Papers by Natalia Holubiak

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
The author analyzed e a new perspective on democratization processes, by analyzing the role of ex... more The author analyzed e a new perspective on democratization processes, by analyzing the role of external dynamics in the transformation Poland. The academic research only recently started to focus on the external factors, and the influenced agents were mainly the political elites and institutions. The first part examines the theoretical foundations of transformation, a combination of external and internal factors that have influenced the processes in Central and Eastern Europe. For example, the model, presented by the researcher Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński shows the sequence of five phases of transition from the old system to the new one in Poland. In the next part, author describes “transformation through integration” and analyzes the effect of the overlap of the systemic transformation process on accession processes. In conclusion, membership in the EU is considered as an opportunity to further develop, the factor of increase foreign direct investment and the choice of civilization for Po...

Przegląd Politologiczny
The development of new technologies will enable decentralization and freedom of communication for... more The development of new technologies will enable decentralization and freedom of communication for large numbers of people, by overcoming the barriers that once rendered direct participation of society unfeasible. The continued development of information and communication technologies (ICT) makes it possible for people to participate in political life. Today, the use of e-tools is becoming a way of adapting democracy to the needs of contemporary states and strengthening civil society. The aim of this paper is to answer questions about the essence of ICT and forms of civic engagement through electronic forms of participation. The author seeks answers to the following questions: How does ICT influence political processes? How do electronic communication systems create the conditions for the political engagement of citizens? Can the use of information technologies have a real impact on participation?

Historia i Polityka, 2015
The characteristics and specifics of the regional policy of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in... more The characteristics and specifics of the regional policy of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the context of central and regional public authorities relations are researched in this article. The author reveals the positive aspects of Polish modernization transformations for the sake of their subsequent adaptation to the Ukrainian reality. The system of possible risks in pro-European implementation of decentralized management is shown. The author offers suggestions of reformatting regional policy in Ukraine. K e y w or d s : regional policy, mechanisms of regional development, decentralization, reforming S ł o w a k lu c z o w e : polityka regionalna, mechanizmy rozwoju regionalnego, decentralizacji, reforma Długoterminowy kurs Ukrainy na wejście do ogólnoeuropejskiej przestrzeni cywilizacyjnej określa strategię rozwoju systemu politycznego, która musi uwzględniać europejskie normy oraz standardy organizacji życia społecznego. Formowanie i konsekwentna realizacja polityki regionalnej, zgodnej z europejskimi standardami i ustawodawstwem Unii Europejskiej jest istotnym warunkiem wejścia Ukrainy do europejskiej przestrzeni i uzyskania przez Ukrainę członkostwa w UE. Ważnym kryterium jest także adaptacja tradycji demokratycznych do systemu zarządzania na poziomie regionalnym. Ukraina musi więc czerpać z doświadczeń międzynarodowych, w tym doświadczeń Polski, która aktywnie działa w celu zbudowania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, decentralizacji zarządzania, zwiększenia roli samorządów. Przez lata reform Polacy mają istotne osiągnięcia, które są efektem konsekwentnej polityki i gotowości do zmian. Ukraina powinna czerpać z tych wzorców -nie kopiując lecz adaptując reformy do ukraińskich realiów. Niestety państwo stoi przed nie-H i s t o r i a i P o l i t y k a Nr 13 (20)/2015, s s.

Прикарпатський вісник НТШ. Думка. , 2018
The author sets the task to study the impact of new mechanisms of direct democracy (participatory... more The author sets the task to study the impact of new mechanisms of direct democracy (participatory budget) on attracting and activating the population to local public policy. The organization of participatory budgeting is a manifestation of direct democracy that allows citizens to express their approval or disapproval of the actions taken by local authorities.
This article presents the Polish experience of implementing a public
budget on the example of the city of Poznan, which was one of the first cities in Poland to introduce a civic budget in 2012. It should be added that there is no one model of the participatory budget in Poland. Each municipality and city introduce its own rules, often guided by existing examples, often don’t conducting social consultations and don’t working out the principles of the civic budget together with the residents.
The normative, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the civic
budgets of Poznan (number of voters and number of submitted projects, motivation for participation in the voting, public control, application of electronic platforms) are analyzed.
In the addition, the advantages and disadvantages of the process of
participatory budget are summed up, the activation of citizens is especially noted at the voting stage and low awareness of intermediate stages of the civil budget.
Key words: participatory budget, direct democracy, electronic technologies, civic activity.

