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Journal created:
on 4 August 2010 (#29578076)
on 17 August 2012
Polish Bros: Miroslav Klose/Lukas Podolski
Posting Access:
All Members

This is the (new) slash community dedicated to the formittable striker pair Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski—otherwise known as the Polish Bros or Polish OTP.

General Rules:

+ Please be respectful of others in all situations.
+ This community will be in English, as Miro and Lukas have a lot of fans from abroad who haven't had the opportunity to learn German.
+Stay on topic. If it has nothing to do with Miroslav or Lukas or the pairing please post it in another community.
+Please use tags.
+ Use your subject line; label a fic as a fic and fanart as fanart.

General Posting Guidelines:

+News about Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski:

--The news can be general or slash related. If the news post is a bit long, put it behind a lj-cut.

+Picspams/Fanart/Fanvids/Fanmixes for the Polish Bros:

--Do not spam the community.
--If you are posting more than two images please place them behind a cut. Same goes for anything not work safe.
--Please do not hotlink—use a server like photobucket or imageshack.
--We love fanart, including fanmixes, but remember to use the lj-cut.

+No Icon Posts

--Please understand that the main focus of this community is on fics, news and challenges and the occasional picspam dedicated to our boys.

Fiction Posting Guidelines:
+ The fics can be either in English or in German, but please label the fics clearly as to the language. You can also translate your fics from German to English to make your fic accessible for the non-German-speaking members of the community. If your fic is in German, it's okay to give feedback in German in the comments.

Pleae use the following header:

Rating: (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17)
Pairing: (include all pairings within the story, not only Miroslav/Lukas)
Language: (German or English (or other))
Warning: (when appropriate) (e.g. death fic, non-con, rape, angst, knife kink, etc.)
Disclaimer: (example: This story is complete fiction...)
Summary: (helpful)

After your header please place your story behind an lj-cut. A direct link must be to an open and unlocked post.

NOTE: Be aware that this community contains homoerotic adult material, sometimes in great detail.

None of the members of the community know any of the people they are writing about or do they make claims about their real sexual preference. Everything here is fictional.
