Papers by Oktavianto Gustin

The final result in the creation of 3D animation is the rendering process in which the result of ... more The final result in the creation of 3D animation is the rendering process in which the result of the rendering determines the final result of the created movie. 3D animation will surely pass through the process of rendering which is a very important process commonly used by the world of animated cinema. Each animation uses a different rendering engine depending on rendering using what rendering engine. In this study will generate rendering of rendering time from rendering using mental ray and arnold on 3D animation film "Because of HOAX". In addition, this study will also compare the results of the size per scene of both rendering techniques are mental ray and arnold. The way it works is to run one by one rendering using Autodesk Maya, then compare the render results in the size of each scene, the length of time renders from each render. The results of this test that rendering techniques using arnold is superior in terms of size size per scene, because arnold save the file...

Globalization is a process of world community order that can cause positive and negative impacts.... more Globalization is a process of world community order that can cause positive and negative impacts. The city of Batam is one of the cities in Indonesia that experienced the impact of globalization on youth, where the lifestyle of its people especially among young people experience change. Apart from the rapid technological developments and modern lifestyle, hanging out is one of the activities that can have negative impact for both themselves and the surrounding community. Some of the factors that cause young people to do that is the influence of friends and do not want to be obsolete, but now there are some young people who still do positive things such as creating a social community that educational, therefore made an information media in the form of a documentary about community of teachers in Batam City. This documentary contains information about a community of teachers who are young people who can use their spare time to provide knowledge and fun to children aged 4 - 15 years. T...

Pemanasan global atau Global Warming merupakan meningkatnya suhu rata-rata atmosfer, laut, dan da... more Pemanasan global atau Global Warming merupakan meningkatnya suhu rata-rata atmosfer, laut, dan daratan Bumi, hal ini sangat diperhatikan oleh dunia. Pemanasan global sendiri dapat ditentukan pada suatu daerah, salah satunya daerah Urban Heat Island (UHI). Sedangkan Pulau Jawa merupakan Pulau dengan penduduk terpadat di Indonesia. Kepadatan tersebut didukung dengan berbagai macam fasilitas lengkap yang tersedia termasuk kawasan perindustrian dibandingkan dengan pulau lainnya sehingga menimbulkan udara panas yang terpusat di daerah perkotaan di Pulau Jawa. Oleh karena itu penelitian UHI dapat diterapkan pada Pulau Jawa dan upaya untuk mengatasi UHI dapat dilakukan dengan penghijauan pada daerah yang memiliki suhu paling tinggi atau lokasi penghijauan yang tepat dengan analisa citra satelit Landsat (Land Satellite) 7 ETM+. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggabungkan data hasil ekstraksi suhu permukaan tanah (SPT) dan indeks vegetasi citra Landsat 7 ETM+. Untuk Algoritma yang digunakan dalam perolehan SPT yaitu algoritma hasil turunan pendugaan panas Black Body oleh United State Geological Survey (USGS) tahun 2002 dan algoritma SPT hasil koreksi Emisivitas (Weng, 2001). Sedangkan untuk ekstraksi nilai IV yang diekstraksi dari data Landsat 7 menggunakan 3 algoritma yaitu NDVI, SAVI, dan EVI. Dengan menggunakan beberapa algoritma tersebut bisa didapat hasil pendekatan nilai dengan menentukan algoritma SPT dan indeks vegetasi yang mempunyai korelasi lebih baik. Dari perolehan korelasi yang terbaik dapat dipadukan dengan data kepadatan penduduk dan data curah hujan sehingga bisa didapatkan saran usaha penghijauan provinsi Jawa Timur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa korelasi yang terbaik adalah perhitungan SPT algoritma USGS dengan perhitungan indeks vegetasi algoritma NDVI dengan nilai-0.7108. Pada penelitian ini juga didapatkan beberapa daerah UHI dengan Overlay atau analisa spasial SPT tertinggi, index vegetasi terjarang, kepadatan penduduk yang rendah dan curah hujan yang sedang sebagai saran penghijauan dengan total luas 88.94947 km 2 dengan prosentase paling besar terhadap luas daerahnya yaitu Kab. Sidoarjo sebesar 6.75681% sedangkan daerah dengan prosentasi paling kecil yaitu Kabupaten Nganjuk sebesar 7.93x10-4 %. Kab. Sidoarjo memiliki nilai kepadatan penduduk sebesar 2139 atau tergolong rendah sehingga di Kabupaten ini tidak terlalu padat pemukiman sehingga
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering, 2020
ABEC Indonesia, Aug 25, 2021

