Papers by Djordjije Vasiljevic

Hydrological heritage is a relatively new concept in the field of geosite assessment. The princip... more Hydrological heritage is a relatively new concept in the field of geosite assessment. The principal aim of this study is to apply M-GAM (Modified geosite assessment model) for comparative analysis of the Krupaja spring and the Žagubica (Mlava) spring, located in Homolje area, in Eastern Serbia. According to the classification of geosites of Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, these sites are on the list of protected sites (" hydro(geo)logical " heritage sites) of extraordinary national importance; however , they still have not gained necessary recognition in Serbia. Thus, their assessment according to different target groups should provide a clearer picture of their current condition. As M-GAM considers that not all indicators for evaluation of geosites are of the same importance, this paper applies two methods for comparing and determining the importance of indicators and subindicators in the model (Analytical-hierarchy process (AHP) and descriptive statistics conducted by SPSS). Also, it is assumed that different target groups will give different importance to some indicators in the model, which would result in various evaluation scores for the same geosites. The paper also provides a comparative analysis of the assessment carried out by two different target groups – potential geotourists and geoexperts. The results obtained by AHP and descriptive statistics are quite similar, which confirms the reliability of respondents' answers and the results gained. The analyzed sites are differently positioned in the evaluation matrix, and implications are further discussed in the paper .
Quaternary International, 2013
Loess sediments have proved to be the most significant palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental arc... more Loess sediments have proved to be the most significant palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental archives on land and thus present an important part of the Earth's geodiversity. Apart from their scientific values, loess areas could be developed for geotourism. However, before this development can occur, several other initiatives must be initiated and completed; these include for geosites: their scientific investigation and inventorying; their statutory protection and active geoconservation; the development of didactic and promotional activities. This paper presents an overview of the loess deposits of Poland as a precursor to a consideration of their protection, conservation and development for geotourism.

Geoheritage is not merely a part of Earth's history; rather that it is also important part of... more Geoheritage is not merely a part of Earth's history; rather that it is also important part of the history of mankind. Geological features and landscape, as components of human surroundings, have strongly influenced our society from its beginnings - first cave-dwellers to modern-day civilization. It has also had great influence on human tradition, culture and religion. This paper will discuss the role of geodiversity as construction material for cultural and historical heritage with the case of possible connection of these natural and anthropogenic resources through successful and sustainable geotourism planning. Case study of Fru\vska Gora Mountain, as potential destination with significant anthropogenic and natural values, will demonstrate the main idea of this research. Fru\vska Gora Mountain is situated at the confluence of the Danube and Sava Rivers, in northern Serbia. It was proclaimed a National Park in 1960 with 25,525 ha of protected area due to its rich, rare and endan...

Quaternary International, 2015
This paper is dedicated to the palaeontological and geoheritage potential and conservation values... more This paper is dedicated to the palaeontological and geoheritage potential and conservation values of recently discovered mammoth fossils in the Drmno open-cast mine area. These palaeontological resources provide an excellent basis for the establishment of the first ever palaeontological park in Serbia. In addition, the paper also proposes possible interpretation methods and to determine the current state and tourism potential of the Drmno mammoth fossils, by using the M-GAM model for geosite assessment and comparing this site with two similar world famous sites, the Mammoth Site of Hot Springs and the La Brea Tar Pits in the USA. Results of the assessment indicate that the fossils from the Drmno open mine have similar scientific and educational values as the fossils from two other analysed sites, whereas scenic and tourist values are much lower in comparison with those sites. This means that the Drmno site possesses great potential and resources which should be used and managed in a better way. Hopefully, the newly constructed palaeontological park with all of its supporting infrastructure and newly employed people will eliminate the currently existing gap between the Drmno fossil site and other similar world famous fossil sites.

