Papers by Dr.Sharyu V . Ghonmode
Articles scientifiques / Scientific papers Ultrastructural changes in the silk gland during secre... more Articles scientifiques / Scientific papers Ultrastructural changes in the silk gland during secretory and post-secretory phases in the tropical tasar silkworm. Antheraea ,nrlitra (D.) (Lepidoptera : Saturniidae) . Changements ultrastructuraux dans Ia glande séricig/.fle pendant les phases sécretrices et post-sécrétrices chez Ic ver a sole tasar tropical ..lntlieiaea mrlitia (D.) (Lepidoptera Saturniidae) .
Increased level of phosphatase activity during the period of degeneration of the silkgland of the... more Increased level of phosphatase activity during the period of degeneration of the silkgland of the tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta was demonstrated.
I trrrlrr oF BIr l\ trxrR \(1 C)\ l HE Di!1.I1\1 t\D PROIII\ CONa!]\TR\1rO\ orTRopr. \r rtIPtDOt ... more I trrrlrr oF BIr l\ trxrR \(1 C)\ l HE Di!1.I1\1 t\D PROIII\ CONa!]\TR\1rO\ orTRopr. \r rtIPtDOt ltR \: \ \ kN r,\ri dErr;. '\iiL^Jrrtrririorinnp(d(fo!{Di\Rr\.,ir,!ru(r.rornh,iy!,rips.\r,nuiG4tufruru
This study was aimed to estimate current status of physico-chemical characteristic of Uma river, ... more This study was aimed to estimate current status of physico-chemical characteristic of Uma river, Neri, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra (M.S.) Six monthly changes in Physico-Chemical parameters such as water temperature, pH, turbidity, transparency, total dissolved Solids, total hardness, chlorides, phosphate, nitrates, dissolved oxygen and biological oxygen Demand were analyzed and compared with the standard values prescribed by ICMR, WHO and APHA. For a period from July 2013 to December 2013. The results indicated that physico-chemical parameters of the water were within the permissible limits and can be used for domestic, irrigation. The present investigation revealed that the quality of water of a source varies from season to season and some of the water samples are unfit for drinking and utility purpose.
It has been found that the Terrestrial molluscs (slugs and snails) has important property of secr... more It has been found that the Terrestrial molluscs (slugs and snails) has important property of secreting slime which is used for the treatment of minor wounds and other skin disorders such as warts. This article provides information regarding the properties of slug slime and considers its potential value in modern wound therapy.
Some of the heterotrophic Zooplankton arefound floating in water. They serve as good indicators o... more Some of the heterotrophic Zooplankton arefound floating in water. They serve as good indicators of changes in water quality. The present study was undertaken to observe the seasonal fluctuations in diversity of zooplanktons of River Uma. From a period of January 2013 to December 2013 were utilized for the both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Various Zooplankton community of Uma River consist of Cladocera, Copepoda and Rotifera. Cladocerans showed dominance both in number and diversity, followed by Copepods and Rotifers. This study also reveals that different groups of zooplanktons have their own peak periods of density, which is affected by local environmental conditions present at that time.
Silk consists of two types of proteins, silk fibroin and Sericin. Sericin possess nearly about 20... more Silk consists of two types of proteins, silk fibroin and Sericin. Sericin possess nearly about 20-30 % of total cocoon weight. It has sevral uses in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics such as, wound healing, bioadhesive moisturizing, antiwrinkle and antiaging.

Sericulture is well-established agro-cottage industryunder informal sector. Poor, rural and triba... more Sericulture is well-established agro-cottage industryunder informal sector. Poor, rural and tribal people of India gets employment via sericulture to generates nearly 25,000 crores of which Rs. 2500 croresare generated by foreign exchange by employing 5 lakh rearers and rest of them are reelers,twisters, weavers, printers etc. Sericulture involves hatching of eggs up to reeling.Although life cycle of silkworm is eco-friendly but there are several health hazards in which the workers are exposed to various health problems due to lack of education, poor nutrition, and unawareness about the hazards of their occupation. Silk manufacturing involves cultivation of mulberry and non-mulberry food plants, rearing of silkworms, grainages, reeling of filaments, twisting, weaving, printing and dyeing. It has been observed that women are more prone to the health hazards as compared to men. The organic dustcomes from hay, grain, fuel chips, straw, and livestock. It also includes molds, pollens, bacteria, pesticides, chemicals, feed and bedding particles, and animal particles including hair, feathers, and droppings.Its long term exposure is toxic may cause asthma and lung cancer. It is therefore very important to check the health, safety, welfare and protection of the workers to reduce the illness and problems.