This paper discusses the development of a 3D game as a medium to improve the method of learning h... more This paper discusses the development of a 3D game as a medium to improve the method of learning hadiths with Ijmali method and aims to measure the level of interest and desire of teenagers to study Hadith using the game. Ijmali method explains Hadiths in a clear, concise, and direct way. The game development is carried out using the Waterfall method. The software used for the development is Unity 3D. The evaluation was then carried out using questionnaires that consists of two stages. In the first stage, the experts were asked for their opinion about the game. Next, the questionnaire was distributed to the target respondents. Based on the result in the first testing stage, the lowest value is the Relevance aspect. Based on the result in the second testing stage, the lowest value is Usability. This shows that the game should have been designed with a lower level of difficulty to suit children aged 13-15 years. However, overall, the hadiths used in the game are valid and suitable for ...

Salah satu teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah negara kepulauan, diantaranya p... more Salah satu teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah negara kepulauan, diantaranya pelanggaran batas wilayah, penentuan lokasi sumber daya alam, serta kemampuan dini dalam mendeteksi awalnya suatu bencana alam, adalah teknologi pengindraan jauh. Teknologi ini menggunakan kemampuan sensor satelit yang dapat menangkap citra pemetaan suatu wilayah dengan spesifikasi yang dimilikinya. Salah satu sensor yang memiliki kemampuan tersebut adalah Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Suhu permukaan laut (SPL) merupakan salah satu faktor penentu kualitas suatu perairan. Pengukuran serta pemetaan SPL di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dengan menggunakan citra Aqua MODIS. Pemantauan gejala perubahan serta suhu secara berkala diperlukan dalam melakukan analisa pola sebaran SPL. Analisa tersebut menggunakan citra satelit AQUA MODIS. Pengamatan suhu serta persebarannya dapat digambarkan dengan baik oleh kanal 20, 31 dan 32 citra AQUA MODIS. Algoritma yang digunakan adalah algoritma Brown dan Minnet, 1999 (ATBD_25) untuk mendapatkan nilai SPL. Uji validasi yang dilakukan bernilai 88,6%, yang menunjukkan SPL pengolahan citra mempresentasikan kondisi sesungguhnya. Di sajikan dalam bentuk peta informasi SPL Provinsi Kepulauan Riau serta persebaran suhunya dalam informasi spasial berbasis web. Data hasil analisis dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi penelitian selanjutnya. Kata kunci: Suhu Permukaan Laut (SPL), Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, Citra Satelit Aqua MODIS, WebGIS, Brown and Minnet. Abstract One of the technology that can be used to overcome the problem in the archipelagic country, including encroachment, determining the location of natural resources, is a remote sensing technology. This technology uses the ability of satellite sensors to capture the image of an area with its specifications. One of the sensor that has those ability is the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is one of factor for the quality of the waters. The vehicle in the measurement and mapping of Sea Surface Temperature in Riau Islands Province using MODIS Aqua image. Monitoring symptoms and temperature changes on a regular basis is needed to analyze the distribution of SST patterns. The analysis use AQUA MODIS satellite imagery. Observations of temperature and its range can be described well by channels 20, 31 and 32 AQUA MODIS images.

2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2019
Nowadays, the information is increasing rapidly, especially information about spatial data. This ... more Nowadays, the information is increasing rapidly, especially information about spatial data. This information has an important role and is applied to various fields which is used as the basis for making a good decision, especially for survey and mapping. This research was conducted to get a visualization of land from the measurement results using Total Station. The result was represented as topography maps and visualization of cross-section and long sections of the location. The results of the data acquisition using the total station are as follows: the lowest elevation point is 11.039 m and the highest point is 16.104 m with the land area of ± 5792.56 m2. Overall, from the measurement results for elevation values in the location, it tends to be flat and there is no significant height difference at the location because there are no areas which are too steep.

This paper discusses the development of a 3D game as a medium to improve the method of learning h... more This paper discusses the development of a 3D game as a medium to improve the method of learning hadiths with Ijmali method and aims to measure the level of interest and desire of teenagers to study Hadith using the game. Ijmali method explains Hadiths in a clear, concise, and direct way. The game development is carried out using the Waterfall method. The software used for the development is Unity 3D. The evaluation was then carried out using questionnaires that consists of two stages. In the first stage, the experts were asked for their opinion about the game. Next, the questionnaire was distributed to the target respondents. Based on the result in the first testing stage, the lowest value is the Relevance aspect. Based on the result in the second testing stage, the lowest value is Usability. This shows that the game should have been designed with a lower level of difficulty to suit children aged 13-15 years. However, overall, the hadiths used in the game are valid and suitable for ...