We examined the comparison of geoheritage resources of two natural protected areas: National park... more We examined the comparison of geoheritage resources of two natural protected areas: National park Fruška Gora in Serbia and Nature Park Papuk in Croatia. The first one has applied for UNESCO geopark recognition in 2007, while the second one was proclaimed as one the same year. The general hypothesis is that these two geologically similar areas possess comparable geo-resources, which should clarify the causes because of which Fruška Gora still has not been included in geopark network. For their comparison, authors applied previously created Geosite Assessment Model (GAM). GAM consists of two key indicators: Main and Additional Values, which are further divided into 12 and 15 indicators respectively, each individually marked from 0 to 1. This division is made due to two general kinds of values: Main -that are mostly generated by geosite's natural characteristics; and Additional -that are mostly human-induced and generated by modifications for its use by visitors. The study revealed that the Main Values are similar to both, Fruška Gora and Papuk. However, Papuk Mountain, as a well developed global geopark, has higher Additional Values, with significant international recognition. As these two investigated areas are less than 200 km away from each other, one of the development options could be collaboration of these complementary geotourism destinations through an international and mutual offer that could initiate new geo-destinations and further improve and develop conservation and promotion of geoheritage in a much wider region.

Loess-palaeosol sequences preserve the most significant continental record of climatic and enviro... more Loess-palaeosol sequences preserve the most significant continental record of climatic and environmental changes during the Quaternary available for scientific study. The Eurasian loess belt in particular could be regarded as one of the most important Quaternary terrestrial records of climatic and environmental changes on a global scale. The Preliminary stratigraphical correlation has determined that loess sections in south-east Europe and China have, perhaps surprisingly, shown many similarities. Unfortunately, these sites, due to their economic (e.g. agriculture and brickyards) and functional (e.g. remote sections as waste disposal sites) values, share the same (both human-induced and natural) threats and are constantly endangered by numerous causes and could be naturally degraded or permanently exploited as a georesource. Conversely, this valuable segment of Earth's geodiversity has gained much attention within the nature conservation community. There are certain individual attempts to protect and promote loess to the general public, which is the case in China (National Geoparks with protected loess, e.g. Luochuan, Huoshi Chai, Kungdongshan, Jingtai, Yellow River), and also in Serbia and Poland. These could serve as good platform for establishing common strategies towards national and international recognition of important loess sections. Thus, the aim of this study is to provide a preliminary and universal strategy concerning conservation, interpretation and promotion (geotourism) of significant Eurasian loess-palaeosol sequences. Once implemented and tested, they could serve for all similar soft-rock exposures and soils.
Loess-palaeosol sequences preserve the most important continental record of climatic and environm... more Loess-palaeosol sequences preserve the most important continental record of climatic and environmental changes during the Quaternary. As a significant element of global geodiversity and geoheritage, loess-palaeosol sequences could be used as resources for a contemporary trend in sustainable tourismgeotourism. This form of tourism appreciates and promotes non-living nature (geodiversity) through its conservation and interpretation. This further leads to enhancing public awareness of these sites. In this study, we report on a proposal for establishing geotourism at the most important loess sites in the Vojvodina region.

This paper presents a preliminary geosite physical assessment model which has the potential to as... more This paper presents a preliminary geosite physical assessment model which has the potential to assist in the sustainable planning and management of natural heritage locations and their transformation into tourism destination. The methodology is based on several existing models and presented through two groups of values -main and additional, which are further divided into indicators and subindicators respectively. The resultant model is a graph that consists of nine fields, into which geosites can be classified as fitting into nine general areas of suitability for tourism in terms of their main (scientific/educational, aesthetic/scenic and protection as market appeal and conservation) and additional values (functional and tourism use as current stage of development). This could prove to be of great help to natural heritage protection and tourism managers, as they could assess the current state of a geosite and thence propose a future path for it.

