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Journal created:
on 4 March 2004 (#2406393)
on 15 March 2012
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
A place to post and share political icons.
A place to post and share icons with political statements and controversial issues. Share your opinion through the sharing of icons.

*Liberals and conservatives both welcome!*

-Play nice. Conversation and friendly debate in comments are more than welcome, but please refrain from name calling and immature bickering.
-This is an ICON JOURNAL. Please refrain from running ad campaigns and starting debates. If you want to attach an lj-cut paragraph explaining your icons, that's fine. Commenting and carrying on friendly debates in the comments section is fine.
Failure to follow these rules will get you banned.

***And for convenience, any more than 4 icons, please put them behind an lj-cut.***

Moderator: unholydove
Feel free to contact me and direct my attention to any problems within the community.