2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2019
Nowadays, the information is increasing rapidly, especially information about spatial data. This ... more Nowadays, the information is increasing rapidly, especially information about spatial data. This information has an important role and is applied to various fields which is used as the basis for making a good decision, especially for survey and mapping. This research was conducted to get a visualization of land from the measurement results using Total Station. The result was represented as topography maps and visualization of cross-section and long sections of the location. The results of the data acquisition using the total station are as follows: the lowest elevation point is 11.039 m and the highest point is 16.104 m with the land area of ± 5792.56 m2. Overall, from the measurement results for elevation values in the location, it tends to be flat and there is no significant height difference at the location because there are no areas which are too steep.

2020 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2020
Land areas in the territorial waters will often be affected by sea-level flooding or commonly ref... more Land areas in the territorial waters will often be affected by sea-level flooding or commonly referred to as rob. This research was conducted to see the physical condition of the waters and to do a hydrodynamic model (2D) in the waters of the Tembesi Reservoir, Batam, Indonesia. This research was conducted using primary and secondary data to produce physical conditions of waters and hydrodynamic (2D) models. The results showed the depth of waters has a minimum value of depth of -1.05 meters and a maximum value of depth of -5.95 meters. The percentage of wind speed below 1 Knot is 3.23%, and the independent variable in the percentage of wind data processing is 1.61%, with the lowest wind speed in the range of 0.1-1 Knots. Water level models produced in conditions during the filling process before the water discharge from the outlet is 0.023 meters and relatively small currents range from 0.0012 cm/s. Elevation of the final water level to the final flow when the conditions during the filling process before the water is discharged, resulting in highest water elevation, compared to when the water condition in the reservoir has been discharged from the outlet into the sea.

2020 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2020
Land areas in the territorial waters will often be affected by sea-level flooding or commonly ref... more Land areas in the territorial waters will often be affected by sea-level flooding or commonly referred to as rob. This research was conducted to see the physical condition of the waters and to do a hydrodynamic model (2D) in the waters of the Tembesi Reservoir, Batam, Indonesia. This research was conducted using primary and secondary data to produce physical conditions of waters and hydrodynamic (2D) models. The results showed the depth of waters has a minimum value of depth of -1.05 meters and a maximum value of depth of -5.95 meters. The percentage of wind speed below 1 Knot is 3.23%, and the independent variable in the percentage of wind data processing is 1.61%, with the lowest wind speed in the range of 0.1-1 Knots. Water level models produced in conditions during the filling process before the water discharge from the outlet is 0.023 meters and relatively small currents range from 0.0012 cm/s. Elevation of the final water level to the final flow when the conditions during the filling process before the water is discharged, resulting in highest water elevation, compared to when the water condition in the reservoir has been discharged from the outlet into the sea.

2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2018
A Landslide is a natural event that the frequency of occurrence is increasing and could turn into... more A Landslide is a natural event that the frequency of occurrence is increasing and could turn into a catastrophe. The purpose of this study is assessing the parameters that affect landslide hazards and mapping and analyzing hazards landslide in Batam Island. This research is using the overlay method intersect, and the final stage is scoring. There are five parameters in this research that the data processing slope, soil type, geology, land use, and precipitation. Each parameter is classified into four to five classes. Overlay process in this research is to combine each parameter so that it can be easier in the final stage of the scoring stage. The final stage is the application of scoring functions for the classes. Batam Island is the category of low to a landslide. The final stage of this research is a field check, where the samples were taken two classes in each sub-district. The results of an intensive search that has a different percentage in the fifth grade class is at a very low of 6.805,5 ha with a percentage of 17,29%, lower grade area of 15.938,6 ha with a percentage of 40,50%, the class is an area of 14.316,19 ha with percentage of 36,38%, a high class area of 2.282,75 ha with a percentage of 5.80%, and a very high class area of 12,75 ha with a percentage of 0,03%. Districts with the lowest landslide distribution that is Nongsa with an area of 3.372,17ha and the percentage of 8,57%, while the districts with the highest landslide distribution Batu Aji Subdistrict with area 9,67 ha and the percentage of 0,02%.

