Books by Vitaliy Nadurak

Kriterion (Austria), 2019
Given the lack of generally accepted moral standards, one of the controversial questions for thos... more Given the lack of generally accepted moral standards, one of the controversial questions for those who investigate moral heuristics is whether we can argue that moral heuristics can lead to mistaken moral judgments. This paper suggests that, even if we agree that moral standards are different and chosen subjectively, deviations from them are possible and we can prove such deviations in a logically correct way. However, in this case, it must be admitted that not every deviation is a mistake. Deviation becomes a mistake only when a person departs from the standard which she or he considers as right. There are cases where it is impossible to establish the fact of a mistake: when a person chooses a moral standard post hoc, in the light of which the decision would be right (only when there is a deviation from all moral standards which a person considers as right, it is possible to recognize the decision as mistaken). Accepting the idea of the subjectivity of a moral standard, it is also necessary to accept the idea of relativity of moral heuristics: the normative standard chosen by a person also determines which method of moral decision making will be considered as a heuristic.
Papers by Vitaliy Nadurak

Filosofija. Sociologija, 2018
Moral assessment implies ascribing a status of morally wrong, good, etc. (target attribute) to an... more Moral assessment implies ascribing a status of morally wrong, good, etc. (target attribute) to an act. Such an assessment is made on the basis of information about other attributes of the act, including its compliance with the norm, consequences, opinions of others about it, etc. These attributes may be morally relevant (those attributes that an individual could, in the case of rational analysis, recognize as a direct basis for moral assessment) and morally irrelevant (those which would not be recognized in such a status). A comprehensive moral assessment of the target attribute is an assessment based on all morally relevant attributes. A heuristic assessment is based only on a part of morally relevant attributes or based on morally irrelevant attributes. This difference between moral heuris-tics became the basis for dividing them into two types. Heuristics of the first type implies a simplified assessing of the target attribute based on partial information about morally relevant attributes of an act. The heuristic of the second type operates through a process of attribute substitution when irrelevant attributes are used to assess the target attribute.

Філософська думка, 2018
Статтю присвячено аналітичному огляду основних досліджень моральних евристик. Розвідки, присвячен... more Статтю присвячено аналітичному огляду основних досліджень моральних евристик. Розвідки, присвячені моральним евристикам, є наслідком поширення на сферу моралі досліджень евристик як методів, що дають змогу приймати рішення з
мінімальними коґнітивними зусиллями. Відповідно, під моральними евристиками
здебільшого мають на увазі методи, які дають змогу спростити процес прийняття
моральних рішень. До таких методів переважно відносять використання простих
норм («не вбий», «не вкради»), прийняття рішень на підставі емоційних реакцій,
використання простих правил, як-от: «імітуй поведінку оточення чи авторитетних
осіб», «дотримуйся типової поведінки відповідної спільноти» тощо. Хоча дослідники погоджуються з тим, що у щоденному житті людина здебільшого приймає
рішення, керуючись такими евристиками, у них є розбіжності в оцінюванні їхньої
ефективності, адже дехто акцентує увагу на помилковості таких рішень, а дехто —
на їхній правильності. У зв’язку з цим особливої актуальності набула проблема
критерію правильності моральних рішень. Значення досліджень моральних евристик для моральної філософії насамперед полягає в тому, що вони здатні зробити
вагомий внесок у розв’язок кількох ключових для неї проблем, зокрема, запропонувати нові арґументи для дискусії між деонтологічною і консеквенційною етикою, прояснити природу та статус моральної інтуїції та значення емоцій у моральному житті людини.

Філософська думка, 2018
В статті проаналізовано та здійснено класифікацію основних видів моральних рішень. В основі класи... more В статті проаналізовано та здійснено класифікацію основних видів моральних рішень. В основі класифікації – два типи моральних рішень, які відповідають двом типам когнітивних процесів, описаних Д. Канеманом (Система 1 та Система 2). Поділяючи критичні зауваження Дж. Еванс та К. Станович щодо термінів «Система 1» та «Система 2», ми пропонуємо вести мову про перший та другий типи процесів прийняття моральних рішень результатом яких, у свою чергу, є моральні рішення першого та другого типів. До першого (інтуїтивного) типу належать автоматичні, швидкі, прийнятті в режимі мінімальних зусиль та контролю моральні рішення. До другого типу належать моральні рішення, яким передують цілеспрямовані міркування індивіда. Основними різновидами моральних рішень першого типу є: 1) інтуїтивно-емоційні моральні рішення, тобто рішення, прийняті під впливом емоцій, які супроводжують процес прийняття моральних рішень (наприклад, емпатії, сорому, довіри, турботи, відрази); 2) інтуїтивно-нормативні моральні рішення, тобто рішення, прийняті під впливом засвоєних до автоматизму соціокультурних норм; 3) рішення, прийняті під впливом морально-ризикових психологічних схильностей (це схильності (упередження, соціальні евристики тощо), які не усвідомлюючись людиною, примушують її міркувати у визначеному напрямку та приймати рішення, які інколи є неприйнятними з точки зору логіки й етики). Моральні рішення першого типу є готовими рішеннями, які були сформовані у процесі біосоціокультурної еволюції чи індивідуального досвіду особи. Сприймаючи сигнали середовища, мозок людини несвідомо співвідносить їх з тими відповідями, якими володіє, і, знайшовши відповідність, автоматично та швидко пропонує готове рішення. Різновидами моральних рішень другого типу є: 1) раціоналізовані моральні рішення (раціоналізацією в даному випадку є міркування, що мають місце після інтуїтивної реакції та покликані виправдати, обґрунтувати, прояснити її перед остаточним рішенням); 2) раціональні моральні рішення – рішення, в основі яких свідомо обрані моральні правило, принцип чи норма.

