Papers by Novita Indriani

Warisan budaya tradisi lisan di era modernisasi sebagai potensi wisata. Seiring dengan perkembang... more Warisan budaya tradisi lisan di era modernisasi sebagai potensi wisata. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, warisan leluhur yang memiliki nilai-nilai penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat mulai hilang. Tradisi yang biasanya diturunkan turun temurun oleh nenek moyang dari generasi ke generasi mulai memudar, salah satunya adalah tradisi lisan. Tradisi ini merupakan warisan yang peninggalannya hanya melalui mulut ke mulut atau tindak tutur. Bagi masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya masyarakat Desa Kedang Ipil Kecamatan Kota Bangun Darat Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, hal ini tentulah patut dilestarikan, budaya lisan menjadi tradisi yang harus dilestarikan, dijaga dan dipertahankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tradisi lisan apa saja yang masih tersisa, upaya pelestarian dan melihat sisi potensi sebagai daya tarik wisata, apakah tradisi lisan dapat menjadi daya tarik wisata sehingga para pengunjung mau datang ke Desa Kedang Ipil. Warisan budaya lisan yang saat ini masih dilestarikan d...

Global Research on Tourism Development and Advancement
This study aims to identify the typical culinary of Samarinda in order to support the tourism des... more This study aims to identify the typical culinary of Samarinda in order to support the tourism destination branding from the gastronomic tourism point of view. This study used descriptive qualitative method where data collected form advance literature of local culinary history. Questionnaire also used to gather public perceptions about culinary branding of Samarinda. Data collected were then analyzed using the concept of Gastronomic Tourism. The research foud that types of culinaries considered to become the identity of a typical Samarinda culinary brand using the concept of Gastronomic Tourism are Nasi Kuning and Nasi Bekepor. These two culinary specialties are the most chosen by respondents where 56% of respondents mentioned Nasi Kuning while 24% mentioned Nasi Bekepor. According to triangle concept of gastronomic tourism, these two culinary products fulfill the elements of Food, Culture, and History. It is also expected that these culinary products would be able to influence on br...

Coffee shop dapat menarik minat dan mempertahankan agar customer merasa nyaman serta puas terhada... more Coffee shop dapat menarik minat dan mempertahankan agar customer merasa nyaman serta puas terhadap layanan yang diberikan oleh pengelola coffee shop secara khusus Kawa Coffe Point Kota Tenggarong. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas pelayanan dan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh Kawa coffee point Tenggarong berpengaruh terhadap minat customer untuk berkunjung. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah para pengunjung Kawa Coffee Point Tenggarong. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden. Hasil penelitian analisis regresi berganda, pengujian hipotesis melalui uji t dan F, dan analisis koefisien determinasi (R2). Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini Kualitas Pelayanan dan Fasilitas yang diberikan Kawa coffee point Tenggarong berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat customer untuk berkunjung. Dan hasil nilai r square penelitian ini sebesar 0.620 atau hanya 62 % yang mampu menjelaskan bahwa minat pelanggan ata...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), Nov 1, 2020
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), 2022
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), 2022
EDUTOURISM Journal Of Tourism Research, 1970
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi promosi yang dilakukan oleh pihak pengrajin ma... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi promosi yang dilakukan oleh pihak pengrajin maupun Dinas Pariwisata dalam melakukan promosi terhadap Sarung Tenun Samarinda Sebagai Produk Wisata Budaya di Samarinda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa promosi yang dilakukan oleh pengrajin belum dilakukan secara maksimal, selain itu Dinas Pariwisata sebagai pengambil kebijakan belum maksimal terlibat dalam melakukan upaya promosi. Metode observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka digunakan sebagai cara pengumpulan data setelah itu dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan SWOT digunakan untuk menganalisi faktor internal dan eksternal kondisi saat ini di Sarung Tenun Samarinda.

