Books by Paolo Mazzoleni

Il concorso che ha generato i progetti selezionati in questo volume è senza dubbio uno dei più am... more Il concorso che ha generato i progetti selezionati in questo volume è senza dubbio uno dei più ambiziosi allestiti in Italia negli ultimi anni. Gli organizzatori infatti non hanno voluto soltanto realizzare un buon complesso edilizio, secondo criteri finalmente limpidi, ma hanno voluto sfatare quella lunga litania di luoghi comuni, tutta italiana, secondo la quale non si organizzano concorsi – secondo criteri razionali –, non ci sono opportunità per i giovani, e poi è inutile partecipare perché comunque non vengono realizzati. Non basta: come spiega il curatore, questo concorso da un lato vuole porre un tema squisitamente architettonico, spesso ambiguo e imprecisato, come quello della densità; dall’altro inscrive le modalità di organizzazione del concorso nell’alveo di una visione complessiva – e alternativa – della città: «Una città dalla natura cooperativa, che si alimenta del concorde sforzo dei suoi elementi singolari; elementi che, perseguendo i propri obiettivi all’interno di un codice comune, giovano al tutto e si giovano del tutto».
Papers by Paolo Mazzoleni
Nachhaltiger Wohnbau in den Bergen - zeitgenössische Wohnformen mit Perspektive, 2010

In 2011, Assimpredil ANCE (Association of construction firms and related industries of Milan, Lod... more In 2011, Assimpredil ANCE (Association of construction firms and related industries of Milan, Lodi, Monza and Brianza), the Municipality of Milan, Milano Chamber of Architects, IN/ARCH Lombardia and FederlegnoArredo, organized a competition to form a directory for high-performance, low-cost housing buildings proposals. The decision to start such a competition was suggested by the the shared opinion that social housing will be the highest necessity of the next years owing to involve always more and more tenants: young couples, divorced families, immigrants..
Aim of the competition was to promote architectural quality, research and innovation in the housing sector by offering practical examples of high-performance, low-cost housing designs that fulfill the specific requirements. Participants were invited to submit designs on two themes: a 12 floors tower building and a 5 floors horizontal building, both intended with a GFA of about 5,000 sqm.
The proposal were asked to deal with:
• prefabricated and/or traditional construction system with high performance standards;
• attention to the building's life cycle and its operating and management costs from the perspective of environmental sensitivity;
• control and containment of costs and construction times with the contractor guaranteeing completion;
• optimal usability and design flexibility;
• optimization of energy efficiency and acoustic performance, low CO2 emissions, minimization of indoor and outdoor pollution;
• Milanese architectural identity given a contemporary sensibility;
• aggregability and flexibility of the apartments' building solutions; - use of innovative components.
After the selection made by the technical jury, 125 projects were admitted to the directory. A book has been published containing all projects told through images, technical drawings and a dashboard that summarizes, for each project, the technical performance and the assessment made by the qualitative jury.
Editing the book, we had the opportunity to analyze in detail all projects, their structural characteristics, their performance and their architectural features. This paper aims to relate the results of this analysis, reporting through a series of comparative studies, the state of the art of the project of social housing, of the Italian residential construction sector, its strengths and its weaknesses. The final aim is to point new typological design strategies and the strategy of new research lines in construction and technology.