Purpose of the research is a critical analysis of the reliability of intuitive moral decisions. M... more Purpose of the research is a critical analysis of the reliability of intuitive moral decisions. Methodology. The work is based on the methodological attitude of empirical ethics, involving the use of findings from empirical research in ethical reflection and decision making. Originality. The main kinds of intuitive moral decisions are identified: 1) intuitively emotional decisions (i.e. decisions made under the influence of emotions that accompanies the process of moral decision making); 2) decisions made under the influence of moral risky psychological aptitudes (unconscious human tendencies that makes us think in a certain way and make decisions, unacceptable from the logical and ethical point of view); 3) intuitively normative decisions (decisions made under the influence of socially learned norms, that cause evaluative feeling «good-bad», without conscious reasoning). It was found that all of these kinds of intuitive moral decisions can lead to mistakes in the moral life. Conclusions. Considering the fact that intuition systematically leads to erroneous moral decisions, intuitive reaction cannot be the only source for making such decisions. The conscious rational reasoning can compensate for weaknesses of intuition. In this case, there is a necessity in theoretical model that would structured knowledge about the interactions between intuitive and rational factors in moral decisions making and became the basis for making suggestions that would help us to make the right moral decision.

The purpose of the research is the study of relationship between emotional and rational factors i... more The purpose of the research is the study of relationship between emotional and rational factors in moral decisions making. Methodology. The work is primarily based on the analysis and synthesis of the main empirical studies of the problem, each of which uses the methods of those sciences in which they were conducted (neurosciences). Scientific novelty. In general, the process of moral decision making cannot be described with a single simple model that would see only emotional or rational factor in foundation of this process. Moral decision making is characterized by different types of interaction between emotions and rational considerations. The influence of emotional and rational factors on moral decision is nonlinear: moral decision, which person makes, doesn't proportional to those emotions, that preceded it and doesn't unambiguously determined by them, because rational reasoning and contextual factors can significantly change it. Similarly, the reasoning that precede the decision is not necessarily reflected in the decision, because it can be significantly corrected by those emotions that accompany it. Conclusions. The process of moral decision making involves complex, heterogeneous interaction between emotional and rational factors. There are three main types of such interaction: first, the reasoning serves to rationalize prior emotional response; second, there are cases when reasoning precedes emotional reactions and determines it; third, interaction between these factors is characterized by cyclic causality (emotion impacts reasoning, which in turn impacts emotions). The influence of emotions or rational reasoning on moral decision is nonlinear.
Noticed by many researchers internal heterogeneity of moral consciousness, makes necessary the di... more Noticed by many researchers internal heterogeneity of moral consciousness, makes necessary the division of macro-level of moral consciousness (in the proposed by me two-tier structure of the system of social morality) into the «morality as ideal» and «practically oriented morality». The latter characterized by minimalism and functionality, close relationship with the customs, practical efficiency. Moral ideas of this level appear as simplified scheme of morally proper action. The level of morality as ideal is formed by perfectionistic moral orientations the degree of perfection of which is potentially unlimited. These orientations are desirable for implementation, but not necessary. Clarification and articulation of the morality as ideal occur due to the activities of moralists.

