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The competition on industry that being increase, and the rapidly development of industry, encourage the industrialization to move the production more effective and efficient, so can press down the production cost that have to paid. One of... more
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Berbagai bentuk layanan penggaduan yang telah diimplementasi oleh banyak pemeritah kota, kabupaten, provinsi ataupun pemerintah pusat. Layanan penggaduan tersebut berbentuk layanan pengaduan langsung, call center, sms center, aplikasi... more
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Mobile broadband wireless access system has the stations that might be fixed, nomadic or mobile. Regarding the mobility, the node association procedure is critical for network entry as well as network re-entry during handover. The... more
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      Computer ScienceMultidisciplinaryComputer NetworkIOP conference series-MSE
Population growth due to urbanization raises a variety of typical urban problems such as decreasing the quality of public services, reducing the availability of residential land, congestion on highways, swelling levels of energy... more
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      BusinessMultidisciplinaryIOP conference series-MSE
Public campus has a mandate to saving of electrical energy. Electrical energy consumption is often wasteful in building. There is tendency wasteful by user. Electronic equipment is often still turn on at idle time. Only a few students... more
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      Energy ConsumptionMicrocontrollerOperating HoursKeypad
This research is a follow-up research to improve performance of Smart Control Electrical Energy (SiSCE) at idle time. In previous research, device serves to control consumption of electrical energy outside from operational hours of the... more
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      BusinessVocational EducationElectricityconsumption sociology
Hydroponic farming system is an agricultural system that uses direct water as a nutrient without using soil as a planting medium. This system allows smallholder farmers to have the opportunity to develop their crop production with less... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePhysicsArduino
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      Computer ScienceShieldBlockchain
Penelitian ini mengalisis model struktural bagaimana variabel new media literacy, cross cultural competency, adaptive thinking, virtual collaboration dan social intelligence mempengaruhi kesiapan sumber daya manusia dari perguruan tinggi... more
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      MediationCultural Intelligence
Population growth due to urbanization raises a variety of typical urban problems such as decreasing the quality of public services, reducing the availability of residential land, congestion on highways, swelling levels of energy... more
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      BusinessCorporate GovernanceUrbanizationMultidisciplinary
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      Computer ScienceShieldBlockchain
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International standards related to functional characteristics of power transformers, very precisely prescribe permitted noise level of transformers in use. Transformer's noise depends on the power, and a number of numerous factors based... more
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    • Electrical Engineering
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Tingkat keandalan sistem tenaga listrik PT. Pusri akan dianalisa dengan menghitung keandalan sistem sekarang ini dan membandingkannya dengan keandalan sistem pada saat setelah penambahan unit pembangkit dan unit beban. Keandalan dihitung... more
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Ilmu yang mempelajari berbagai struktur atau bentuk lapisan tanah akibat adanya gaya tektonisme. Akibatnya akan menghasilkan lipatan(fold) dan patahan/sesar(fault)
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    • Motivation
Arus beban (I DC ) diperoleh :
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