Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Bukan hanya hal-hal berikut, perusahaan harus memperhatikan kondisi tempat, baik dalam cahaya, suara, budaya, dan warna. Lokasi kantor yang memiliki cahaya baik yaitu dekat dengan matahari, sehingga cuaca lokasi kantor akan terasa sehat akan adanya sinar matahari, pegawai bisa menghirup udara segar, suara juga menentukan kondisi lokasi kantor,
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Bukan hanya hal-hal berikut, perusahaan harus memperhatikan kondisi tempat, baik dalam cahaya, suara, budaya, dan warna. Lokasi kantor yang memiliki cahaya baik yaitu dekat dengan matahari, sehingga cuaca lokasi kantor akan terasa sehat akan adanya sinar matahari, pegawai bisa menghirup udara segar, suara juga menentukan kondisi lokasi kantor,
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Bukan hanya hal-hal berikut, perusahaan harus memperhatikan kondisi tempat, baik dalam cahaya, suara, budaya, dan warna. Lokasi kantor yang memiliki cahaya baik yaitu dekat dengan matahari, sehingga cuaca lokasi kantor akan terasa sehat akan adanya sinar matahari, pegawai bisa menghirup udara segar, suara juga menentukan kondisi lokasi kantor,
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered.
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Bukan hanya hal-hal berikut, perusahaan harus memperhatikan kondisi tempat, baik dalam cahaya, suara, budaya, dan warna. Lokasi kantor yang memiliki cahaya baik yaitu dekat dengan matahari, sehingga cuaca lokasi kantor akan terasa sehat akan adanya sinar matahari, pegawai bisa menghirup udara segar, suara juga menentukan kondisi lokasi kantor,
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Bukan hanya hal-hal berikut, perusahaan harus memperhatikan kondisi tempat, baik dalam cahaya, suara, budaya, dan warna. Lokasi kantor yang memiliki cahaya baik yaitu dekat dengan matahari, sehingga cuaca lokasi kantor akan terasa sehat akan adanya sinar matahari, pegawai bisa menghirup udara segar, suara juga menentukan kondisi lokasi kantor,
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered. Lokasi adalah tempat seseorang melakukan aktivitas baik dalam menempatkan bisnisnya ataupun mendirikan sebuah bisnis. Lokasi kantor sangat penting bagi organisasi dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa dalam pemilihan lokasi tidaklah mudah diperkirakan, dan begitu banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi yang tepat. Faktor yang paling penting dalam memilih lokasi kantor itu adalah lokasi tempat yang aman, sehat, nyaman dan strategis serta dalam menentukan lokasi kantor kita harus menilai dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehingga memudahkan pegawai dalam bekerja dan mencapai tujuan organisasi. Secara garis besar ada beberapa penempatan lokasi bisnis yaitu yang terkait dengan alam, sejarah, pemerintah, dan faktor ekonomi. Adapun penilaian lokasi kantor dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa metode yaitu metode bobot nilai, dan metode perbandingan biaya. Masing-masing metode mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, namun inilah cara yang terbaik dalam penentuan lokasi kantor yang tepat untuk bekerja. Pemilik bisnis harus menentukan lokasi tersebut yang dapat mempermudah pegawai dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Bukan hanya hal-hal berikut, perusahaan harus memperhatikan kondisi tempat, baik dalam cahaya, suara, budaya, dan warna. Lokasi kantor yang memiliki cahaya baik yaitu dekat dengan matahari, sehingga cuaca lokasi kantor akan terasa sehat akan adanya sinar matahari, pegawai bisa menghirup udara segar, suara juga menentukan kondisi lokasi kantor,
Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business.... more Location is where people do a good activity in placing their business or establishing a business. The location of the office is very important for the organization and people need to know that location selection is not easy to predict, and so many factors must be considered in choosing the right location. the important factors in choosing the location of the office are safety, healthy, and convenient. In determining the location of their office should assess the best, making it more easily for employees in work and achieving organizational goals. Speaking broadly, there are several placements of business locations that are related to nature, history, government, and economic factors. The assessment of the location of the office can be done through several methods namely the method of weighting value and cost comparison method. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but this is the best way to determine the exact location of the office to work. Business owners must determine the location that can facilitate employees in performing their activities. Not only the following things, companies also should pay attention to the conditions of the place, whether in light, sound, culture, or color. The location of the office that has good light is close to the sun, so the weather of the office location will feel healthy with the sun. The employees can breathe fresh air. The sound also determines the condition of the location of the office, because if the company is close to the factory that issued the production engine noise will disrupts the workers' activities, the culture also determines the location of the office because if the community around the office location is less friendly and the community do not appreciate the employees who are working, it will interfere with his work. The color was decisive because if the building that will be occupied has an inappropriate color of the building or it does not give the spirit in the work, then the organizational goals will be hampered.
Papers by Alfia Delisma