Object of this work is the re-design of an urban area straddling the railway line in the north of... more Object of this work is the re-design of an urban area straddling the railway line in the north of Milan. In this area, the implementation planning, conceived in the early 2000s and became enforceable in 2010, failed due to the changing of social conditions of the urban context, to the state of the housing market and, more in general, because of the particular moment of stagnation in Italian and European economies. In this failure also contributed the excessive rigidity of the urban morphology of the project.
The aim of the re-design is twofold: allowing a greater flexibility and elasticity in function allocation in the area, and in the buildings themselves, and achieving a public space integrated with the buildings, the infrastructures and the existing city.
The work develops from the reading of the urban context. The idea is to construct new settlement patterns, where buildings build the margins of new urban blocks and therein lie, emptying their inner thus converted into public space. The new public space between buildings is connected to a network that merges into the urban fabric, making a sewing with the existing city. Key objective is to avoid the creation of a small enclave facing the infrastructures, which would not implement those valuesof proximity, cohabitation and co-existence in the urban context, which should characterize all urban transformation.
The theme of housing becomes essential to give continuity to the city. For this reason, the buildings are designed as compact but uneven, densely populated but rich in common spaces, terraces and courtyards, in order to design the city by giving quality to any space.
The project aims to achieve the quality of public space through density. The towers and the middle-height buildings have been inseparably linked together with a podium firmly anchored to the public ground, housing appropriate activities to foster social relations in the public space.
Now more than ever it is essential for us to build places where you can meet people with different lifestyles and different cultures, considering it as a starting point for a social and cultural exchange that enriches our daily and public life.

XX,00 o r u e QS L'assunto da cui parte questo corposo studio corale consta nel fatto che «i sett... more XX,00 o r u e QS L'assunto da cui parte questo corposo studio corale consta nel fatto che «i sette scali ferroviari milanesi dismessi rappresentano un'occasione eccezionale e irripetibile di trasformazione urbana e di messa a punto di un'idea di città». Il volume raccoglie pertanto numerosi contributi, ampiamente illustrati, secondo uno schema tripartito: una prima parte urbanistica che contiene dei saggi d'indirizzo volti a delineare le sfide cruciali per la città contemporanea. La seconda parte, più progettuale, dedica spazio alle varie proposte di riordino degli scali milanesi. La terza, infine, propone una sorta di verifica a più voci delle ipotesi sviluppate nelle prime due, interrogando sia architetti come Emilio Battisti e Pierluigi Nicolin, e urbanisti, come Luigi Mazza, sia personalità extradisciplinari di assoluto rilievo come Ermanno Olmi, partendo dall'assunto che per capire una città sono necessari molti punti di vista, compresi quelli del cinema, spesso trascurati dal mondo accademico, ma forse gli unici in grado di restituire quel sentimento unico che Christopher Alexander chiama «the magic of the city»

