hello kids! look, i'm finally updating, how about that? er, it isn't that dark thing i said i was going to write though, but that's on its way i promise.
Fic Name: Come to Utopia (alternately titled 'Making Amends')
Rating: PG for the light swearing
Prompt: #3 Ends
Claim: Ten/Master
Word count: approx 3,500 most of which is dialogue as usual.
AN: inspired by a really, really old letter in the DW magasine, which commented on how bleakly LotTL painted the end of the human race, leaving them screaming against the darkness after the promised hope of 'Utopia.'
Summary: More AU. In which the Doctor, having saved the Master's life at the end of LotTL, returns to Utopia to rescue the human spheres he was forced to trap there, the Master gets sick of the sound of his own voice, and the universe nearly ends twice.
“The call came from across the stars, over and over again.”
( Come to UtopiaCollapse )
Fic Name: Come to Utopia (alternately titled 'Making Amends')
Rating: PG for the light swearing
Prompt: #3 Ends
Claim: Ten/Master
Word count: approx 3,500 most of which is dialogue as usual.
AN: inspired by a really, really old letter in the DW magasine, which commented on how bleakly LotTL painted the end of the human race, leaving them screaming against the darkness after the promised hope of 'Utopia.'
Summary: More AU. In which the Doctor, having saved the Master's life at the end of LotTL, returns to Utopia to rescue the human spheres he was forced to trap there, the Master gets sick of the sound of his own voice, and the universe nearly ends twice.
“The call came from across the stars, over and over again.”
( Come to UtopiaCollapse )
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