India is an agricultural-driven economy where 50% of the population is engaged in agriculture. Th... more India is an agricultural-driven economy where 50% of the population is engaged in agriculture. The production of crops such as rice, sugarcane, and wheat are the major food products which feed the people and also are the major contributor to the foreign sector. The best, quick and easy way of clearing thousands of acre of stubble is the burning of agricultural land bearing crops grains, like paddy, wheat, and many more crops that have been harvested. However this thousand of acres of burned land could have possibilities of resulting air pollution and can affect different health hazards. Residents of towns and the surrounding countryside in the range of the smoke and pollution say that their health and quality of life has been extremely affected by such activities.This type of stubble burning is mostly associated with the urban areas as they are considered to be developed as compared to rural areas. Farmers believe that burning makes planting easier and kills pests. The practice was widespread until the 1990s, when governments increasingly restricted its use. Stubble burning causes excessive air pollution leading to higher risk of health issues. The Air Quality Index (AQI) between 0 and 50 is considered good, 51 to 100 is satisfactory, 101 to 200 is moderate, 201 to 300 is poor, 301 to 400 is very poor and 401 to 500 is severe. Such type of stubble burning cases occurred in Punjab and Haryana to Delhi-NCR. Stubble burning causes air pollution by emission of greenhouse and various harmful gases which is many times higher than the standard level of gases as recommended by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).This contributes to the respiratory diseases like eye irritation, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma etc.
The present study was undertaken to estimate present status of Physico-chemical characteristic of... more The present study was undertaken to estimate present status of Physico-chemical characteristic of Erai dam, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra (M.S.) Monthly changes in Physico-Chemical parameters such as water temperature, free carbon dioxide, pH, total hardness, chlorides, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity were analyzed and correlated with the standard values of water quality proposed by ICMR, WHO and APHA.
Sericulture or silk farming is an agro based cottage industry where cultivation of silkworm to pr... more Sericulture or silk farming is an agro based cottage industry where cultivation of silkworm to produce silk takes place. Several species of silkworm like Bombyx mori, Antheraea mylitta are used to produce silk like mulberry and tassar. It provides employment for the Indian women and men equally. India is the second largest producer of silk in the world. China, Brazil, India, Korea and Japan are foremost countries contributing for the raw silk production. In 1980 the untouchable castes which were officially classified as Scheduled castes became the entrepreneurs in silk reeling. They were very poor and hence this silk reeling helped the untouchable caste where they got involved in the business. This research paper helps us to find out that the sericulture industry has helped in the growth, development and uplifment of untouchable caste.
Impact Factor 3.102 (IIJIF) Impact Factor 7.041(IIJIF)

Sericulture is an agro based, ancient and effective sub-branch of agriculture. India is the count... more Sericulture is an agro based, ancient and effective sub-branch of agriculture. India is the country where there are lot of resources and labor. Sericulture industry is beneficial to rural, poor and tribal people providing opportunities for the improvement of their livelihood. Silk has got tremendous importance in our country which is used during wedding functions or widely used during festival seasons. Apart from production of silk, sericulture also produce number of by-products from mulberry plantation and silkworm. Thus the sericulture farm waste is converted into valuable waste by adopting suitable technology. The conversion of sericulture waste into nutrient based vermicompost by using earthworm species Eosina foetida can be recycled into organic manure. This improves the soil fertility and crop production. Use of sericulture waste will ultimately add value to industry as a whole. On the other hand it will help lot of poor, rural and the farmers of Maharashtra who is fighting for their livelihood every day and facing various problems like suicides.

