Papers by Jean-Marc Tulliani

MATEC Web of Conferences
Macrocapsules with an expanding mineral powder were set-up for sealing cracks into cementbased ma... more Macrocapsules with an expanding mineral powder were set-up for sealing cracks into cementbased materials. The expanding mineral powder was composed of a commercial fast setting cement mortar, sodium polyacrylate and a commercial product used to produce sparkling water (based on sodium acid carbonate, malic acid and tartaric acid). An optimal proportioning of these components was determined as 10:1:1, respectively. These compounds were first mixed with polyethylene glycol and cast into cylindrical moulds. Then, the mix was heated at 230°C in an oven and the cylinders were demoulded thereafter. The obtained products could be delicately handled and were coated with an epoxy resin to produce waterproofed macrocapsules, while some uncoated cylinders were mixed with water and kept in closed containers for 14 days. Brazilian tests were performed on these hydrated cylinders to determine their indirect tensile strength. Finally, the coated macrocapsules were incorporated into mortar prisms, ...

During recent decades, metal oxide semiconductors (MOS) have sparked more attention in various ap... more During recent decades, metal oxide semiconductors (MOS) have sparked more attention in various applications and industries due to their excellent sensing characteristics, thermal stability, abundance, and ease of synthesis. They are reliable and accurate for measuring and monitoring environmentally important toxic gases, such as NO2, NO, N2O, H2S, CO, NH3, CH4, SO2, and CO2. Compared to other sensing technologies, MOS sensors are lightweight, relatively inexpensive, robust, and have high material sensitivity with fast response times. Green nanotechnology is a developing branch of nanotechnology and aims to decrease the negative effects of the production and application of nanomaterials. For this purpose, organic solvents and chemical reagents are not used to prepare metal nanoparticles. On the contrary, the synthesis of metal or metal oxide nanoparticles is done by microorganisms, either from plant extracts or fungi, yeast, algae, and bacteria. Thus, this review aims at illustrating...

MATEC Web of Conferences
Sensing coatings are rapidly entering the field of non-destructive tests. While cement-based comp... more Sensing coatings are rapidly entering the field of non-destructive tests. While cement-based composites are proving an excellent interaction with new/recent structures, polymer-based coatings, already employed for structural retrofitting purposes, can provide a valuable alternative. This study investigated the production, application, and use of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) coatings. A 10w/v% PVDF-to-solvent ratio became the best trade-off between electrical conductivity and bond strength with the substrate. Different concentrations of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) were investigated: 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75% by weight of PVDF. The conductive PVDF-CNT composites were brushed on the casted mortar beams with screws embedded as electrodes. The mortar beams and attached polymer coatings were then subjected to bending stress. The Gauge Factor was obtained by comparing the substrate’s strain with the coating’s electric response. The sensing intervals in the Fractional Change of Resis...

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2015
A novel cost-effective alternative in the form of nano/micro carbonized particles produced from w... more A novel cost-effective alternative in the form of nano/micro carbonized particles produced from waste bagasse fibers has been explored to modify the mechanical properties and fracture pattern of the resulting cementitious composites. Carbonized bagasse particles were produced at Politecnico di Torino and characterized by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. When added with cement paste up to 1 wt% in six different proportions, the carbonized bagasse particles were found effective in significant enhancement of mechanical strength as well as fracture toughness. From micro-graphical observations it is evident that these heterogenic inclusions either block the propagation of micro cracks which has to deviate from its straight trajectory and has to follow the carbon nano/micro particles contour or distribute it into multiple finer cracks. Crack contouring along the carbonized particle, crack pinning, crack diversions and crack branching are the mechanisms which can explai...

Applied Sciences, 2021
Assessing the damage level in concrete infrastructures over time is a critical issue to plan thei... more Assessing the damage level in concrete infrastructures over time is a critical issue to plan their timely maintenance with proper actions. Self-sensing concretes offer new opportunities for damage assessment by monitoring their electrical properties and relating their variations to damage levels. In this research, fatigue tests were conducted to study the response of a self-sensing concrete under high-cycle dynamic loading. The concept of G-value was defined as the slope of the voltage response baseline of the self-sensing concrete over time that reflects the damage created under the fatigue-loading test. Based on this definition, log (G)–log (N) curves were obtained using a linear regression approach, with N representing the number of cycles during the fatigue tests. While traditional fatigue curves S-log (N) are used to estimate the remaining life under fatigue loading, log (G)–log (N) diagrams can be used to determine the damage level based on the voltage response of the self-sen...

Cement composites (CC) are among the composites most widely used in the construction industry, su... more Cement composites (CC) are among the composites most widely used in the construction industry, such as a durable waterproof and fire-resistant concrete layer, slope protection, and application in retaining wall structures. The use of 3D fabric embedded in the cement media can improve the mechanical properties of the composites. The use of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) can accelerate the production process of the CC and further contribute to improving the mechanical properties of the cement media. The purpose of this study is to promote the use of these cementitious composites by deepening the knowledge of their tensile properties and investigating the factors that may affect them. Therefore, 270 specimens (three types of stitch structure, two directions of the fabric, three water temperature values, five curing ages, with three repetitions) were made, and the tensile properties, absorbed energy, and the inversion effects were evaluated. The results showed that the curing conditions...

