Papers by Francesco Rotondo
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015

Territories and towns located near major regional capitals, or even more national ones, experienc... more Territories and towns located near major regional capitals, or even more national ones, experienced often a process of cultural and demographic "colonization", from the hegemonic center, losing identity and traditions and being unable to offer alternative settlements, infrastructure and equipment of services. The same phenomena happen for municipalities located away from major infrastructures and development networks. Changing these cultural and social dynamics, capable of determining new and different territorial suburbs rather than urban areas, with poor conditions or neglect within large metropolitan areas, is a field of research and practice poorly attended. The objective of this study is to identify possible strategies for territorial regeneration for networks of small and medium size municipalities, starting from models of sustainable local development, elaborated in a regional experience in Southern Italy compared with similar international cases.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2009
B. Murgante, G. Borruso, A. Lapucci (Eds.): Geocomputation & Urban Planning, ... more B. Murgante, G. Borruso, A. Lapucci (Eds.): Geocomputation & Urban Planning, SCI 176, pp. 5778. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 ... Identification of Hot Spots of Social and Housing ... Difficulty in Urban Areas: Scan Statistics for Housing
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2008, Part I, LNCS 5072, pp. 137152, 2008. © Springer-Verlag Ber... more O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2008, Part I, LNCS 5072, pp. 137152, 2008. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008 ... A Multivariate Fuzzy Analysis for the Regeneration of ... Paola Perchinunno1, Francesco Rotondo2, and Carmelo Maria Torre2
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 2011
The European Union (EU) Community Strategic Guidelines 2007–2013 place particular emphasis on the... more The European Union (EU) Community Strategic Guidelines 2007–2013 place particular emphasis on the specific needs of certain zones, such as urban and rural areas. The guidelines encourage an “integrated approach” towards cohesion policy, not only stimulating growth and creating jobs, but also pursuing certain social and environmental objectives.

International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 2012
This paper verifies the existence of relationships between specific features of the agrarian land... more This paper verifies the existence of relationships between specific features of the agrarian landscape of ancient olive trees in the park territory of six municipalities in the Region of Puglia, Italy, and the economic activity of the areas concerned. This has the scope of exploring developmental opportunities, whether already put into place, or potentially active. It develops and verifies theoretical approaches and empirical experiences which propose processes of territorial exploitation and local development as pathways for the identification and utilization of both the differences and distinctive characteristics of the territory itself, toward the creation of a “value added territory” as the basis for development. Agriculture tends to be presented in terms of the “care and culture” of the territory: not only the appropriate production of primary goods, ecological and locally characterized but also the contextualized production of land and environment. In this paper, the authors u...
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2010

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
This paper describes the building of an urban regeneration ontology for managing cohesion policie... more This paper describes the building of an urban regeneration ontology for managing cohesion policies focused on revitalizing cities. After a discussion of the background of the ontology subject, and about the experience in which the prototype of an ontology for urban regeneration has been developed, first user needs and requirements for ontology specification are described starting from this prototype. The prototype has been developed in the "Towntology software", by the LIRIS Laboratory at the University of Lyon (France). It has been tested in the Italian Apulia Region offices for Spatial planning and Environmental Management; as described in the paragraph "OUR first training". The test has shown interesting address and suggestions for user needs and requirements that are discussed in the paragraph "OUR suggestions". The reported experience is not over, hence not all what can be said has been written or observed, but these first results are useful to trace possible future perspectives for research.

Measuring shrinkage and its effects appears as a fundamental issue in cities’ research. Also, shr... more Measuring shrinkage and its effects appears as a fundamental issue in cities’ research. Also, shrinkage is a spatial phenomenon defined by data and information based on space dimension relying on a spatial information. The wide use of geo-information is a useful aid to extend common statistic analyses integrating data collected at different levels, comparing data at a municipal level to data referring at census area level (particularly useful for detailed analyses at a neighbourhood scale). Such analyses are particularly suitable for medium and large cities shrinkage analyses, where different neighbourhoods could have different levels of shrinkage and could need distinct strategies to face such phenomenon. Another methodological problem is the interrelation with other spatial units and nearby cities, which can have an influence on urban labour market, economic development, migration flows and housing market. Thereby, the definition of an appropriate regional context is of crucial importance. After an introduction about a comparison between common statistic analyses and geo-statistical methods, with a short literature review, the paper includes an empirical section describing the case of de-industrialized Taranto city, measuring the major indicators of shrinkage, with data referring to census area level, trying to understand if there are shrinking neighbourhoods in the city of Taranto and what is the appropriate regional shrinking context. Then, the paper continues with a section in which the theoretical knowledge is evaluated comparing theory strongholds to main features of shrinkage exemplified by the case of Taranto, trying to contribute to a better understanding of the questions addressed, highlighting the unresolved problems to address some conclusions about still open research challenges. [The contribution is the result of joint reflections by the authors, with the following contributions attributed to Rotondo (Sects. 6.1, 6.2.1 and 6.4) and the others to Murgante.]
Future Internet, 2012
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) tools appear to enhance the possibilities offered by a c... more Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) tools appear to enhance the possibilities offered by a collaborative approach to planning. The present paper analyzes both the results of experiences of the author and of those available in the literature, highlighting possible advantages and disadvantages. After a brief introduction to the meaning of e-democracy, the second part focuses on the role of ICT in collaborative planning, proceeding in the third part to an illustration of an initial panorama of knowledge gathered using ICT in such processes, while discussing criticisms and opportunities. The fourth part discusses the U-city paradigm as a driver of change in urban planning participation processes. Research perspectives are then outlined in the final part.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
ABSTRACT The paper study the ICT available to evaluate participation in urban planning, starting ... more ABSTRACT The paper study the ICT available to evaluate participation in urban planning, starting from a relevant experience made in Italy inside a funding programme of the Italian Ministry for Innovation and Technology. It starts describing the state of the art of methods and techniques to evaluate participation in urban planning and the informatics tools available to support these participation processes, before the arrival on the scene of the social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. In the following paragraph the paper describes the case study: a participation process in the South of Italy, made to design the master plan of a medium sized city. In the following paragraph ICT used in the case of study are discussed and revised. In the last paragraph conclusions are made on this relevant subject for urban planning and design offering some general reflections.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
The history of the use of informatics tools to support collaborative planning is relatively recen... more The history of the use of informatics tools to support collaborative planning is relatively recent. Personal computer, multimedia techniques and the web provided useful technology for the purposes of collaborative processes. Following the advent of Web 2.0, the wide diffusion of electronic devices containing geo-referenced information have resulted in the production of extensive spatial data. The present study will assess
Papers by Francesco Rotondo