Papers by Marco Colombetti
Journal of Pragmatics 20, 1993
Artificial intelligence, Jan 1, 1994
Proceedings of the first international joint …, Jan 1, 2002
Systems, Man, and …, Jan 1, 2002
Adaptive Behavior, Jan 1, 1994
Proceedings of the Workshop on Agent Languages and …, Jan 1, 2000
Advances in Agent Communication, Jan 1, 2004
Defining interaction protocols using a commitment-based agent communication language
Proceedings of the second international joint …, Jan 1, 2003
Learning to Control An Autonomous Robot by Distributed Genetic Algorithms
… Animals to Animats 2: Proceedings of …, Jan 1, 1992
305 LEARNING TO CONTROL AN AUTONOMOUS ROBOT BY DISTRIBUTED GENETIC ALGORITHMS Marco Colombetti Pr... more 305 LEARNING TO CONTROL AN AUTONOMOUS ROBOT BY DISTRIBUTED GENETIC ALGORITHMS Marco Colombetti Progetto di Intelligenza Artificiale e Robotica Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 20133 Milano, Italy ...
Learning Classifier …, Jan 1, 2000
Artificial Intelligence, Jan 1, 1994
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on …, Jan 1, 2002
ACM SIGecom Exchanges, Jan 1, 2001
An Extension to the XCS Classifier System for Stochastic Environments
Proceedings of the Genetic and …, Jan 1, 1999
Applied Artificial Intelligence, Jan 1, 2004
Proceedings of the Workshop on …, Jan 1, 2002
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent …, Jan 1, 2007
Connection Science, Jan 1, 1998
Formal Semantics for Mutual Belief
Artificial intelligence, Jan 1, 1993
Artificial Intelligence 62 (1993) 341353 341 Elsevier ARTINT 1086 Research Note Formal belief sem... more Artificial Intelligence 62 (1993) 341353 341 Elsevier ARTINT 1086 Research Note Formal belief semantics for mutual Marco Colombetti Progetto di lntelligenza Artificiale e Robotica, Dipartimento di Elettronica e lnformazione, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 ...
Papers by Marco Colombetti