Sebatik, 2021
Sebuah event di desa wisata menjadi daya tarik dalam upaya meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung, sebuah... more Sebuah event di desa wisata menjadi daya tarik dalam upaya meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung, sebuah event yang dikemas dengan baik dapat menjadi daya tarik para wisatawan atau pengunjung yang datang ke sebuah objek dan daya tarik wisata. Desa Wisata Pela adalah sebuah desa wisata yang menyelenggarakan sebuah event Festival Danau Semayang, dengan diadakan event ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan serta memberikan dampak secara ekonomi untuk masyarakat Desa Wisata Pela. Dalam upaya mencapai target yang diinginkan Program Studi Usaha Perjalanan Wisata melalui Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Manajemen Event untuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata Desa Wisata Pela. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah membantu anggota Kelompok Sadar Wisata Desa Wisata Pela untuk memahami dan mengerti tentang manajemen event. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode partisipatif yakni adanya keterlibatan dari pesert...

Journal of Applied Sciences in Travel and Hospitality, 2021
This study aims to describe the impacts of development of Pela Village as a tourist village in Ku... more This study aims to describe the impacts of development of Pela Village as a tourist village in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. Pella village has very unique tourism potential to be developed. For the sustainability of tourism development in the tourist village of Pela, it is important to pay attention to the impacts of devel-opment of a tourism village. The data were collected by observation, interviews, and literature study. Inform-ants are taken from community leaders who understand the impacts of tourism development in the village using snowball sampling techniques. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the development of Pela Village as a tourism village able to provide positive impacts for people's lives, both in terms of economic (as lodging business, tour operators, open food stalls); social (effective interactions occur between members of the community): cultural (keeping traditional fishing gear, Kuntau art, and the development of Je...

Epigram, 2020
Pampang Cultural Village is functioned as an alternative for tourists who want to see the whole l... more Pampang Cultural Village is functioned as an alternative for tourists who want to see the whole life of the community, Lamin (Dayak traditional house), souvenirs and Special Dayak Kenyah Dances directly. However, based on researchers' observations, the management of Pampang Cultural Village has not been maximized to absorb tourists, because the length of stay of visitors is not more than three hours in a week, on Sundays from 14: 00-16: 00 WITA, thereby reducing the quality and quantity of the visitor's traveling experience. Of course, this will also have an impact on the lack of economic turnover (spending money) made by visitors, because it is only limited to payment of entrance and photo tickets with Dayak Kenyah community. Therefore, researchers assume that it is necessary to develop and develop amenities (tourism facilities) as an integrated part of the products offered by a tourist village. This study aims to examine the model of homestay development based on local wis...

Journal of Tourism and Creativity, 2020
The uniqueness of natural biodiversity in East Kalimantan is a great potential to be developed as... more The uniqueness of natural biodiversity in East Kalimantan is a great potential to be developed as tourist attraction, especially related to ecotourism. Pesut Mahakam as one of the uniqueness is a kind mammal that lives in the water. Unlike the dolphins and whales, Pesut Mahakam or its Latin name Orcaella brevirostris lives in fresh water found in rivers and lakes in tropical and subtropical regions. In the past, pesut was mostly found along the Mahakam River in East Kalimantan, so that they were determined to be the identical fauna of East Kalimantan. However, its currently population were significanlyt declining so that the Pesut Mahakam is categorized as a protected animal because it is worried that the population will continue to decline. Tourism is recognised as a tool for conserving the existence of protected animal such as Pesut Mahakam. The development of ecotourism in river area, wish to protect the existance of this protected animals and its ecosystem while educating the co...

Rubikon : Journal of Transnational American Studies, 2018
This thesis is intended to uncover values in American movies related to trans-racial adoption in ... more This thesis is intended to uncover values in American movies related to trans-racial adoption in American family. The movie samples in this thesis are Deep In My Heart, Losing Isaiah, Daughter From Danang and The Blind Side. This research analyzes the values taught by the adoptive parents to their adoptive children, and the ideology behind the movies. It uses the representation theory from Stuart Hall to analyze the representation of values in the movies. This research also employs the theory of ideology from Terry Eagleton to discover the ideology related to the values in the movies and the concept of identity from Browne. As a result, parents teach the same values to their children, whether they are adopted or biological. The values are freedom, equality, honesty, hard work, supporting each other and responsibility. They treat them equally just like their own children and they deserve to have a better life and better future even though they come from a different racial background....
Papers by Novita Indriani