Article history: Available online xxx a b s t r a c t A Quaternary site at Drmno (comprising of M... more Article history: Available online xxx a b s t r a c t A Quaternary site at Drmno (comprising of Middle and Late Pleistocene loessepalaeosol sequences) near Kostolac, northeast Serbia, attracted attention from the general public and scientists, when several steppe mammoth and other mammal skeletons from Middle Pleistocene fluvial deposits were discovered in 2009 and 2012. This paper presents the combination of malacological and enviromagnetic analyses, preliminary luminescence dating, litho-pedostratigraphic and palaeo-relief investigations that were applied to the Nosak loessepalaeosol sequence for the 2012 findings. The results confirm and emphasize the antiquity of the sediments preserved in the Nosak section and demonstrate the significance of the detailed and relatively complete palaeoenvironmental record they contain. These discoveries can significantly contribute to setting the background towards an improved understanding of the evolution of mammoths on the European continent.

Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences
We examined the comparison of geoheritage resources of two natural protected areas: National park... more We examined the comparison of geoheritage resources of two natural protected areas: National park Fruška Gora in Serbia and Nature Park Papuk in Croatia. The first one has applied for UNESCO geopark recognition in 2007, while the second one was proclaimed as one the same year. The general hypothesis is that these two geologically similar areas possess comparable geo-resources, which should clarify the causes because of which Fruška Gora still has not been included in geopark network. For their comparison, authors applied previously created Geosite Assessment Model (GAM). GAM consists of two key indicators: Main and Additional Values, which are further divided into 12 and 15 indicators respectively, each individually marked from 0 to 1. This division is made due to two general kinds of values: Main - that are mostly generated by geosite’s natural characteristics; and Additional - that are mostly human-induced and generated by modifications for its use by visitors. The study revealed ...
European Researcher
With increased appreciation of general public, heritage sites gained more attention regarding con... more With increased appreciation of general public, heritage sites gained more attention regarding contemporary tourism and management studies. Accordingly, the assessment of visitors’ satisfaction on these sites is important tool for both financial and organization managemen t. The aim of this research is to identify the main (statistically significant) factors that influence visitors’ satisfaction. Data was obtained by survey conducted during the visit of three medieval fortresses in Serbia, with aim to capture tourist’s expectations and perceptions on ten given attributes. The results of factor and descriptive statistical analysis indicate three factors: “regional settings”, “marketing”, “aesthetic appeal” significant for visitors’ satisfaction of the investigated heritage sites.

Acta geographica Slovenica, 2013
The paper discusses the definitions of natural disasters and recommends the implementation of def... more The paper discusses the definitions of natural disasters and recommends the implementation of definitions and classifications of natural disasters in accordance with those decreed at the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) and Munich Re insurance Company (Munich RE) for administrative use in the Republic of Serbia. For the Republic of Serbia, the issue of natural disasters is presented both through government documents (e.g. the Law on Emergencies and the National Strategy of the Protection and Rescue in Emergencies) and the survey of the frequency and typology of disasters. Significant discrepancies exist between older and more contemporary classifications of disasters in Serbia. They are especially emphasized in comparison to the CRED and Munich RE classifications and databases. This causes problems in the monitoring, recording and assessment of the effects of natural disasters. It is proposed that definitions be adapted and implemented into legislative and other documents.
Quaternary International, 2013
Loess sediments have proved to be the most significant palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental arc... more Loess sediments have proved to be the most significant palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental archives on land and thus present an important part of the Earth's geodiversity. Apart from their scientific values, loess areas could be developed for geotourism. However, before this development can occur, several other initiatives must be initiated and completed; these include for geosites: their scientific investigation and inventorying; their statutory protection and active geoconservation; the development of didactic and promotional activities. This paper presents an overview of the loess deposits of Poland as a precursor to a consideration of their protection, conservation and development for geotourism.
Earth-Science Reviews, 2015
Abbreviations CLP -Chinese Loess Plateau CLPS -Chinese loess-palaeosol sequences DB -Danube Basin... more Abbreviations CLP -Chinese Loess Plateau CLPS -Chinese loess-palaeosol sequences DB -Danube Basin DLPS -Danube loess-palaeosol sequences ELSA -Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive EMF -Earth's magnetic field MS -Magnetic susceptibility MBB -Matuyama-Brunhes palaeomagnetic polarity boundary MSS -Mošorin/Stari Slankamen post IR IRSL -Post-IR infrared stimulated luminescence dating OSL -Opticaly stimulated luminescecne TL -Thermoluminescence TT OSL -Thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence dating VADM -virtual axial dipole moment
Loess sediments have proved to be the most significant palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental arc... more Loess sediments have proved to be the most significant palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental archives on land and thus present an important part of the Earth's geodiversity. Apart from their scientific values, loess areas could be developed for geotourism. However, before this development can occur, several other initiatives must be initiated and completed; these include for geosites: their scientific investigation and inventorying; their statutory protection and active geoconservation; the development of didactic and promotional activities. This paper presents an overview of the loess deposits of Poland as a precursor to a consideration of their protection, conservation and development for geotourism.

