Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Department of Information Technology
This paper presents an overview of the cryptographic algorithm visualization possibilities of the CrypTool. The AES cipher is used as an example. Visualization tools for modern cryptographic algorithms in CrypTool make it possible to... more
Виконано теоретичний аналіз сучасного стану нейромережевих технологій, що дало можливість виділити відомі алгоритми роботи з нейронними мережами та з’ясувати переваги та недоліки їх застосування для вирішення різного роду завдань науки й... more
- by Ivan Savka
In this paper, we propose to use a classification model based on an artificial recurrent neural network (RNN) and a deep learning approach for DNS spoofing detection. It is proposed to use DNS data as well as TCP header and IP header data... more
This paper proposes a method for reducing data redundancy using a randomization procedure. The method can be effectively applied before transmitting or storing information in automation systems in various fields of communication systems... more
Стаття присвячена вивченню переваг, перспектив застосування і впливу на розвиток інтелектуальних освітніх онлайн-платформ Web 3.0-технологій. На думку авторів, основними рисами Web 3.0-технології є стандартизація, персоналізація,... more
- by Марія Дутчак
This paper presents an overview of the cryptographic algorithm visualization possibilities of the CrypTool. The AES cipher is used as an example. Visualization tools for modern cryptographic algorithms in CrypTool make it possible to... more
The conference paper presents the method for determining the quality characteristics and sub-characteristics weights. It improves the methods specified in international standards and makes practical use possible for evaluating the quality... more
Digital communications techniques based on random, chaotic, or noisy carriers are well known and successfully used in a number of applications. Simple on-off or amplitude shift noise keying modulation schemes are among the most popular.... more
This paper proposes a method for reducing data redundancy using a randomization procedure. The method can be effectively applied before transmitting or storing information in automation systems in various fields of communication systems... more