Прикарпатський вісник НТШ. Думка., 2018
An attempt to understand the theoretical principles of direct democracy
as a special form of demo... more An attempt to understand the theoretical principles of direct democracy
as a special form of democracy in general is carried out. The reasons of
applying for direct participation in the political process are highlighted. The author analyzes three areas of determining the essence of direct democracy (negation of the practice of direct authority, extensive understanding of the concept and compromise theory). Also in the article conceptualized key features of the phenomenon of the direct form in relation to representative democracy. The advantages (direct influence on the making of political decisions, the growth of social activity, the exercise of public control, the training of a citizen's sense of community, partnership and self-organization, the formation of political consciousness and responsibility) and the disadvantages of direct democracy (low levels of electoral participation, the incompetence of ordinary citizens, the complexity of the political process, the convergence of direct democracy with populism). The author presents
alternative forms (semi-direct, deliberative, sensible, liquid) implementation of democracy. As a result, we can see the possibility of the introduction of direct democracy institutes, in particular at the local level and with the help of information technology, but with the coexistence of the representative mechanism of government.
Key words: direct democracy, representative democracy, civil activity,
alternatives to direct democracy.

Przegląd politologiczny, 2018
The development of new technologies will enable decentralization and freedom of communication for... more The development of new technologies will enable decentralization and freedom of communication for large numbers of people, by overcoming the barriers that once rendered direct participation of society unfeasible. The continued development of information and communication technologies (ICT) makes it possible for people to participate in political life. Today, the use of e-tools is becoming a way of adapting democracy to the needs of contemporary states and strengthening civil society. The aim of this paper is to answer questions about the essence of ICT and forms of civic engagement through electronic forms of participation. The author seeks answers to the following questions: How does ICT influence political processes? How do electronic communication systems create the conditions for the political engagement of citizens? Can the use of information technologies have a real impact on participation?
Key words: e-participation, information and communication technologies, electronic democracy, e-tools

E-voting and E-ParticiPation Experiences, challenges and prospects for the future, 2019
This paper aims to present the role of new electronic instruments as tools of direct democracy us... more This paper aims to present the role of new electronic instruments as tools of direct democracy using the examples of selected cities in Poland and Ukraine. The mechanism of operation of selected electronic instruments (participatory e-budgets) is discussed, and civic involvement via electronic platforms is described in the context of the development of local communities. New technologies facilitate decentralization and free communication among people, and help overcome barriers to people’s direct involvement in decision-making. Nevertheless, online voting is not the essence of electronic democracy. The implementation of direct electronic instruments in the decision-making processes is not equivalent to representative democracy being replaced by direct democracy. it is important to note that direct democracy stands the greatest chance of succeeding at the level of local communities

Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Vol. 5. № 3-4., 2018
The author analyzed e a new perspective on democratization processes, by analyzing the role of ex... more The author analyzed e a new perspective on democratization processes, by analyzing the role of external dynamics in the transformation Poland. The academic research only recently started to focus on the external factors, and the influenced agents were mainly the political elites and institutions. The first part examines the theoretical foundations of transformation, a combination of external and internal factors that have influenced the processes in Central and Eastern Europe. For example, the model, presented by the researcher Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński shows the sequence of five phases of transition from the old system to the new one in Poland. In the next part, author describes "transformation through integration" and analyzes the effect of the overlap of the systemic transformation process on accession processes. In conclusion, membership in the EU is considered as an opportunity to further develop, the factor of increase foreign direct investment and the choice of civilization for Polish society.