Purpose of this paper is to relate the results of an in-progress research started with a Ph.D. Th... more Purpose of this paper is to relate the results of an in-progress research started with a Ph.D. Thesis and then carried on in different occasions over the last five years. The aim of my research study is to analyze the impact of the Information Age2 on urban lifestyles and the design of residential housing and living places. The concept of residential spaces includes both permanence and mutations and, although I think that the former is more important, I’ve chosen to focus on the latter. The method of the research is the comparative analysis of cases considered studying quantitative and qualitative parameters. At this point of the work the more interesting finding is the persisting of spatial form and design strategies in several different projects despite of geographical, economical and social differences. Urban housing in Europe can combine traditional urbanity values and the new domestic landscapes consequence of new lifestyles: “For good or ill, then, the home will play a stronger role in our lives than ever. ”
Books by Paolo Mazzoleni
Papers by Paolo Mazzoleni
Aim of the competition was to promote architectural quality, research and innovation in the housing sector by offering practical examples of high-performance, low-cost housing designs that fulfill the specific requirements. Participants were invited to submit designs on two themes: a 12 floors tower building and a 5 floors horizontal building, both intended with a GFA of about 5,000 sqm.
The proposal were asked to deal with:
• prefabricated and/or traditional construction system with high performance standards;
• attention to the building's life cycle and its operating and management costs from the perspective of environmental sensitivity;
• control and containment of costs and construction times with the contractor guaranteeing completion;
• optimal usability and design flexibility;
• optimization of energy efficiency and acoustic performance, low CO2 emissions, minimization of indoor and outdoor pollution;
• Milanese architectural identity given a contemporary sensibility;
• aggregability and flexibility of the apartments' building solutions; - use of innovative components.
After the selection made by the technical jury, 125 projects were admitted to the directory. A book has been published containing all projects told through images, technical drawings and a dashboard that summarizes, for each project, the technical performance and the assessment made by the qualitative jury.
Editing the book, we had the opportunity to analyze in detail all projects, their structural characteristics, their performance and their architectural features. This paper aims to relate the results of this analysis, reporting through a series of comparative studies, the state of the art of the project of social housing, of the Italian residential construction sector, its strengths and its weaknesses. The final aim is to point new typological design strategies and the strategy of new research lines in construction and technology.
The aim of the re-design is twofold: allowing a greater flexibility and elasticity in function allocation in the area, and in the buildings themselves, and achieving a public space integrated with the buildings, the infrastructures and the existing city.
The work develops from the reading of the urban context. The idea is to construct new settlement patterns, where buildings build the margins of new urban blocks and therein lie, emptying their inner thus converted into public space. The new public space between buildings is connected to a network that merges into the urban fabric, making a sewing with the existing city. Key objective is to avoid the creation of a small enclave facing the infrastructures, which would not implement those valuesof proximity, cohabitation and co-existence in the urban context, which should characterize all urban transformation.
The theme of housing becomes essential to give continuity to the city. For this reason, the buildings are designed as compact but uneven, densely populated but rich in common spaces, terraces and courtyards, in order to design the city by giving quality to any space.
The project aims to achieve the quality of public space through density. The towers and the middle-height buildings have been inseparably linked together with a podium firmly anchored to the public ground, housing appropriate activities to foster social relations in the public space.
Now more than ever it is essential for us to build places where you can meet people with different lifestyles and different cultures, considering it as a starting point for a social and cultural exchange that enriches our daily and public life.
Aim of the competition was to promote architectural quality, research and innovation in the housing sector by offering practical examples of high-performance, low-cost housing designs that fulfill the specific requirements. Participants were invited to submit designs on two themes: a 12 floors tower building and a 5 floors horizontal building, both intended with a GFA of about 5,000 sqm.
The proposal were asked to deal with:
• prefabricated and/or traditional construction system with high performance standards;
• attention to the building's life cycle and its operating and management costs from the perspective of environmental sensitivity;
• control and containment of costs and construction times with the contractor guaranteeing completion;
• optimal usability and design flexibility;
• optimization of energy efficiency and acoustic performance, low CO2 emissions, minimization of indoor and outdoor pollution;
• Milanese architectural identity given a contemporary sensibility;
• aggregability and flexibility of the apartments' building solutions; - use of innovative components.
After the selection made by the technical jury, 125 projects were admitted to the directory. A book has been published containing all projects told through images, technical drawings and a dashboard that summarizes, for each project, the technical performance and the assessment made by the qualitative jury.
Editing the book, we had the opportunity to analyze in detail all projects, their structural characteristics, their performance and their architectural features. This paper aims to relate the results of this analysis, reporting through a series of comparative studies, the state of the art of the project of social housing, of the Italian residential construction sector, its strengths and its weaknesses. The final aim is to point new typological design strategies and the strategy of new research lines in construction and technology.
The aim of the re-design is twofold: allowing a greater flexibility and elasticity in function allocation in the area, and in the buildings themselves, and achieving a public space integrated with the buildings, the infrastructures and the existing city.
The work develops from the reading of the urban context. The idea is to construct new settlement patterns, where buildings build the margins of new urban blocks and therein lie, emptying their inner thus converted into public space. The new public space between buildings is connected to a network that merges into the urban fabric, making a sewing with the existing city. Key objective is to avoid the creation of a small enclave facing the infrastructures, which would not implement those valuesof proximity, cohabitation and co-existence in the urban context, which should characterize all urban transformation.
The theme of housing becomes essential to give continuity to the city. For this reason, the buildings are designed as compact but uneven, densely populated but rich in common spaces, terraces and courtyards, in order to design the city by giving quality to any space.
The project aims to achieve the quality of public space through density. The towers and the middle-height buildings have been inseparably linked together with a podium firmly anchored to the public ground, housing appropriate activities to foster social relations in the public space.
Now more than ever it is essential for us to build places where you can meet people with different lifestyles and different cultures, considering it as a starting point for a social and cultural exchange that enriches our daily and public life.