The article is devoted to summarizing the main results of the author’s study of social morality i... more The article is devoted to summarizing the main results of the author’s study of social morality in the context of the basic principles of synergetics. Synergetics in the given is used as the initial methodological orienting point that directs attention to specific mechanisms and patterns of social morality, inherent to all open complex self-organizing systems. There are two main levels in the system of social morality: macro level of moral consciousness (a set of collective moral ideas of community) and micro level of moral practice (it includes members of a community who, adopting its moral orientations in his/her own individual moral conscience, implement them in practice). Relationships of subordination and circular causality exist between these
levels. The complexity of the system of social morality is due to quantitative indicators and complexity of relationships between its elements, because in moral practice people have a variety of relationships with a lot of degrees of freedom. The openness of the system of social morality is confirmed by the existence of the influence of one system on another, as well as their close relationship with other phenomena of natural and socio-cultural life. Those of them that have the greatest influence on the formation and functioning of social morality are defined as its control factors. Social morality is nonlinear system, because the impact of external factors isn’t unambiguous. Selforganization of the system of social morality can be defined as the process of emergence of coherence between its elements, resulting in the formation of certain structures and properties, and all of this is happening without a specific external influence, that is one that imposes certain forms. Moral chaos is such a state of the system of social morality, in which disturbed interaction, relationship, coordination between elements of its micro, macro levels and control factors.
The impact of some social transformations of modernity on morality is examined in the paper. Deta... more The impact of some social transformations of modernity on morality is examined in the paper. Detailed attention is paid to the negative effects of such influence. It is concluded that although these changes cannot be eliminated, but we can mitigate negative effects of them.