Proceedings, 2019
An efficient and promising approach from economy point of view to effectively disperse Multi-wall... more An efficient and promising approach from economy point of view to effectively disperse Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in cementitious environment has been devised. The natural organic extract from species of indigenously known ‘keekar’ trees scattered along tropical and sub-tropical countries; is found as an exceptional replacement to the non-natural commercial surfactant. In the initial phase ideal content of surfactant was explored in relation with the added content of MWCNTs using ultra-violet spectroscopy. The experimental investigations were then extended to five formulations containing 0.0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.08 and 0.10 MWCNTs by weight percent of cement. It was observed that the natural surfactant produced efficient dispersion at much reduced cost (>14% approx.) compared with the commercial alternate. The estimated weight efficiency factor ‘ϕ’ was found 6.5 times higher by the proposed sustainable replacement to the conventional with remarkable increase of 23% in modu...
In this research, cementitious hollow tubes were produced by extrusion and used as healing agent ... more In this research, cementitious hollow tubes were produced by extrusion and used as healing agent containers that were embedded in the mortar matrix to obtain self-healing properties. Based on the results of preliminary mechanical tests, sodium silicate, potassium silicate and Primal (a commercial acrylic resin) were first selected as healing agents. To determine their efficiency, three-point bending test were performed on samples with the different healing agents and load, as well as, stiffness recovery indexes were determined. It was first observed that modulus of rupture and elastic modulus were not affected because of the presence of the capsules inside the samples with respect to plain mortar samples.

MATEC web of conferences, 2023
The use of macrocapsules in self-healing applications offers a potential benefit by carrying a la... more The use of macrocapsules in self-healing applications offers a potential benefit by carrying a larger amount of healing agent in comparison with microcapsules. However, the application of macrocapsules is still limited to paste and mortar levels on lab-scale. This is due to a concern that most capsules might be broken when mixed with concrete components. In this study, cementitious tubular capsules were used and they were considered as a partial replacement of coarse aggregates (2 vol% gravel). The capsules have a dimension of 54 mm and 9 mm in length and outer diameter, respectively. A waterrepellent agent (WRA) was entrapped in the capsules as a proposed agent to seal the crack. Initial results revealed high survivability of capsules during concrete mixing: 100% survival ratio when tested in a drum mixer and 70-95% when tested in a planetary mixer. The mechanical and self-sealing properties of concrete containing embedded capsules were evaluated. With the addition of capsules, around 8% reduction of compressive strength was noticed, but no further effect on splitting tensile strength was detected as compared with concrete without capsules. Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests confirmed that the presence of capsules also did not significantly affect the compactness of the hardened concrete. Furthermore, the embedded capsules were able to break when a crack was introduced and it was found that 90% sealing efficiency was achieved by capsule-based concrete as a result of the successful release of sealing agent into the crack.
Applied sciences, May 30, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

L'entree en vigueur des futures normes euro iii en l'an 2000 ou au plus tard en 2005 rend... more L'entree en vigueur des futures normes euro iii en l'an 2000 ou au plus tard en 2005 rendra necessaire la filtration des polluants solides emis par les moteurs diesel. Cependant, l'accumulation continue des particules au sein du filtre necessite une regeneration periodique de ce dernier, afin de ne pas trop deteriorer le rendement du moteur. Les filtres actuels, surtout les modeles possedant des parois poreuses en cordierite, sont endommages au cours de l'etape de regeneration du fait d'interactions entre le materiau constituant le filtre et certains polluants. Compte tenu de ces inconvenients et de l'eventail des materiaux aptes a supporter les conditions de fonctionnement, des mousses ceramiques a base de mullite ont ete preparees au laboratoire car ce type de filtre possede des parois denses. Deux poudres de mullite industrielle, possedant des granulometries, des teneurs en alumine et en phase vitreuse differentes, ont ete utilisees. Le frittage a ete conduit a 1550c en presence d'oxyde de magnesium et le role joue par celui-ci au cours du traitement thermique a ete eclairci. Les mousses de mullite ont ete elaborees par impregnation a l'aide d'une suspension aqueuse de poudre de mullite de mousses de polyurethanne, ayant differents nombres de pores par pouce lineaire. La resistance en flexion et en compression des mousses a ensuite ete evaluee de maniere globale sur l'ensemble des echantillons et comparee au modele theorique de gibson et ashby, puis la resistance locale des elements constituant les mousses a ete determinee par nanoindentation. Enfin, la contre-pression generee par plusieurs cylindres de mousse, au passage d'un flux d'air, a ete mesuree
ZnO tetrapods were synthesized by an “environmentally green” microwave evaporation of Zn powder i... more ZnO tetrapods were synthesized by an “environmentally green” microwave evaporation of Zn powder in air atmosphere, without any use of organic solvents or precursors. The tetrapods were characterized by X-ray diffractometry and Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy. The ZnO powder was then deposited onto a commercial alumina substrate with interdigitated platinum electrodes and the sensitivity towards humidity was investigated at room temperature. Results showed a significant response from 30% relative humidity values and that the sensors were insensitive to N2O and methane.

