У дисертації досліджено основні сфери діяльності С. Федака – адвоката, засновника та керівника національних економічних і культурних організацій. З’ясовано фактори, що впливали на формування світогляду і становлення особистості діяча....
moreУ дисертації досліджено основні сфери діяльності С. Федака – адвоката, засновника та керівника національних економічних і культурних організацій. З’ясовано фактори, що впливали на формування світогляду і становлення особистості діяча. Окреслено особливості й форми адвокатської роботи С. Федака, етапи його праці в українському страховому товаристві «Дністер». Визначено місце і роль діяча в контексті суспільно-політичних процесів у Галичині кінця ХІХ – 30-х рр. ХХ ст., його внесок у тогочасне культурноосвітнє життя краю.
The dissertation contains the analysis of Stepan’s Fedak professional activity and his part in a socio-political, cultural and educational life in Galicia (Ukrainian: Halychyna), the period between the end of the XIX century and the 30’s of the XX century. The research of the life’s way and Stepan’s Fedak work in the Ukrainian historiography hadn’t acquired the complex characters. Historians mostly had been paying attention to his biography and the Fedak’s family history but spheres of Stepan’s professional work didn’t arouse the research interest. The work is based on the wide source base: unpublished materials of archival institutions and handwritten collections, published documents’ collections, periodicals etc.
The author reveals main factors that influenced on the formation of Stepan’s Fedak outlook, first of all on the family environment and difficult material conditions after his father’s death. The studying in the Lviv Academic Gymnasium, the education in the Stavropigia’s bursa in Lviv and getting a law degree in Lviv University had the main influence on the national self-awareness. The joining to the national elite was happening through participation in the student societies’ work.
It is marked, that Stepan’s Fedak law practice had being realized through the work of his own legal office and played a significant role in social activities. There are two periods in its functioning. Also it is defined main problems that had being solved by the practice. S. Fedak had specialized in criminal offenses as a regional lawyer and showed his skills and ability in a logical and reasoned defending of his own position.
It is disclosed Stepan’s Fedak directions of human rights activity: the work in committees of the Lviv Chamber of Advocates, the Board of Defenders and the Union of Ukrainian Lawyers. The lawyer’s experience helped him in other occupation of his activity: the work in financial and economic institutions, the participation in a political, cultural and educational life in Galicia.
The activity in the insurance company «Dnister» had been as a component of Stepan’s Fedak professional area of activity. There had been two phases of his work in the last from 1890 to 1927: organisational, legal representative and the management of the directorate. It is underlined that the last phase (to 1914) had been marked as the greatest development of the company, so the management of the insurance institution brought him the authority in the social environment on the Ukrainian lands next to the Austro-Russian border. Since 1928 he had been settling cases in the courts in the period from retirement till the end of his life.
Stepan’s Fedak participation is highlighted in a socio-political life in Galicia. The professional activity played the main role in it. His activity in this area had being limited engaging in a fight of that time for the political representation in public authorities and the affiliation to mass political movements. But it wasn’t purposeful.
It is emphasized that during The First World War S. Fedak had been acting as a representative of the interests of Ukrainian economic, cultural and educational organisations. During the period from June 1915 to August 1916 he had been in Russian occupation, so his activity become charity for IDPs from Galicia. Such tendency together with professional work had being continued after his return to the Native land in 1917–1918.
S. Fedak had combined his public authority and professional experience in the context of state-building processes in Galicia in autumn 1918, so he headed the volunteer support of WUPR (West Ukrainian People`s Republic). The activist had supported the initiative of establishing a peaceful coexistence between the Ukrainian authorities and Polish citizens in Lviv but it was not effective. S. Fedak had been a head of the Ukrainian Civic Committee in Lviv and remained a representative of the Ukrainian public of the region (1919–1923) when the Polish power established. He had taken part in organisation of assistance to the war-affected population. Early 1920’s S. Fedak had been contacting with Polish political representatives with the aim to change the attitude of power structures to the national needs of Ukrainians, the resumption of work of Ukrainians economic, cultural and educational organisations, etc. He had remained in governing structures of the Ukrainian National Democratic Party to the middle of 1920’s (from 1919 – the Ukrainian National Labor Party, from 1925 – the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance) but he left active participation in politic in a due to family circumstances and health status.
The active social activity of S. Fedak had being seen in the cultural and educational sphere of national life of Ukrainians in Galicia. He was the one of the founders and an active participant of the Ukrainian music association «Lviv Boyan», Polish – «Lute» («Lyutnia»). S Fedak had recommended himself as a skilled kapellmeister, so he organized music and dance parties (called «vetschory»). S. Fedak had joined the own professional activity with the work of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, the Academic House, the Stavropigion Institute, Prosvita society etc. The man had been the founder and philanthropist of Ukrainian preeducational and educational institutions in Lviv and in all Galicia.
Stepan’s Fedak activity had been the component of the Ukrainian movement in Galicia from the end of XIX to the first of the third part of XX century and played an important role in the national Renaissance. S. Fedak had been a lawyer, a financier, a philanthropist that with the own years of work assisted to the development and the rise of national financial, economic and cultural organisations. He was the loving husband and the father of eight children who had grown the younger family generation in a patriotic spirit that after defeat of Ukrainian revolution didn’t devide his moderation and tendency to compromise. Stepan’s Fedak children had supported the activity of the nationalist underground and continued the fight for «the Ukrainian case» more resolute, using the radical methods.