The purpose of this paper is to investig... more THE PROBLEM OF OPENNESS OF THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL MORALITY
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the specificity of the openness of the system of social morality to influence of the various phenomena of natural and social being. To achieve this goal it is necessary to identify the control factors of the system of social morality and describe characteristics of their interaction with the system. Methodology. Research is based on the use of synergetic methodology, according to which social morality is treated as an open complex self-organizing system. Openness and non-linearity are the main methodological principles of synergetics, which were used in the study. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the idea of openness of the system of social morality to the influence of the various phenomena of natural and social being and, above all, those that can be called its control factors for the first time has been comprehensively investigated. It is noted nonlinear connection between system of social morality and its control parameters, the existence of circular causality between them, the difference in the intensity of the influence of different control factors on morality. Conclusions. Openness of the system of social morality provides that external factors have an impact on it. Among them are factors whose impact is most relevant. We call them the control factors of the system of social morality. They can be divided into two main groups: the first are those that have a social origin, and the second – biological. Macro level of morality (moral consciousness) is a new quality in comparison with the control factors. It is not their linear extension, because though it is formed by their influence, but the immediate cause of its appearance is self-organization mechanisms. Control factors differ by the intensity of their impact on the system of social morality. Among them are those that can be considered as fundamental, because structures which are formed under their influence are the basis of morality. The influence of others is usually lower, although at certain periods of system development, it may increase or decrease. Interaction between the system of social morality and its controlling factors is characterized by circular causality: controlling factors affect morality and, in turn, they are subject to its influence.
Keywords: synergetics, system of social morality, openness, nonlinearity, control factors.
Books by Vitaliy Nadurak
Papers by Vitaliy Nadurak
мінімальними коґнітивними зусиллями. Відповідно, під моральними евристиками
здебільшого мають на увазі методи, які дають змогу спростити процес прийняття
моральних рішень. До таких методів переважно відносять використання простих
норм («не вбий», «не вкради»), прийняття рішень на підставі емоційних реакцій,
використання простих правил, як-от: «імітуй поведінку оточення чи авторитетних
осіб», «дотримуйся типової поведінки відповідної спільноти» тощо. Хоча дослідники погоджуються з тим, що у щоденному житті людина здебільшого приймає
рішення, керуючись такими евристиками, у них є розбіжності в оцінюванні їхньої
ефективності, адже дехто акцентує увагу на помилковості таких рішень, а дехто —
на їхній правильності. У зв’язку з цим особливої актуальності набула проблема
критерію правильності моральних рішень. Значення досліджень моральних евристик для моральної філософії насамперед полягає в тому, що вони здатні зробити
вагомий внесок у розв’язок кількох ключових для неї проблем, зокрема, запропонувати нові арґументи для дискусії між деонтологічною і консеквенційною етикою, прояснити природу та статус моральної інтуїції та значення емоцій у моральному житті людини.
levels. The complexity of the system of social morality is due to quantitative indicators and complexity of relationships between its elements, because in moral practice people have a variety of relationships with a lot of degrees of freedom. The openness of the system of social morality is confirmed by the existence of the influence of one system on another, as well as their close relationship with other phenomena of natural and socio-cultural life. Those of them that have the greatest influence on the formation and functioning of social morality are defined as its control factors. Social morality is nonlinear system, because the impact of external factors isn’t unambiguous. Selforganization of the system of social morality can be defined as the process of emergence of coherence between its elements, resulting in the formation of certain structures and properties, and all of this is happening without a specific external influence, that is one that imposes certain forms. Moral chaos is such a state of the system of social morality, in which disturbed interaction, relationship, coordination between elements of its micro, macro levels and control factors.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the specificity of the openness of the system of social morality to influence of the various phenomena of natural and social being. To achieve this goal it is necessary to identify the control factors of the system of social morality and describe characteristics of their interaction with the system. Methodology. Research is based on the use of synergetic methodology, according to which social morality is treated as an open complex self-organizing system. Openness and non-linearity are the main methodological principles of synergetics, which were used in the study. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the idea of openness of the system of social morality to the influence of the various phenomena of natural and social being and, above all, those that can be called its control factors for the first time has been comprehensively investigated. It is noted nonlinear connection between system of social morality and its control parameters, the existence of circular causality between them, the difference in the intensity of the influence of different control factors on morality. Conclusions. Openness of the system of social morality provides that external factors have an impact on it. Among them are factors whose impact is most relevant. We call them the control factors of the system of social morality. They can be divided into two main groups: the first are those that have a social origin, and the second – biological. Macro level of morality (moral consciousness) is a new quality in comparison with the control factors. It is not their linear extension, because though it is formed by their influence, but the immediate cause of its appearance is self-organization mechanisms. Control factors differ by the intensity of their impact on the system of social morality. Among them are those that can be considered as fundamental, because structures which are formed under their influence are the basis of morality. The influence of others is usually lower, although at certain periods of system development, it may increase or decrease. Interaction between the system of social morality and its controlling factors is characterized by circular causality: controlling factors affect morality and, in turn, they are subject to its influence.
Keywords: synergetics, system of social morality, openness, nonlinearity, control factors.
мінімальними коґнітивними зусиллями. Відповідно, під моральними евристиками
здебільшого мають на увазі методи, які дають змогу спростити процес прийняття
моральних рішень. До таких методів переважно відносять використання простих
норм («не вбий», «не вкради»), прийняття рішень на підставі емоційних реакцій,
використання простих правил, як-от: «імітуй поведінку оточення чи авторитетних
осіб», «дотримуйся типової поведінки відповідної спільноти» тощо. Хоча дослідники погоджуються з тим, що у щоденному житті людина здебільшого приймає
рішення, керуючись такими евристиками, у них є розбіжності в оцінюванні їхньої
ефективності, адже дехто акцентує увагу на помилковості таких рішень, а дехто —
на їхній правильності. У зв’язку з цим особливої актуальності набула проблема
критерію правильності моральних рішень. Значення досліджень моральних евристик для моральної філософії насамперед полягає в тому, що вони здатні зробити
вагомий внесок у розв’язок кількох ключових для неї проблем, зокрема, запропонувати нові арґументи для дискусії між деонтологічною і консеквенційною етикою, прояснити природу та статус моральної інтуїції та значення емоцій у моральному житті людини.
levels. The complexity of the system of social morality is due to quantitative indicators and complexity of relationships between its elements, because in moral practice people have a variety of relationships with a lot of degrees of freedom. The openness of the system of social morality is confirmed by the existence of the influence of one system on another, as well as their close relationship with other phenomena of natural and socio-cultural life. Those of them that have the greatest influence on the formation and functioning of social morality are defined as its control factors. Social morality is nonlinear system, because the impact of external factors isn’t unambiguous. Selforganization of the system of social morality can be defined as the process of emergence of coherence between its elements, resulting in the formation of certain structures and properties, and all of this is happening without a specific external influence, that is one that imposes certain forms. Moral chaos is such a state of the system of social morality, in which disturbed interaction, relationship, coordination between elements of its micro, macro levels and control factors.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the specificity of the openness of the system of social morality to influence of the various phenomena of natural and social being. To achieve this goal it is necessary to identify the control factors of the system of social morality and describe characteristics of their interaction with the system. Methodology. Research is based on the use of synergetic methodology, according to which social morality is treated as an open complex self-organizing system. Openness and non-linearity are the main methodological principles of synergetics, which were used in the study. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the idea of openness of the system of social morality to the influence of the various phenomena of natural and social being and, above all, those that can be called its control factors for the first time has been comprehensively investigated. It is noted nonlinear connection between system of social morality and its control parameters, the existence of circular causality between them, the difference in the intensity of the influence of different control factors on morality. Conclusions. Openness of the system of social morality provides that external factors have an impact on it. Among them are factors whose impact is most relevant. We call them the control factors of the system of social morality. They can be divided into two main groups: the first are those that have a social origin, and the second – biological. Macro level of morality (moral consciousness) is a new quality in comparison with the control factors. It is not their linear extension, because though it is formed by their influence, but the immediate cause of its appearance is self-organization mechanisms. Control factors differ by the intensity of their impact on the system of social morality. Among them are those that can be considered as fundamental, because structures which are formed under their influence are the basis of morality. The influence of others is usually lower, although at certain periods of system development, it may increase or decrease. Interaction between the system of social morality and its controlling factors is characterized by circular causality: controlling factors affect morality and, in turn, they are subject to its influence.
Keywords: synergetics, system of social morality, openness, nonlinearity, control factors.