performed on the early and late... more
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In this paper we present data from the measurements of carbon isotopes (Δ14C and δ13C) from α-cellulose extracted from pine tree-rings. The samples were collected in four forests located in the most industrialized part of Poland, where... more
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ABSTRACTWe determined the chemical composition of pine needles to monitor environmental contamination in an urban forest environment in the most industrialized part of southern Poland. The concentrations of radiocarbon (14C), trace... more
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Southern Poland is home to numerous large mining and energy industry facilities, which consume relatively great amounts of fossil fuels. Temporal and spatial distribution of CO 2 emissions to the atmosphere were estimated on the basis of... more
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      ArchaeologyEnvironmental ScienceGeochemistryRadiocarbon
New records of δ13C and Δ14C values in annual rings of pine and oak from different sites around the world were obtained with a time resolution of 1 yr. The results obtained for Europe (Poland), east Asia (Japan), and South America (Peru)... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyGeochemistryClimate Change