In India, sericulture is well-established agro-cottage industry. Sericulture in India provides em... more In India, sericulture is well-established agro-cottage industry. Sericulture in India provides employment to poor, rural and tribal people.India generates nearly 25,000 crores of which Rs. 2500 crores are generated by foreign exchange by employing 5 lakh rearers and rest of them are reelers, twisters, weavers, printers etc. Sericulture involves hatching of eggs up to reeling.Silk has got tremendous importance in our country which is used during wedding functions and festival seasons. Although life cycle of silkworm is eco-friendly but there are several health hazards in which the workers are exposed to various health problems due to lack of education, poor nutrition, and unawareness about the hazards of their occupation. Silk manufacturing involves cultivation of mulberry and non-mulberry food plants, rearing of silkworms, grainages, reeling of filaments, twisting, weaving, printing and dyeing. It has been observed that women are more prone to the health hazards as compared to men. Further the farmers both men and women are prone to deadly health hazards like neurophysiological disorders, behavioral changes, headache, nausea, vomiting, skin and eye related problems, respiratory diseases like asthma, chronic bronchitis, diminished lung functioning, blister formations on hand, dermatitis, reproductive related problems, back pain, joint pain, stress etc. It is therefore very important to check the health, safety, welfare and protection of the workers to reduce the illness and problems.

Mosquito is one of the most vexing bloodsucking insects. Malaria, Filariasis, Japanese Encephalit... more Mosquito is one of the most vexing bloodsucking insects. Malaria, Filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue fever, Yellow fever, Chikungunya, and Zika are all transmitted by mosquito species belonging to the genera Anopheles, Culex, & Aedes. Mosquitoes alone infect almost 700 million people each year, resulting in one million fatalities. Malaria, which is caused by Plasmodium parasites and transmitted by female Anopheles mosquito bites, is still a substantial illness that impacts the development of infants and kids. Present review work aims to review various pharmaceutical dosage forms of antirepellent products and their molecules, mechanism of repellent activity as a preventive of different vector bone diseases. Malaria cases were over 207 million in 2012, with 627,000 deaths reported. In addition, Yellow fever, which is spread by the Haematologus and Aedes mosquitoes, causes 200,000 instances of disease and 30,000 fatalities worldwide each year. Dengue fever is spread by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitos, which are responsible for more than 100 million infections yearly. Furthermore, more than 2.5 billion individuals, or about 40% of the world's population, are now in danger of contracting Dengue fever. This review helped to understand the various kinds of vector bone disease and the surveillance of disease data. In addition, the review revealed the various pharmaceutical products would help control the Mosquitoes bits and related disease as preventive aspects and the components of pharmaceutical and their mechanism of action to inhibit the spread of various insects' related disease.

India is an ancient country to establish sericulture industry and it manufactures and even export... more India is an ancient country to establish sericulture industry and it manufactures and even exports the tasar cloth (Kosa) to various countries since several centuries prior to the B.C. During the second century B.C., the silk was exported from India to European countries. It has been studied that the production of tasar silk was much more than that of mulberry silk during the Mughal period. 1 India is unique in producing all four commercial silk varieties viz. Mulberry, Tasar, Eri and Muga. Sericulture is well-established agro-cottage industry and suited to rural-based farmers with a good cost-benefit ratio. It provides employment to six million rural populations. Covid-19 was caused by the novel corona virus and was first identified in Wuhan, China. This disease is transmitted through direct contact with the respiratory droplets of infected person, especially when the person coughs and sneezes. Covid-19 has led to a huge loss of human life, food system, millions of agricultural workers had gone through working poverty, mal nutrition and poor health. The Covid-19 crisis has created a dire impact on the complete world. The Lockdown declared by Government had an awful impact on the financial growth and development of every individual. The sericulture sector has also vouched such condition. The sericulture farmers, reelers, weavers and traders have to face various issues like marketing of cocoons, silk, its products, non availability of vehicles for transportation, non availability of the workers from sericulture sector, problems regarding hard currency flow. During pre Covid-19 period the average selling price of cocoon was 400 Rs/Kg while the price during Covid-19 period was Rs. 200/Kg. This paper helps to study the impact on Covid-19 peak period on the livelihood of sericulture farmers, reelers, weavers and traders. Different activities involved in sericulture were affected by pandemic. Due to difficulty in import and export of silk and other related materials, Government has to be self reliant for the production.

