Papers by Pierluigi Assogna
QWuaderni dell'agata Numero 0, 2021
La considerazione del processo che un musicista percorre per imparare a suonare un pezzo musicale... more La considerazione del processo che un musicista percorre per imparare a suonare un pezzo musicale, o un atleta a battere un record, ci fa capire che il successo finale del processo, nel quale i movimenti avvengono "automaticamente", prova che sia necessario, durante tutto il processo, il coinvolgimento del libero arbitrio.
Quaderni del'agata N. 0, 2021
Considering the process through witch a musician learns how to play perfectly a song, we can appr... more Considering the process through witch a musician learns how to play perfectly a song, we can appreciate how the "automatic" execution of keys stroking or strings modulation, is just the final tract of a long series of free choices of the musician. The tests where the decision of pressing a key on the base of a specific signal, hat regularly happens before the brain of the tester registers the action, does not prove that free will is a mith.
ArteScienzaMagazine, 2023
When Homer documented Consciousness
ArteScienzaMagazine, 2023
Articolo basato su una interessante teoria dello psicologo statunitense Julian Jaines, relativame... more Articolo basato su una interessante teoria dello psicologo statunitense Julian Jaines, relativamente alla nostra capacità interiore di esaminare i nostri stessi pensieri, di lasciare che la mente elabori "autonomamente" teorie, e di giudicarle.
ArteScienzaMagazine, 2023
The destiny of man and the planet is typical of complex systems, susceptible to modification thro... more The destiny of man and the planet is typical of complex systems, susceptible to modification through the intercession of deterministic chaos. It is therefore worth committing to transforming future history.
ArteScienzaMagazine, 2023
Il destino dell'uomo e del pianeta sono sistemi complessi, suscettibili di modifica per intercess... more Il destino dell'uomo e del pianeta sono sistemi complessi, suscettibili di modifica per intercessione del caos deterministico. Vale quindi la pena di impegnarsi per trasformare la nostra futura. esistenza.
The difference between Pantheism, Panentheism , Deism, and Theism., 2009
A jagged coast, the perfect symmetry that innervates the leaves, the clouds scattered across the ... more A jagged coast, the perfect symmetry that innervates the leaves, the clouds scattered across the sky. These are all aesthetic elements that commonly fascinate human beings. Pierluigi Assogna explains in this article how these phenomena, and many others, are united by fractal geometric formulas.
Arte Scienza Magazine, ISBN 978-88-3293-637-7, 2022
Considerations of people as dissipative structures, that increase theire internal negentropy incr... more Considerations of people as dissipative structures, that increase theire internal negentropy increasing universal entropy. Gaia is doing it successfully for the last 3.5 billion years. At this point in time we can cooperate with Gaia, or risk our exit from the number of cooperators.

Innovations, in any field, originate in the mind of people, on the base of mechanisms not yet com... more Innovations, in any field, originate in the mind of people, on the base of mechanisms not yet completely understood. There have been many studies relevant to thinking techniques that have been proven to favor creativity, like for instance those studied by De Bono. A general characteristic of these techniques is the recommendation of avoiding usual thinking paths, habitual mind frames: this is facilitated by putting oneself in unusual physical settings, or introducing absurd concepts, and the like. The use of metaphors is another recognized enabler of creativity, by bridging different conceptual domains. A Knowledge Base (KB) structured around an Ontology can be seen as a close simulation of the conceptual structure that, according to Constructivism, supports a person's thinking processes, and the Web can be seen as the corresponding world to be explored and that contributes to that person's culture. This kind of domain specific KBs is being organized and used as support for advanced enterprise information systems. This paper presents a technique for extending the working domain (WD) of an organization with concepts belonging to other domains, obtained by retrieving documents that discuss both concepts of this WD and "foreign " ones. These documents, proposed to the KB editors, are considered candidates for innovative problem solving activities and considerations.
«Quaderni dell’agata» , biannual nagazine, registr. °48 January 2021 at Atri (TE)
English version of an article relevant to the role of free will in organizing "faster-than-though... more English version of an article relevant to the role of free will in organizing "faster-than-thought" re-actions and pro-actions to environmental stimuli.
ArteScienza Magazine - ISBN 978-88-3293-602-5, Jun 2022
Probably you have heard about "lateral thinking". The expression was introduced by the Maltese wr... more Probably you have heard about "lateral thinking". The expression was introduced by the Maltese writer Edward De Bono in his 1970 book, about a technique for helping the search of creative solutions to any kind of problems. De Bono has dedicated his entire professional career to the study of how to formally organize and use, both by computer and mentally, any domain of competence. _ English version of original in Italian.
The ages-old issue of the coexistence of an omnipotent, infinitely good God, with the evident Evi... more The ages-old issue of the coexistence of an omnipotent, infinitely good God, with the evident Evil in the world, keeps attracting uncountable numbers of philosophers, theologians, scientists, generalists. Of course each category applies its specific reasoning frame, and being this issue global and cosmic, this multiplicity of different viewpoints is on one side highly valuable, on the other challenging for the readers, that have to adapt mentally the interpretations, assumptions, proposed solutions each for her/his professional and experiential world view.

IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2014
In recent years, awareness of the potential consequences associated with a major disruption to th... more In recent years, awareness of the potential consequences associated with a major disruption to the critical infrastructure has grown among public and private entities. Indeed, traditional and emerging threats endanger service continuity and, by extension, the normal functioning of modern society. This paper presents an approach for modeling the effects of critical infrastructure failures as a result of unexpected events. The transportation, energy and telecommunications infrastructures are modeled using a system dynamics approach. The work constitutes a component of the CRISADMIN Project that is focused on developing a tool to evaluate the impacts of critical events. The ultimate objective of the project is to provide decision makers with a sophisticated tool to help them mitigate negative effects in emergency situations. The prototype tool described in this paper leverages case studies of terrorist attacks and floods that have occurred in Europe.
The article proposes a strategy for helping experts of any conceptual domain to express creative ... more The article proposes a strategy for helping experts of any conceptual domain to express creative ideas when confronted by new problems or opportunities related to their experience. The first step of the discourse analyzes the common use of metaphors and similes in everyday speech, schematizing the conceptual characteristics of this use. The second step considers operational modeling, that represents the largely unconscious basic mechanism involved in the evolutionary strategy of organisms, seen as adaptive systems in complex environments. The third step considers the value of the characteristics of metaphorical thinking in problem solving and in promoting innovative ideas. The last step proposes a strategy for favoring innovative ideas through the use of automatic web search tools capable of providing a cross-fertilization across different conceptual domains

Una costa frastagliata, la perfetta simmetria che innerva le foglie, le nuvole sparse nel cielo. ... more Una costa frastagliata, la perfetta simmetria che innerva le foglie, le nuvole sparse nel cielo. Sono tutti elementi estetici che comunemente affascinano gli esseri umani. PIERLUIGI ASSOGNA racconta in questo articolo come questi fenomeni, e molti altri, siano accomunati dalle formule geometriche frattali Quando frequentavo il liceo, parecchi anni fa, in corrispondenza con lo studio delle scienze, assieme ad alcuni compagni di classe tentai, con poco successo, di nutrire qualche cristallo di cloruro di sodio e di qualche altro sale. La tecnica utilizzata per questo esperimento consiste nel sospendere, in una soluzione soprassàtura del sale, un minuscolo cristallo, e questo inizia a crescere in modo regolare se il tutto non viene disturbato in alcun modo. Ciò che non funzionò, nei nostri tentativi, era proprio il mancato rispetto di queste condizioni di quiete, oltre alla nostra impazienza. I cristalli affascinano perché rendono visibili le strutture materiali ultra-microscopiche, i reticoli molecolari, e mostrano forme facilmente ricavabili dalla geometria euclidea. I cristalli che si rinvengono in natura (come i nostri tentativi, ma con una estetica molto migliore) mostrano generalmente quanti disturbi ha avuto il cristallo durante la sua crescita, disturbi che "rovinano" la perfezione geometrica che si può trovare nei cristalli ottenuti artificialmente. Tutte le forme che vediamo in natura, siano esse relative ad oggetti inanimati o ad organismi, sono sempre delle "istantanee" di un processo, più o meno lungo, di trasformazione e di evoluzione, e testimoniano la storia di questo processo. Se passiamo dai cristalli a forme macroscopiche come una montagna, le intricate confluenze di un bacino fluviale, un tratto di costa marina, e poi alle forme organiche di individui e colonie, ci allontaniamo sempre di più dai solidi regolari della geometria euclidea. Da quando il matematico Mandelbrot ha iniziato a rappresentare su uno schermo di computer i luoghi geometrici creati dalla applicazione di semplici formule ricorsive (cioè applicate più volte, e ogni volta sul risultato del passo precedente), si è aperto un mondo magico di immagini splendide, evocative di fenomeni complessi, somiglianti proprio a queste forme naturali. Un aspetto interessante di queste rappresentazioni grafiche è che né dalla formula applicata (la più classica delle quali è z(n) = z(n-1)^2 + c) né dalla convenzione utilizzata per colorare i luoghi geometrici sullo schermo, si può prevedere il risultato estetico. Una caratteristica comune alle immagini frattali è la ripetizione di specifiche strutture a molti (matematicamente infiniti) livelli di scala. Classici esempi di forme frattali evocative di forme organiche sono le matrici generate dal matematico Barnsley, una delle quali genera una bellissima felce. Una volta viste le forme frattali ottenute matematicamente, possiamo facilmente riconoscerle in oggetti familiari, come lo sviluppo dei rami di un albero, la splendida architettura multi-livello del broccolo romano, la costa marina, i vortici che si formano in un torrente. Parlando dei cristalli abbiamo usato le parole "disturbi" e "rovina delle forme". Se spostiamo la nostra attenzione alle forme organiche, esperimentiamo invece una fascinazione estetica che nella mia esperienza è assolutamente condivisa al 100%. La geometria frattale si può vedere e ammirare come geometria della evoluzione dei sistemi complessi, come geometria del caos. In questa luce anziché parlare di disturbi dobbiamo parlare di co-evoluzione di sistemi che interagiscono, sistemi simplastici, che nel tempo hanno creato la affascinante complessità del nostro ambiente. In esso sia le forme inorganiche sia quelle organiche testimoniano questa complessa co-evoluzione, e generalmente attribuiamo
Next generation systems for critical infrastructure protection must support capabilities such as ... more Next generation systems for critical infrastructure protection must support capabilities such as behavior analysis, situation modeling and data mining integrated within sophisticated virtual or augmented reality interfaces. This paper describes the design goals and implementation of a platform for critical infrastructure security applications. The platform is designed to support semi-automated 3D modeling of infrastructures, 3D integration of sensor networks, situation modeling and visual simulation via 3D animation, and advanced situation analysis. Such a system would enable operators to recognize preliminary indications of crisis situations and promptly activate the appropriate countermeasures. It would also assist them in optimizing normal operations and conducting simulations for emergency planning and crisis management.
