Luca Gaeta
Phone: +39 02 23995426
Address: Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani
Via Bonardi, 3
20133 Milano
Address: Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani
Via Bonardi, 3
20133 Milano
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Papers by Luca Gaeta
International debates on boundaries and borders have multiplied along with the global restructuring of the economy, the crisis of state sovereignty, and the increased migration flows from developing countries. Border studies have emerged as a field of study from the joint effort of geographers, anthropologists as well as political scientists to tackle the multifaceted complexity of borderland identities and landscapes. Nowadays, a trans-disciplinary approach more and more is replacing the affiliation of border scholars to separated fields of knowledge. However, as this convergence is far from complete, its potential for territorial development is limited. The book urges the need to apply trans-disciplinary methods in the making and management of boundaries. Though this can be done in multiple ways, the construction of a trans-disciplinary lexicon is key to facilitate a mutual understanding between researchers with different backgrounds, as well as between researchers and policymakers. However, such a lexicon also serves to “misunderstand” each other, unfolding the ambiguity of the border as a quality that cannot be eliminated in theory or in practice.
International debates on boundaries and borders have multiplied along with the global restructuring of the economy, the crisis of state sovereignty, and the increased migration flows from developing countries. Border studies have emerged as a field of study from the joint effort of geographers, anthropologists as well as political scientists to tackle the multifaceted complexity of borderland identities and landscapes. Nowadays, a trans-disciplinary approach more and more is
replacing the affiliation of border scholars to separated fields of knowledge. However, as this convergence is far from complete, its potential for territorial development is limited. The book urges the need to apply transdisciplinary methods in the making and management of boundaries. Though this can be done in multiple ways, the construction of a trans-disciplinary lexicon is key to facilitate a mutual understanding between researchers with different backgrounds, as well as between researchers and policy makers. However, such a lexicon also serves to
“misunderstand” each other, unfolding the ambiguity of the border as a quality that cannot be eliminated in theory or in practice.
Ponendo al centro dell’attenzione le pratiche in movimento della quotidianità, il libro propone una teoria del confine che abbandona ogni divisione categorica del mondo materiale dal mondo sociale. Il confine non è una linea che divide o unisce, ma l’orizzonte di una pratica in movimento. Pensare così aiuta a comprendere meglio il rapporto tra spazio e società.
Per poter giungere a questo risultato, il volume esamina tre tecniche antiche e moderne per il tracciamento di confini: l’agrimensura usata per dividere il suolo agricolo; lo zoning per dividere il suolo urbano e il boundary making per dividere i territori degli Stati. Nei tre casi le tecniche insegnano come tracciare confini, ricalcando pratiche consuetudinarie, per fare di esse forme di cittadinanza.
Per fare una democrazia bisogna tracciare confini alla maniera degli agrimensori. Una democrazia si fonda e si regge sulla divisione del territorio in distretti. Intorno a questa tesi principale ruota il volume, che si può considerare un saggio di geopolitica se questa è lo studio degli elementi geografici che condizionano l’agire politico. I suoi capitoli descrivono il ruolo delle divisioni di suolo in quattro esempi occidentali di riforma costituzionale: la democrazia ateniese, la repubblica romana, la costituzione mista britannica e la repubblica federale statunitense.