MATEC web of conferences, 2023
Sensing coatings are rapidly entering the field of non-destructive tests. While cement-based comp... more Sensing coatings are rapidly entering the field of non-destructive tests. While cement-based composites are proving an excellent interaction with new/recent structures, polymer-based coatings, already employed for structural retrofitting purposes, can provide a valuable alternative. This study investigated the production, application, and use of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) coatings. A 10w/v% PVDF-to-solvent ratio became the best trade-off between electrical conductivity and bond strength with the substrate. Different concentrations of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) were investigated: 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75% by weight of PVDF. The conductive PVDF-CNT composites were brushed on the casted mortar beams with screws embedded as electrodes. The mortar beams and attached polymer coatings were then subjected to bending stress. The Gauge Factor was obtained by comparing the substrate's strain with the coating's electric response. The sensing intervals in the Fractional Change of Resistance-strain curves varied in relation to the CNT concentration. For instance, adding 0.50w/v% of CNT gave the highest sensitivity up to 0.2‰ strain, followed by a lower-still sufficient-gauge factor. PVDF-based coatings with CNT additions of 0.25 and 0.75w/v% witnessed a comparable sensing performance in the same strain limits, abruptly increasing and finally stabilizing to a low gauge factor. In contrast, both 0.05 and 0.10w/v% resulted in a low monitoring potential overall. The varying sensing zones experienced by the coating were attributed to the microscopical behavior of CNT within the PVDF matrix. In conclusion, the results highlighted the potentiality of polymeric coatings for sensing, monitoring, and inspection of concrete structures.
Cement & Concrete Composites, Sep 1, 2023
Sustainability, Sep 16, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Jul 14, 2017
Mortar grouting is often used in masonry constructions to mitigate structural decay and repair da... more Mortar grouting is often used in masonry constructions to mitigate structural decay and repair damage by filling cracks and voids, resulting in an improvement in mechanical properties. This paper presents an original experimental investigation on grout with added carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The samples were prepared with different percentages of CNTs, up to 1.2 wt% with respect to the binder, and underwent three-point bending tests in crack mouth opening displacement mode and compressive tests. The results showed that very small additions (up to 0.12 wt% of CNTs) increased not only flexural and compressive strengths (+73% and 35%, respectively, in comparison with plain mortar) but also fracture energy (+80%). These results can be explained on the basis of a reduction in porosity, as evidenced by mercury intrusion porosimetry, as well as by a crack bridging mechanism and by the probable formation of nucleation sites for hydration products, as observed through scanning electron microscopy. KEYWORDS carbon nanotubes, fracture energy, grouting, innovative mix design, mechanical properties 1 | INTRODUCTION Masonry is a classically built structure consisting of units, either stones or bricks, and a suitable mortar binder. The mechanical characteristics of the units and the quality of the mortar and fabric play an important role in its structural performance and durability, especially under seismic actions. 1,2
Ceramics International, Aug 1, 2009
A modified gel casting procedure based on a natural gelatin for food industry and commercial poly... more A modified gel casting procedure based on a natural gelatin for food industry and commercial polyethylene spheres as pore formers was successfully exploited to produce dense and porous ceramic bodies made of yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP). Vickers and Knoop microhardness, elastic modulus and fracture toughness measurements on dense samples obtained by experimental investigation closely matched results found in
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Jul 1, 2023
Journal of building engineering, Apr 1, 2023

Fracture and Structural Integrity, Sep 29, 2015
A novel cost-effective alternative in the form of nano/micro carbonized particles produced from w... more A novel cost-effective alternative in the form of nano/micro carbonized particles produced from waste bagasse fibers has been explored to modify the mechanical properties and fracture pattern of the resulting cementitious composites. Carbonized bagasse particles were produced at Politecnico di Torino and characterized by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. When added with cement paste up to 1 wt% in six different proportions, the carbonized bagasse particles were found effective in significant enhancement of mechanical strength as well as fracture toughness. From micro-graphical observations it is evident that these heterogenic inclusions either block the propagation of micro cracks which has to deviate from its straight trajectory and has to follow the carbon nano/micro particles contour or distribute it into multiple finer cracks. Crack contouring along the carbonized particle, crack pinning, crack diversions and crack branching are the mechanisms which can explain the increase of toughness in the composite samples.
Papers by Jean-Marc Tulliani