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An appraisal service is a service to people who care about the price or value of their property, and are estimated by an experienced appraiser to find out the certainty of the value or quality of an item (According to Pegadaian syariah... more
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An appraisal service is a service to people who care about the price or value of their property, and are estimated by an experienced appraiser to find out the certainty of the value or quality of an item (According to Pegadaian syariah... more
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      Akuntansi KeuanganAkuntansi SyariahAnalisis Akuntan Di Perbankan Syariah
The development of the 4.0 industrial revolution is now increasingly real and has an impact on all aspects of human life. Human behavior in carrying out activities for their lives is done digitally. This situation has made all industries... more
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      BusinessIslamic EconomicsEducationHuman Resource Management
Tujuan umum untuk mengatasi permasalahan Desa Dolok Sagala adalah dengan membentuk Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) Dolok Sagala. Sebelum membentuk BUMDES, Desa Dolok Sagala harus memiliki payung hukum dalam pembentukkan BUMDES. Tujuan... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
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      BusinessAccountingFinancial StatementReceipt
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    • Animal Science