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1. They will have been going to have been staying here next month. 2. Who sold the house? 3. Where did he go last week? 4. When did he arrive? 5. Yesterday, she bought a new car. 6. He visited the place and I left him there, which worried... more
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Financial statements have the objective of presenting information related to financial condition and position, performance and changes in financial position that provide benefits to a large number of users of financial information,... more
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Financial statements have the objective of presenting information related to financial condition and position, performance and changes in financial position that provide benefits to a large number of users of financial information,... more
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      BusinessAccountingCorporate GovernanceEarnings Management
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M. KULIAH : KOMUNIKASI BISNIS 1. Pengertian Resensi Menurut Aina Prihantini, S.Hum. Pengertian Resensi adalah tulisan mengenai pandangan perisensi terhadap buku yang dibuat dengan tujuan untuk mengulas, menilai, menganalisis, mengkritisi,... more
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      AkuntansiJURNAL AKUNTANSIKliringKliring bank
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      ObligasiAkuntansi kliring
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    • Obligasi
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    • analisis biaya dan pendapatan