Quaternary International, 2011
The palaeoclimate record preserved in loess deposits in S Serbia is poorly understood. This is in... more The palaeoclimate record preserved in loess deposits in S Serbia is poorly understood. This is in strong contrast to the situation in the north of the country (Vojvodina region), where similar deposits have been intensively investigated in recent years. This study presents a first detailed description, initial proxy analysis (magnetic susceptibility, colour, total organic carbon) and preliminary luminescence chronology of a loessepalaeosol sequence that is exposed in an abandoned quarry at Belotinac (near the city of Ni s, S Serbia). The sequence is about 10 m thick and preserves three loess units and three weakly developed palaeosol units. Although its potential remains to be fully tapped, the preliminary results demonstrate that the sequence offers a unique record of climate and environmental change during the Late Pleistocene at the transition between Mediterranean and Continental Europe.

Loess-palaeosol sequences preserve the most significant continental record of climatic and enviro... more Loess-palaeosol sequences preserve the most significant continental record of climatic and environmental changes during the Quaternary available for scientific study. The Eurasian loess belt in particular could be regarded as one of the most important Quaternary terrestrial records of climatic and environmental changes on a global scale. The Preliminary stratigraphical correlation has determined that loess sections in south-east Europe and China have, perhaps surprisingly, shown many similarities. Unfortunately, these sites, due to their economic (e.g. agriculture and brickyards) and functional (e.g. remote sections as waste disposal sites) values, share the same (both human-induced and natural) threats and are constantly endangered by numerous causes and could be naturally degraded or permanently exploited as a georesource. Conversely, this valuable segment of Earth's geodiversity has gained much attention within the nature conservation community. There are certain individual attempts to protect and promote loess to the general public, which is the case in China (National Geoparks with protected loess, e.g. Luochuan, Huoshi Chai, Kungdongshan, Jingtai, Yellow River), and also in Serbia and Poland. These could serve as good platform for establishing common strategies towards national and international recognition of important loess sections. Thus, the aim of this study is to provide a preliminary and universal strategy concerning conservation, interpretation and promotion (geotourism) of significant Eurasian loess-palaeosol sequences. Once implemented and tested, they could serve for all similar soft-rock exposures and soils.

Article history: Available online xxx a b s t r a c t A Quaternary site at Drmno (comprising of M... more Article history: Available online xxx a b s t r a c t A Quaternary site at Drmno (comprising of Middle and Late Pleistocene loessepalaeosol sequences) near Kostolac, northeast Serbia, attracted attention from the general public and scientists, when several steppe mammoth and other mammal skeletons from Middle Pleistocene fluvial deposits were discovered in 2009 and 2012. This paper presents the combination of malacological and enviromagnetic analyses, preliminary luminescence dating, litho-pedostratigraphic and palaeo-relief investigations that were applied to the Nosak loessepalaeosol sequence for the 2012 findings. The results confirm and emphasize the antiquity of the sediments preserved in the Nosak section and demonstrate the significance of the detailed and relatively complete palaeoenvironmental record they contain. These discoveries can significantly contribute to setting the background towards an improved understanding of the evolution of mammoths on the European continent.
Papers by Djordjije Vasiljevic