In Antheraea mylitta (D) (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae), the effect of photoperiod on total DNA, RNA,... more In Antheraea mylitta (D) (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae), the effect of photoperiod on total DNA, RNA, and protein concentration in the middle silk gland (MSG) and posterior silk gland (PSG) was studied. The photoperiod caused enhancement in the secretory activity and stimulates the sericogenesis process in MSG and PSG. The total nucleic acids and protein concentration of MSG and PSG under 24L:00D condition reached maximum level and then it decreased. Maximum nucleic acids and protein concentration were observed during long-day period and the minimum during short-day period. The photoperiod activated or inhibited the biological clock which acted upon the respective endocrine glands accordingly and control the process of sericogenesis. The larvae underwent significant changes with high DNA, RNA and protein concentration under 24L:00D, which is highly suitable for the silk protein synthesis.

Spiders are invertebrates which belongs to the group of animals known as Arachnids. It belongs to... more Spiders are invertebrates which belongs to the group of animals known as Arachnids. It belongs to phylum Athropoda, Class Arachnida and Order Araneae. Spiders are important predators in terrestrial ecosystem and biological control agents against pest in agro-ecosystem. The Class Arachnida of order Araneae has a special value in the studies of ecology as it serves as a biological indicators. Arachnida provides an important service, keeping insects population under control. They are unique among other Arachnids due to the presence of Spinnerets. Hence a preliminary survey was carried out in diversity of spider Fauna (order araneae) from Nagpur district, Maharashtra, India. The main aim to conduct this survey was to evaluate the current status of spider diversity in the study area. The research is to explore the diversity of spider fauna (order araneae) from Nagpur district and other adjoining selected study area. The objective of study is to examine the morphology of the local spider fauna, to investigate the research area's seasonal diversity of spiders, and to examine the spinnerest of spiders. The techniques use for collection were like sweep netting, ground hand collection, active visual search, aerial hand collection, photograph collection. The 17 numbers of species were identified in 6 month duration, Male lynx spider, Scotophaeus blackwalli, Male Plexippus Paykuli, Female Plexippus paykulli, Lycosa, Ground spider, Pardosa, Allocosa, Scytodes thoracica, Tenuiphantes, Steatoda grossa, Hasarius adansoni, Pholcus phalangioides, following are the common species identified in this area Pholcus phalangioides, Male Plexippus Paykuli, Female Plexippus paykulli,

The structure of spider webs varies substantially between species, and web building has even been... more The structure of spider webs varies substantially between species, and web building has even been lost completely in some clades. Examples of different web forms include the classic orb webs, which may be oriented vertically to the ground or horizontally, sheet webs, and cobwebs, consisting of three-dimensional meshwork and ascending sticky threads for support and capture of prey. The primary function of spider webs is to capture prey. This ecological success is in part due to the exceptional mechanics of the spider web, with its strength, toughness, elasticity, and robustness, which originate from its hierarchical structures from sequence design to web architecture. Hence a preliminary survey was carried out to structure and identify types of spider webs from Nagpur district, Maharashtra, India. This study explores the structure and identification of spider webs (Arachnids) in the Nagpur District of Maharashtra. Sampling was carried out in 8 months from January 2024 to August 2024 during the weak and month wise. Spider webs are collected using a Photograph collection and black paper for the collection of type's spider webs. The results of the study concluded that a total of 8 types of spider webs were collected there were Site A 3 types of spider webs, Site B 3 types of spider webs, Site C 1 type of spider web and Site D 1 type of spider web were identified. A total 8 types of spider webs are identified, the names of types of spider webs are the total 8 types of spider webs Identified in Nagpur district the following types of spider webs are the Funnel-web of spider, Sheet web, Classic round webs of spider webs or Orb webs, Mesh web of a spider, Cobweb of spider, Tangle web, Messy web of a spider, and Triangle web of spider.
The purpose of this research was to examine the Apis dorsata distribution and nesting habits in u... more The purpose of this research was to examine the Apis dorsata distribution and nesting habits in urban Nagpur. According to the findings, there were about 75 nests in urban Nagpur. Among these 73 per cent were active nests and 21 per cent were abandoned nests. The nesting preference was found to be among the tall building (60%). Out of these nests, 30 per cent were found shielded from the rain and wind, 57 per cent exposed and 13 per cent partially protected. It was noted that the A. dorsata's habit of building nests was unaffected by the existence of a nearby body of water, as most of the nests were located away from the waterbody.
Papers by Dr.Sharyu V . Ghonmode