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Formulation Of Instant Porridge Modified Cassava Flour With Addition Of Catfish Flour and Soy Flour. Skripsi. Under the guidance of Sri Rejeki Retna Pertiwi dan Mrr. Lukie Trianawati. Instant porridge as a protein source can be made... more
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Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), instan berarti langsung atau tanpa dimasak lama, dapat dimakan atau diminum. Instanisasi merupakan suatu istilah yang mencakup berbagai perlakuan baik kimia ataupun fisika yang akan memperbaiki... more
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Fixed arm peel and T-peel test procedures are used to measure peel strength for flexible laminates. Analysis of the contributions from elastic and plastic deformations of the peel arms during these tests enables the energy contribution... more
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