the_sea_to (the_sea_to) wrote in pollanesque,

Ramblings, Children's Food, and Egg and Cauliflower Curry

Hello All,

Like scooterlaru, I'm another long time lurker - who loves food. Unlike the rest of you whom I can see on here - I live in England, with access to fresh fruit and vegetables whenever I require. The problem is that I am a notoriously lazy person, who would much rather order organic stuff from Sainsbury's than actually take a trip to the local farmer's markets. Besides sheer laziness, there is a reason for this. There is cake. And biscuits. At least shopping online does not expose me to the heavenly scent of those confections.

In 9 weeks my better, slightly saner, half will be moving in with me - which means that I am more likely to go out and forage in the wild. (Farmer's markets). In preparation for this life changing event, I'm trying to get together a stock of simple recipes that are healthy and still filling, and most importantly from my point of view, have a list of ingredient that does not include cake!

I love to cook. I cook for myself every night - but I cook strange and wonderful things based on whatever seems to be closest to expiring in my fridge. The highlight of this week's oddness was a sort of indian-curry-stirfry with leeks, mushrooms, onions and chicken. I try not eat what I classify as "pure carbs" (potatoes, pasta, rice) more than twice a week, as I have cereal in the mornings, and have found out due to blood tests that my body is not particularly amenable to carbs. At all. I love cooking from scratch, though I have found trick for those days that the office keeps me ridiculously late - probably not in the spirit of this community but will stick it in anyway - precooked, prefrozen children's meals. There is a brand over here called "eat fussy" - no e numbers, no preservatives, no additives - the ingredients list at the back looks like something you'd use for a recipe, not for a shuttle launch! One of those with a nice fresh salad, and I have the convenience of pre-packaged meals without worrying about what I'm putting into me.

I also have a proto-hobby attempting to learn how to make japanese bento boxes... the supplies are just arriving, but it seems an excellent way to have inbuilt portion control and all the fun of actually designing and presenting a lunch! If anyone is interested, I will post pictures with ingredients when I actually begin.

Now, onto the interesting part - a link to one of the most convenient curries I've ever eaten - absolutely perfect to make in bulk for most gatherings, as it is vegetarian (but not vegan) friendly and looks lovely on a plate.

BBC GOOD FOOD: Cauliflower and Egg Curry

It may sound strange, but I really reccomend it.

Okay enough waffling, time to tidy up the house in preparation for fresh fruit and veg!

All the very best,

Tags: links, recipes: curry, recipes: vegetarian, region: uk, season: autumn, season: spring, testimony: we love food

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