Papers by Helena Afia Sahusilawane

International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 2022
The Indonesian leafffish (Pristolepis grootii, Bleeker 1852) is one of the native Indonesian fres... more The Indonesian leafffish (Pristolepis grootii, Bleeker 1852) is one of the native Indonesian freshwater fish species. It's have a high economic value. The habitat of the fish is rivers, lakes and swamps. The study of the length-weight relationship and environmental parameters an important and fundamental component of fisheries resource management. The purpose of this study was to analyze length-weight relationship of P. grootii and water quality of the fish habitat. A total of 164 samples were used in this study. The results showed that length-weight relationship of the P. grootii, the predictive model of the weight of the fish from the length of the fish is in the exponential form with the equation y = 0.0491x2.6363 (R2 = 0.9536: P < 0.01), with a coefficient of (a) 2.636 and a constant (b) of 0.049. The P. grootii weight gain was slower than the increase in length. Environmental parameters such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, nitrate, and phospate are within acceptable limits. P. grootii are found in Kelekar river. The current study provided the first baseline data about length-weight relationship and environmental parameters of P grotii from the the Kelekar river, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Such data is valuable for establishing a monitoring and management system of these fish species.

Amphiprion is one of the genera in the Pomacentridae family which is dominant on coral reefs in t... more Amphiprion is one of the genera in the Pomacentridae family which is dominant on coral reefs in the waters of Ambon Island. This fish has interesting morphological characteristics, unique reproductive behavior, and has a symbiosis with sea anemones as a host and has high adaptability in captivity. The diversity of species in the genus Amphiprion is high based on varying morphological characters. The purpose of this study was to characterize the morphometric and meristic characters of five types of clown fish (Amphiprion sp.) from the island of Ambon. The morphometric characteristics were measured by measuring 24 characters, while the meristic characteristics were calculated using 5 characters in parent fish Amphiprion clarkii, A. frenatus, A. ocellaris, A. percula, and A. sandaracinos which had been kept for 1 year at the Ambon Marine Aquaculture Center. The data of morphometric and meristic characteristics were evaluated using principal component analysis (PCA). The relationship be...

Cara berkembangbiak kijing taiwan ini sangat unik, yaitu untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan larva... more Cara berkembangbiak kijing taiwan ini sangat unik, yaitu untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan larvanya (glokidia) sebelum menjadi kijing yang sempurna membutuhkan ikan sebagai induk semangnya dan larvanya memperoleh makanan dari tubuh inangnya atau hidup sebagai parasit. Salah satu faktor yang berperan penting dalam menunjang kelangsungan hidup anakan kijing untuk memulai kehidupannya sebagai kijing muda adalah substrat tempat menjatuhkan diri setelah melepaskan diri dari inangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh jenis substrat terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan anakan kijing taiwan (Anodonta woodiana). Satu induk kijing yang sedang mengerami glokidia digunakan untuk menginfeksikan 500 ekor ikan mas. Pengamatan terhadap lamanya fase parasit glokidia pada ikan mas dilakukan sejak hari ke-3 sampai hari ke- 30. Ikan inang yang telah terinfeksi glokidia dipelihara dalam akuarium dengan 3 jenis substrat yaitu : substrat pasir, lumpur dan substrat campuran pasir da...

Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau
Indonesian leaf fish (Pristolepisgrootii), is Indonesia endogenous fish species. This species is ... more Indonesian leaf fish (Pristolepisgrootii), is Indonesia endogenous fish species. This species is native in open-freshwater on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.The purpose of this paper is to determine the aspects of bioecology, processed fish products and disseminating information related to Indonesian leaf fish.Data collection methods through surveys, laboratory observations and literature studies.The data collected consists of primary data and secondary data.The results of observations and analysis showed that the Indonesian leaf fish are near families to climbing perch fish (Anabas testudineus), gouramy (Osphronemusgoramy), kissinggouramy fish (Helostomatemminckii).Local names are diverse, the national name of the sepatung fish and the international name are Indonesian leaf fish.Indonesian leaf fish habitat in fresh water. This fish is an omnivore, euryphagic.The morphological differences of male and female fish are not clear, sexual dimorphism is not apparent.Sex ratio in t...

Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau, 2019
Indonesian leaf fish (Pristolepis grootii), is Indonesia endogenous fish species. This species is... more Indonesian leaf fish (Pristolepis grootii), is Indonesia endogenous fish species. This species is native in open-freshwater on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.The purpose of this paper is to determine the aspects of bioecology, processed fish products and disseminating information related to Indonesian leaf fish.Data collection methods through surveys, laboratory observations and literature studies.The data collected consists of primary data and secondary data.The results of observations and analysis showed that the Indonesian leaf fish are near families to climbing perch fish (Anabas testudineus), gouramy (Osphronemus goramy), kissing gouramy fish (Helostoma temminckii). Local names are diverse, the national name of the sepatung fish and the international name are Indonesian leaf fish.Indonesian leaf fish habitat in fresh water. This fish is an omnivore, euryphagic. Male and female fish can be distinguished from body shape. Sex ratio in the wild in a balanced condition.Indonesian leaf fish spawn season at the rainy season. This fish can be processed into a variety of menu, and can be preserved by salted, fogged and fermented.Indonesian leaf fish has biological superiority and economic value, so it is worthy of being a candidate for aquaculture commodity. Abstrak. Ikan sepatung (Pristolepis grootii), merupakan salah satu jenis ikan endogenous Indonesia. Ikan ini native di perairan umum air tawar di pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek bioekologi, harga, produk olahan ikan sepatung dan menyebarluaskan informasi yang terkait dengan ikan sepatung. Metode pengumpulan data melalui survey, pengamatan laboratorium dan studi literatur. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri data primer dan data sekunder. Dari hasil pengamatan dan analisa, ikan sepatung berkerabat dengan ikan betok (Anabas testudineus), ikan gurami (Osphronemus goramy), ikan tembakang (Helostoma temminckii). Nama lokalnya beragam, nama nasional ikan sepatung dan nama internasionalnya Indonesian leaf fish. Habitat hidup ikan sepatung di air tawar. Ikan ini termasuk jenis ikan omnivore, bersifat euryphagic. Ikan jantan dan betina dapat dibedakan dari bentuk tubuhnya. Sex ratio ikan sepatung di alam bebas dalam kondisi seimbang. Ikan sepatung memijah pada awal musim penghujan. Ikan ini dapat diolah menjadi berbagai menu masakan, dan dapat diawetkan dengan penggaraman, pengasapan dan fermentasi. Ikan sepatung memiliki keunggulan biologi dan bernilai ekonomi, sehingga layak menjadi kandidat komoditi budidaya perikanan. Kata kunci : bioekologi, Indonesia leaf fish, ikan sepatung, ikan asli Indonesia, Pristolepis grootii, PENDAHULUAN Indonesia merupakan negara megabiodiversty dengan keanekaragaman flora dan fauna sangat tinggi. Secara geografis Indonesia terletak di daerah katulistiwa, memiliki beragam tipe habitat darat dan perairan, dengan iklim tropis, memungkinkan banyak flora dan fauna bisa hidup dan berkembangbiak. Fauna teristerial maupun aquatic sangat beragam jenisnya, dan banyak yang endemic di Indonesia. Di habitat perairan
Papers by Helena Afia Sahusilawane