2018 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2018
A Landslide is a natural event that the frequency of occurrence is increasing and could turn into... more A Landslide is a natural event that the frequency of occurrence is increasing and could turn into a catastrophe. The purpose of this study is assessing the parameters that affect landslide hazards and mapping and analyzing hazards landslide in Batam Island. This research is using the overlay method intersect, and the final stage is scoring. There are five parameters in this research that the data processing slope, soil type, geology, land use, and precipitation. Each parameter is classified into four to five classes. Overlay process in this research is to combine each parameter so that it can be easier in the final stage of the scoring stage. The final stage is the application of scoring functions for the classes. Batam Island is the category of low to a landslide. The final stage of this research is a field check, where the samples were taken two classes in each sub-district. The results of an intensive search that has a different percentage in the fifth grade class is at a very low of 6.805,5 ha with a percentage of 17,29%, lower grade area of 15.938,6 ha with a percentage of 40,50%, the class is an area of 14.316,19 ha with percentage of 36,38%, a high class area of 2.282,75 ha with a percentage of 5.80%, and a very high class area of 12,75 ha with a percentage of 0,03%. Districts with the lowest landslide distribution that is Nongsa with an area of 3.372,17ha and the percentage of 8,57%, while the districts with the highest landslide distribution Batu Aji Subdistrict with area 9,67 ha and the percentage of 0,02%.

Kecamatan Galang, dengan Sembulang sebagai ibu Kota Kecamatan merupakan bagian dari Kota Batam, P... more Kecamatan Galang, dengan Sembulang sebagai ibu Kota Kecamatan merupakan bagian dari Kota Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Berdasarkan hasil survei lapangan yang dilaksanakan pada 21-23 Agustus 2018 di Kantor Kecamatan Galang dan Kantor Kelurahan Sembulang ditemukan beberapa masalah yaitu belum tersedianya peta kecamatan dan keluruhan atau desa yang sesuai dengan kaidah kartografis, bahkan hanya Desa Sembulang dari seluruh desa yang ada di Kecamatan Galang yang memiliki peta desa, desa yang lain belum punya. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pemetaan desa juga sangat kurang sehingga banyak terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam penentuan batas kartometrik. Selain itu, kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dan perangkat desa tentang penggunaan peta sebagai dasar pengelolaan ruang untuk mengembangkan potensi wilayah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut akan dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat (hasil diskusi dengan Camat Galang) yaitu pelatihan pembuatan peta desa dan kelurahan Se-Keca...

Kecamatan Galang, dengan Sembulang sebagai ibu Kota Kecamatan merupakan bagian dari Kota Batam, P... more Kecamatan Galang, dengan Sembulang sebagai ibu Kota Kecamatan merupakan bagian dari Kota Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Berdasarkan hasil survei lapangan yang dilaksanakan pada 21-23 Agustus 2018 di Kantor Kecamatan Galang dan Kantor Kelurahan Sembulang ditemukan beberapa masalah yaitu belum tersedianya peta kecamatan dan keluruhan atau desa yang sesuai dengan kaidah kartografis, bahkan hanya Desa Sembulang dari seluruh desa yang ada di Kecamatan Galang yang memiliki peta desa, desa yang lain belum punya. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pemetaan desa juga sangat kurang sehingga banyak terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam penentuan batas kartometrik. Selain itu, kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dan perangkat desa tentang penggunaan peta sebagai dasar pengelolaan ruang untuk mengembangkan potensi wilayah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut akan dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat (hasil diskusi dengan Camat Galang) yaitu pelatihan pembuatan peta desa dan kelurahan Se-Keca...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering, 2020
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering, 2020

2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE), 2019
Soil moisture is one of the most important parameters in estimating the amount of water stored in... more Soil moisture is one of the most important parameters in estimating the amount of water stored in a forest. Information about forest moisture is important to determine the capacity of a forest to store water. The purpose of the study is to present information about Batam forest moisture using remote sensing technique. One of the methods to obtain information about forest moisture involves the use of Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) algorithm. TVDI is a dryness index obtained from the Land Surface Temperature (LST) index. TVDI can be used as a basis to group soil moisture remote sensing data from satellite information. Based on the data from Landsat 8 on April 16, 2016, with Batam forest area as the object of the study, the resulted model used to index dryness (TVDI) using the LST parameter is as follows: TVDI = (LST + 125,482880) / (33.213623 + 125.482880) in bands of 10 and TVDI = (LST + 131.329376) / (25.236053 + 125.482880) in band 11. Based on the above formula and TVDI dryness index values, Batam forest area in 2016 can be classified into four groups: medium-wet (857.95737 Ha), normal (2919.7467 Ha), medium-dry (20,039,841 Ha), and dry (7317.3109 Ha). From this result it can be concluded that Batam forest area is classified as medium dry with a value range of 0.6-0.8.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering, 2020
Papers by Oktavianto Gustin