Papers by Antonio Capsoni
Structural Engineering International, Aug 1, 2015

Proceedings of SPIE, Jul 1, 2002
This paper describes a prototype system being developed for on-line structural monitoring of the ... more This paper describes a prototype system being developed for on-line structural monitoring of the cathedral of Como, Italy. Monitoring is based on relative displacement and temperature measurements employing optical fibre Bragg grating transducers. System features include an edge-filter demodulation scheme with wavelength multiplexing, palmtop-based control with customised software, automated data acquisition and analysis and GSM-based data transmission via email. The system also offers the option to be solar powered, allowing it to be located in areas with limited access, such as on the cathedral roof. Initial results obtained over an eight-month demonstration period are also presented. The intention is to develop this prototype into a complete system for on-line structural monitoring of the Cathedral, offering real decision support to those responsible for its maintenance.
Dottorato di ricerca in ingegneria delle strutture. 7. ciclo. Relatore L. Corradi Dell'AcquaC... more Dottorato di ricerca in ingegneria delle strutture. 7. ciclo. Relatore L. Corradi Dell'AcquaConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
A theoretical and numerical investigation on the influence of the fibre orientation on the buckli... more A theoretical and numerical investigation on the influence of the fibre orientation on the buckling behaviour of composite cylinders is presented. Composite cylinders with different laminations and subject to axial compression are examined. The results show the great influence of fibre orientation on the buckling load and highlight the presence of a high number of almost coincident buckling modes in the cases of quasi-isotropic lay- up or of a particular value of the fibre angle. In the latter case the initial slope of the post-buckling branch has a very high negative value and the cylinders consequently result to be very imperfection sensitive. This confirms the fact that any optimisation process should include an imperfection sensitivity parameter

The current paper presents results of the inverse theory approach utilized for the analytical est... more The current paper presents results of the inverse theory approach utilized for the analytical estimation of thermo-physical properties for a multi-layered medium terrain with homogenized experimental measurements. We demonstrate the derivation steps of the exact solution for the heat transfer problem with third-kind boundary conditions due to natural convection on the outlets posed for the considered experimental domain. There are received analytical expressions. Initially, we illustrate the homogenization of the boundary conditions. We then discuss the process of derivation for the analytical solution of the posed problem with the help of key elements of the Fourier method. We provide an algorithm for applying the contact condition to extend received expressions for multiple layers. After that we demonstrate the major steps for the construction of nonlinear systems of equations to be solved in order to obtain exact values of key thermo-physical and geometrical parameters of the inv...
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
This paper presents a Mindlin plate finite element for the analysis of plastic limit loads with v... more This paper presents a Mindlin plate finite element for the analysis of plastic limit loads with von Mises yielding criterion. The element is derived from a natural approach, based on a mixed b-bar strain formulation. The proposed element is locking free and is able to produce accurate results for thick plates as well as for thin plates (below Kirchhoff limit). Moreover, the model also reveals a satisfactory behavior to mesh distortion sensitivity. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated by means of some numerical examples.
SPIE Proceedings, 2002
... System features include an edge-filter demodulation scheme with wavelength multiplexing, palm... more ... System features include an edge-filter demodulation scheme with wavelength multiplexing, palmtop-based control with customised software, automated data acquisition and analysis and GSM-based data transmission via email. ...

International Journal of Plasticity, 2001
The paper considers perfectly plastic materials with a yield condition of the form È ð Þ ¼ F ij i... more The paper considers perfectly plastic materials with a yield condition of the form È ð Þ ¼ F ij ij þ F ijk' ij k' 4 1 corresponding to a second order truncation of the tensor polynomial expression proposed by Tsai and Wu for failure criteria. Such an expression is often employed for materials exhibiting particular forms of anisotropic failure properties, including orthotropic ones, and accounts for non-symmetric strengths. The limit analysis problem is considered next. The formulation based on the kinematic theorem, reducing to the search of the constrained minimum of a convex functional, was successfully employed in the isotropic case for numerical solutions and can be extended to the present context without modifications, provided that the expression for the dissipation power as an explicit function of strain rates is available. For the material considered, this expression is established in this paper. The result is specialized to plane stress orthotropy and an example is worked out. Although extremely simple, it permits the assessment of the influence of the ratio between tensile and compressive strength and of the inclination of the orthotropy axes with respect to loading directions.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2005
A formulation for finite element limit analysis of a certain class of 3D perfectly plastic solids... more A formulation for finite element limit analysis of a certain class of 3D perfectly plastic solids governed by von Mises’ plasticity condition is presented. A planar symmetry constraint for both geometry and displacement field is assumed to analyze plane problems where the variable nature of transverse dissipation must be considered. A mixed locking free and low distortion sensitive element is
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 1997
... (36a,b) Both the above matrices are of full column rank. Let also *= hx)Dh(x) dx; W* = hx)Hh(... more ... (36a,b) Both the above matrices are of full column rank. Let also *= hx)Dh(x) dx; W* = hx)Hh(x) dx; w= hL x)L(x) dx, (37ac) Jn Jn Jn V= L xWx)dx; N= sx)n(x)L(x) dx. ... (33) establishes *= fiD OOO *, *, . O *, E rnH oow*= ow*, w*, ow*, w*,. ,* h (x)Dhx)ax, (38a,b) W,*=J h',(x)Hh,(x)ax. ...

Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2021
The preservation of architectural heritage represents a major asset for economic development in s... more The preservation of architectural heritage represents a major asset for economic development in several countries. Nevertheless, its protection remains a complex task due to its high vulnerability, especially in seismic zones. The intervention on the historical buildings requires the creation of a numerical and digital support shared by the different building specialists (architects, conservators, engineers, designers), which can contain all of the data relating to the construction. This will allow to ensure not only a better interchangeability between the different disciplines but also a correct and coherent conception and execution of the interventions. The introduction of 3D digitization tools, particularly the 3D laser scanner, plays a major role during the realization of the architectural survey. Indeed, the use of the architectural modeling software based on Building Information Modeling and Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline allows first of all to move from the point cloud to ...
Page 1. Footbridge 2005 Second International Conference EFFECTS OF DECK GIRDER SLENDERNESS ON LA... more Page 1. Footbridge 2005 Second International Conference EFFECTS OF DECK GIRDER SLENDERNESS ON LATERAL ELASTIC STABILITY OF TIED ARCHED FOOTBRIDGES Konrad BERGMEISTER Professor University of Wien Wien, Austria ...

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015), 2015
The potential occurrence of internal parametric resonance phenomena has been recently indicated a... more The potential occurrence of internal parametric resonance phenomena has been recently indicated as a possible cause of failure for long-span suspension bridges. At the same time, suspension bridges, in view of their flexibility, are prone to aeroelasticity driven response, such as vortex shedding, torsional divergence and flutter. In this paper, a nonlinear dynamic model of a suspension bridge is devised, with the purpose of providing a unified framework for the study of aeroelastic and internal resonance instabilities. Inspired by the pioneering work of Herrmann and Hauger, the analyses have been based on a linearized formulation that is able to represent the main structural non-linear effects and the coupling given by aerodynamic forces. The results confirm that the interaction between aeroelastic effects and non-linear internal resonance leads to unstable phenomena for wind speeds which are by far lower than the critical threshold for standard aeroelasticity.
Papers by Antonio Capsoni