S.P.A.C.E., 2017
In this article, the preconditions of formation of social entrepreneurship as a combination of pu... more In this article, the preconditions of formation of social entrepreneurship as a combination of public and private sectors are examined. Correlation of economic, public and social sectors based on foreign studies are analyzed. It is alleged that conditions of democratic government, non-governmental organizations enhance and strengthen the local level are necessary for the implementation of social entrepreneurship. The author singles out ways to influence social entrepreneurship in the local community and describes the
current state of the formation of social entrepreneurship, including the role of the government and project applications. The potential of social entrepreneurship and the reasons for its low use in Ukraine are substantiated. In conclusion, the institution of social entrepreneurship enhances the activity of the public and the formation of social transformation.
Key words: social entrepreneurship, non-governmental organizations, public sector, civil society, local community.
Historia i Polityka, 2015
The characteristics and specifcs of the regional policy of Ukraine and the Republic of
Poland in ... more The characteristics and specifcs of the regional policy of Ukraine and the Republic of
Poland in the context of central and regional public authorities relations are researched in this article. The author reveals the positive aspects of Polish modernization transformations for the sake of their subsequent adaptation to the Ukrainian reality. The system of possible risks in pro-European implementation of decentralized management is shown. Te author offers suggestions of reformatting regional policy in Ukraine.
Key word s: regional policy, mechanisms of regional development, decentralization, reforming
S łowa k luc z owe : polityka regionalna, mechanizmy rozwoju regionalnego, decentralizacji, reforma
Papers by Natalia Holubiak
This article presents the Polish experience of implementing a public
budget on the example of the city of Poznan, which was one of the first cities in Poland to introduce a civic budget in 2012. It should be added that there is no one model of the participatory budget in Poland. Each municipality and city introduce its own rules, often guided by existing examples, often don’t conducting social consultations and don’t working out the principles of the civic budget together with the residents.
The normative, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the civic
budgets of Poznan (number of voters and number of submitted projects, motivation for participation in the voting, public control, application of electronic platforms) are analyzed.
In the addition, the advantages and disadvantages of the process of
participatory budget are summed up, the activation of citizens is especially noted at the voting stage and low awareness of intermediate stages of the civil budget.
Key words: participatory budget, direct democracy, electronic technologies, civic activity.
as a special form of democracy in general is carried out. The reasons of
applying for direct participation in the political process are highlighted. The author analyzes three areas of determining the essence of direct democracy (negation of the practice of direct authority, extensive understanding of the concept and compromise theory). Also in the article conceptualized key features of the phenomenon of the direct form in relation to representative democracy. The advantages (direct influence on the making of political decisions, the growth of social activity, the exercise of public control, the training of a citizen's sense of community, partnership and self-organization, the formation of political consciousness and responsibility) and the disadvantages of direct democracy (low levels of electoral participation, the incompetence of ordinary citizens, the complexity of the political process, the convergence of direct democracy with populism). The author presents
alternative forms (semi-direct, deliberative, sensible, liquid) implementation of democracy. As a result, we can see the possibility of the introduction of direct democracy institutes, in particular at the local level and with the help of information technology, but with the coexistence of the representative mechanism of government.
Key words: direct democracy, representative democracy, civil activity,
alternatives to direct democracy.
Key words: e-participation, information and communication technologies, electronic democracy, e-tools
current state of the formation of social entrepreneurship, including the role of the government and project applications. The potential of social entrepreneurship and the reasons for its low use in Ukraine are substantiated. In conclusion, the institution of social entrepreneurship enhances the activity of the public and the formation of social transformation.
Key words: social entrepreneurship, non-governmental organizations, public sector, civil society, local community.
Poland in the context of central and regional public authorities relations are researched in this article. The author reveals the positive aspects of Polish modernization transformations for the sake of their subsequent adaptation to the Ukrainian reality. The system of possible risks in pro-European implementation of decentralized management is shown. Te author offers suggestions of reformatting regional policy in Ukraine.
Key word s: regional policy, mechanisms of regional development, decentralization, reforming
S łowa k luc z owe : polityka regionalna, mechanizmy rozwoju regionalnego, decentralizacji, reforma
This article presents the Polish experience of implementing a public
budget on the example of the city of Poznan, which was one of the first cities in Poland to introduce a civic budget in 2012. It should be added that there is no one model of the participatory budget in Poland. Each municipality and city introduce its own rules, often guided by existing examples, often don’t conducting social consultations and don’t working out the principles of the civic budget together with the residents.
The normative, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the civic
budgets of Poznan (number of voters and number of submitted projects, motivation for participation in the voting, public control, application of electronic platforms) are analyzed.
In the addition, the advantages and disadvantages of the process of
participatory budget are summed up, the activation of citizens is especially noted at the voting stage and low awareness of intermediate stages of the civil budget.
Key words: participatory budget, direct democracy, electronic technologies, civic activity.
as a special form of democracy in general is carried out. The reasons of
applying for direct participation in the political process are highlighted. The author analyzes three areas of determining the essence of direct democracy (negation of the practice of direct authority, extensive understanding of the concept and compromise theory). Also in the article conceptualized key features of the phenomenon of the direct form in relation to representative democracy. The advantages (direct influence on the making of political decisions, the growth of social activity, the exercise of public control, the training of a citizen's sense of community, partnership and self-organization, the formation of political consciousness and responsibility) and the disadvantages of direct democracy (low levels of electoral participation, the incompetence of ordinary citizens, the complexity of the political process, the convergence of direct democracy with populism). The author presents
alternative forms (semi-direct, deliberative, sensible, liquid) implementation of democracy. As a result, we can see the possibility of the introduction of direct democracy institutes, in particular at the local level and with the help of information technology, but with the coexistence of the representative mechanism of government.
Key words: direct democracy, representative democracy, civil activity,
alternatives to direct democracy.
Key words: e-participation, information and communication technologies, electronic democracy, e-tools
current state of the formation of social entrepreneurship, including the role of the government and project applications. The potential of social entrepreneurship and the reasons for its low use in Ukraine are substantiated. In conclusion, the institution of social entrepreneurship enhances the activity of the public and the formation of social transformation.
Key words: social entrepreneurship, non-governmental organizations, public sector, civil society, local community.
Poland in the context of central and regional public authorities relations are researched in this article. The author reveals the positive aspects of Polish modernization transformations for the sake of their subsequent adaptation to the Ukrainian reality. The system of possible risks in pro-European implementation of decentralized management is shown. Te author offers suggestions of reformatting regional policy in Ukraine.
Key word s: regional policy, mechanisms of regional development, decentralization, reforming
S łowa k luc z owe : polityka regionalna, mechanizmy rozwoju regionalnego, decentralizacji, reforma