Professional by Pierluigi Assogna
Next generation systems for critical infrastructure protection must support capabilities such as ... more Next generation systems for critical infrastructure protection must support capabilities such as behavior analysis, situation modeling and data mining integrated within sophisticated virtual or augmented reality interfaces. This paper describes the design goals and implementation of a platform for critical infrastructure security applications. The platform is designed to support semi-automated 3D modeling of infrastructures, 3D integration of sensor networks, situation modeling and visual simulation via 3D animation, and advanced situation analysis. Such a system would enable operators to recognize preliminary indications of crisis situations and promptly activate the appropriate countermeasures. It would also assist them in optimizing normal operations and conducting simulations for emergency planning and crisis management.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
This paper describes a security platform as a complex system of holonic communities, that are hie... more This paper describes a security platform as a complex system of holonic communities, that are hierarchically organized, but selfreconfigurable when some of them are detached or cannot otherwise operate. Furthermore, every possible subset of holons may work autonomously, while maintaining self-conscience of its own mission, action lines and goals. Each holonic unit, either elementary or composite, retains some capabilities for sensing (perception), transmissive apparatus (communication), computational processes (elaboration), authentication/authorization (information security), support for data exchange (visualization & interaction), actuators (mission), ambient representation (geometric reasoning), knowledge representation (logic reasoning), situation representation and forecasting (simulation), intelligent feedback (command & control). The higher the organizational level of the holonic unit, the more complex and sophisticated each of its characteristic features.

Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2013
Innovations, in any field, originate in the mind of people, on the base of mechanisms not yet com... more Innovations, in any field, originate in the mind of people, on the base of mechanisms not yet completely understood. There have been many studies relevant to thinking techniques that have been proven to favor creativity, like for instance those studied by De Bono. A general characteristic of these techniques is the recommendation of avoiding usual thinking paths, habitual mind frames: this is facilitated by putting oneself in unusual physical settings, or introducing absurd concepts, and the like. The use of metaphors is another recognized enabler of creativity, by bridging different conceptual domains. A Knowledge Base (KB) structured around an Ontology can be seen as a close simulation of the conceptual structure that, according to Constructivism, supports a person's thinking processes, and the Web can be seen as the corresponding world to be explored and that contributes to that person's culture. This kind of domain specific KBs is being organized and used as support for advanced enterprise information systems. This paper presents a technique for extending the working domain (WD) of an organization with concepts belonging to other domains, obtained by retrieving documents that discuss both concepts of this WD and "foreign " ones. These documents, proposed to the KB editors, are considered candidates for innovative problem solving activities and considerations.
Papers by Pierluigi Assogna
Professional by Pierluigi Assogna
The paper proposes a methodology that integrates the use of traditional DSS's (that work well in periods of linear evolution) with considerations valid for the puctuating earthquakes. In particular is presented the use of the conponents of the Organization in managing context knowledge.
The requirements in terms of knowledge, imposed in the context of a complex social organization, are analyzed, concluding that the structureof knowledge is a complex fractal-like system in itself.
Then the analogy of genetics and memetics is considered, introducing the concept of holomeme, that is the holonic representation of memes, of their gruoupings in our minds, and their role in the structuring of knowledge. A person's knowledge evolves partly during daytime under the control of conscience, and even more during sleep, in the dreaming process: the extended connections between holomemes are created mostly unconsciously, with self-organizing processes.
The experiment consists in exploring the use of automatic processes that create and reinforce extended connections between documents and holomemes (structured in an ontology), during the "dream time" of a Knowledge Base, that follows a circadian cycle.
The issue that is being addressed is that of introducing chaotic behaviors in the dream-like phase. The KB users are involved in validating the results of self-organization.