Papers by Chukwuemeka Onyeanuna
Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2019
A total of five borehole samples were collected from five towns in Owerri metropolis, Southeaster... more A total of five borehole samples were collected from five towns in Owerri metropolis, Southeastern Nigeria and subjected to physio-chemical analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and other standard equipment with the aim of characterizing and analysing the groundwater quality indicators. These quality indicators are namely: pH, temperature, total hardness, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, Ca

International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews, 2016
Flow assurance is of great importance in the oil and gas industry, where the main objective is to... more Flow assurance is of great importance in the oil and gas industry, where the main objective is to provide and secure the transport of the well stream fluid from the reservoir to the process facilities. A root cause of many oil industry production and flow problem is paraffin wax especially in cold and deep offshore fields. About 85% of the world’s oil suffers when paraffin wax precipitates out and solidifies in the formation pores and fluid flow channels, at the wellbore, on the side walls of wells, in tubing, casing perforations, pump strings, and rods, and the complete oil transfer system of flowlines and pipelines etc. Paraffin wax deposition is costly, causing decreased production, equipment failures, bottlenecks, loss of storage and transport capacity, clogging of refinery pipe work, and loss of efficiency and revenue. In this article, different methodology for remediating wax deposits both in offshore and deep water was presented; focusing on chemical treatment techniques, mechanical treatment techniques, thermal treatment techniques, thermo-chemical and biological methods,

International Journal of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Research, 2016
Remotely sensed images acquired from National Centre for Remote Sensing (NCRS) Jos, using Nigeria... more Remotely sensed images acquired from National Centre for Remote Sensing (NCRS) Jos, using NigeriaSat 1 imagery were processed (filtering, edge enhancement, digitization etc.) to delineate the major geological ring structures/trends such as lineaments and drainage patterns of Jos Plateau. In addition, to decipher the relationship, if any, between the ring structures and the tectonism in the Plateau. The data was geo-referenced in accordance to topographic map coordinates of the Naraguta Sheet, and convolution models in ILWIS 3.1 software program were specifically employed to enhance and facilitate the recognition of the linear features in the area. Structural analysis shows that numerous fractures and lineation occurs at the northwestern, central and southwest of the satellite image. The strikes and lengths of all lineaments were measured and computed to obtain the rose diagram. The important structural trends are NE-SW, N-S and NW-SE, which corresponds to the directions and positions of the paleo-tectonic fracture zones in the area and mineralization tracks. Areas where basement rocks outcrop or underlay just beneath to the surface (i.e. areas with thin overburden) are known for the high lineament frequencies they exhibit, whereas, areas with little or no lineament frequencies are characteristic of areas with deeply buried basement rocks. Cross-referencing the lineament densities and Younger granites occurrences in Jos Plateau, a correlation is found between them emblematic of tectonic control most likely connected with paleo-tectonic structures; thus, associating their emplacement with the epeirogenic uplift. Mineralization in the Plateau is inferred to have been controlled by the same correlation.

Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 2019
A total of five borehole samples were collected from five towns in Owerri metropolis, South-easte... more A total of five borehole samples were collected from five towns in Owerri metropolis, South-eastern Nigeria and subjected to physio-chemical analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and other standard equipment with the aim of characterizing and analysing the groundwater quality indicators. These quality indicators are namely: pH, temperature, total hardness, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, SO42-, Cl-, NO3-, Fe2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, and Cr2+. With the aid of geochemical diagrams acquired using Aquachem 2014.2, we classified the groundwater samples into their respective hydrogeochemical facies, identified their relative similarity and demonstrated the irrigability of the groundwater. The results showed that the groundwater quality indicators occur in the groundwater in amounts that fall within their respective permissible limits as set by World Health Organization (WHO) Drinking Water Standard, and therefore ascertained the groundwater portable and suitable for drinking. The pH of the groundwater has a mean value of 6.7 with a standard deviation of 0.26. The relative abundance of the majority of cations follows this sequence - Na+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Mg2+, while that of the anions follow this sequence - HCO3- > Cl- > SO42- > NO3-. Heavy metals constituents of the groundwater follow this order of relative abundance - Zn2+ > Fe2+ > Mn2+ > Cu2+ > Cr2+ > Pb2+. Three hydrogeochemical facies were identified in the area and they are: the Na+—Cl- water type, the Mixed Ca2+-Na+-HCO3- water type and the Ca2+-Mg2+-HCO3- water type. Great similarities were identified between the geochemical composition of the samples and they are all evidently suitable for irrigation purposes. The TDS level and concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- demonstrated the freshness and softness of the groundwater, with no laxative effects. From series of computations and plots, silicate weathering and seawater intrusion were deduced to be the dominant factors controlling the groundwater chemistry, though there is evidence of poor rock dissolution – immature water-rock equilibrium.
Papers by Chukwuemeka Onyeanuna