Papers by Timothy Perfect
Frontiers in psychology, 2014
Psychonomic bulletin & review, 2011
We examined retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) in recognition from a dual-process perspective, wh... more We examined retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) in recognition from a dual-process perspective, which suggests that recognition depends on the outputs of a fast familiarity process and a slower recollection process. In order to determine the locus of the RIF effect, we manipulated the availability of recollection at retrieval via response deadlines. The standard RIF effect was observed in a self-paced test but was absent in a speeded test, in which judgments presumably depended on familiarity more than recollection. The findings suggested that RIF specifically affects recollection. This may be consistent with a context-specific view of retrieval inhibition.

Journal of experimental psychology. General, 1997
First-year psychology students took multiple-choice examinations following each of 4 lecture cour... more First-year psychology students took multiple-choice examinations following each of 4 lecture courses and 3 laboratory research methods courses. One lecture course was later retested. Students indicated state of memory awareness accompanying each answer: recollective experience (remember), "just know" (know), feeling of familiarity (familiarity), or guess. On the lecture courses, higher performing students differed from other students because they had more remember responses. On research methods, higher performing students differed because they knew more, and in the delayed retest, higher performing students differed because they now knew rather than remembered more. These findings demonstrate a shift from remembering to knowing, dependent upon level attained, type of course, and retention interval, and suggest an underlying shift in knowledge representation from episodic to semantic memory. The authors discuss theoretical and educational implications of the findings.

Neuropsychologia, 1996
Stem-completion priming performance in patients with Alzheimer's type dementia (DAT) was explored... more Stem-completion priming performance in patients with Alzheimer's type dementia (DAT) was explored in three experiments in which both the standard repetition priming effect and a novel indirect form of priming, cohort priming, were measured. In the first experiment, in which study stimuli were words, both priming effects were found to be markedly attenuated in the DAT group. In the second experiment, the study stimuli were specially constructed nonwords, and it was found that cohort priming was present at normal levels in the DAT group. In a third experiment we tested the specific hypothesis that the requirement to overtly articulate target stimuli during the study phase was critical for the appearance of normal cohort priming in the DAT group in Experiment 2, and also for the normal levels of repetition priming which have been reported in some published studies. Two encoding conditions were compared, one in which subjects simply had to read aloud the target words and a second in which subjects were required to make evaluative (pleasantness) ratings for each of the target words (identical to that used in Experiment 1). Stem-completion priming performance following the latter condition was significantly attenuated in the DAT group relative to a healthy control group, but following the "read aloud" encoding condition, normal levels of repetition and cohort priming were observed. It is suggested that the most fruitful approach to understanding the performance of DAT subjects on lexical repetition priming tasks will involve a detailed analysis of language functions and how they interact with other, possibly mnemonic, processes in the generation of primed responses.

Journal of Experimental Psychology-learning Memory and Cognition - J EXP PSYCHOL-LEARN MEM COGN, 2002
Five experiments examined whether retrieval-induced-forgetting effects are observed for implicit ... more Five experiments examined whether retrieval-induced-forgetting effects are observed for implicit tests of memory. In each experiment participants first studied category-exemplar paired associates, then practiced retrieval for a subset of items from a subset of categories before finally completing memory tests for all the studied items. In standard fashion, inhibition was measured as the performance difference of unpracticed items from practiced categories and unpracticed items from unpracticed categories. Across the 5 experiments poorer performance for unpracticed items was seen in conceptual implicit memory (category generation and category matching) but not in perceptual implicit memory (stem completion, perceptual identification). Thus, retrieval-induced-forgetting effects are limited to tests of conceptual memory.

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A, 2004
Despite widespread use the cognitive demands of the five-disc Tower of London (TOL) are unknown. ... more Despite widespread use the cognitive demands of the five-disc Tower of London (TOL) are unknown. Research suggests that conflict moves (those that are essential to the solution but do not place a disc in its final position) are a key aspect of performance. These were examined in three studies via a verification paradigm, in which normal participants were asked to decide whether a demonstrated move was correct. Experiment 1 showed that individual move latencies increase with the number of intermediate moves until the disc is placed in its goal position (resolution). Post hoc tests suggested that the number of alternative moves and moves to resolve a disc were independent predictors of performance. Experiment 2 successfully manipulated these factors in an experimental design. Experiment 3 showed that they remain determinants of performance as familiarity increased. Overall, errors on the task were significantly correlated with spatial memory. The implications of these findings for the use of the TOL in cognitive psychology and as an assessment tool are discussed.

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2008
Macrae and Lewis (2002) showed that repeated reporting of the global dimension of Navon stimuli i... more Macrae and Lewis (2002) showed that repeated reporting of the global dimension of Navon stimuli improved performance in a subsequent face identification task, whilst reporting the features of the Navon stimuli impaired performance. Using a face composite task, which is assumed to require featural processing, Weston and Perfect (2005) showed the complementary pattern: Featural responding to Navon letters speeded performance. However, both studies used Navon stimuli with global precedence, in which the overall configuration is easier to report than the features. Here we replicate the two studies above, whilst manipulating the precedence (global or featural) of the letter stimuli in the orientation task. Both studies replicated the previously reported findings with global precedence stimuli, but showed the reverse pattern with local precedence stimuli. These data raise important questions as to what is transferred between the Navon orientation task and the face-processing tasks that follow.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2005
Research has shown that face recognition accuracy can be improved by prior global processing and ... more Research has shown that face recognition accuracy can be improved by prior global processing and impaired by prior local processing (Macrae & Lewis, 2002). The aim of this study was to test the processing bias account of face recognition, using the composite face task (Young, Hellawell, & Hay, 1987), a test of featural recognition. Undergraduate volunteers (N = 75) participated in a between-subjects design that tested their ability to recognize face halves within a composite, following either global or local Navon processing or a control task. Results showed that, as compared with the control task, local processing speeded ability to recognize face halves. These results provide support for the processing bias account of face recognition.
Psychological Research Psychologische Forschung, 2010
Three studies which test an associative account of repetition priming in a size comparison task a... more Three studies which test an associative account of repetition priming in a size comparison task are reported. Congruence of decision between priming and test affected performance when the priming task and test tasks were the same but not when they differed. This congruence effect was unaffected by the proportion of trials with congruent responses. Same-task priming exceeded cross-task priming even when both tasks required the same aspect of semantic knowledge. The results indicate that a component of priming is due to associations which are formed during priming and automatically activated when stimuli are repeated at test. Stimuli do not become associated with motor responses but are associated with the results of processing at a number of other levels.

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2010
Psychological distance has been shown to influence how people construe an event such that greater... more Psychological distance has been shown to influence how people construe an event such that greater distance produces highlevel construal (characterized by global or holistic processing) and lesser distance produces low-level construal (characterized by detailed or feature-based processing). The present research tested the hypothesis that construal level has carryover effects on how information about an event is retrieved from memory. Two experiments manipulated temporal distance and found that greater distance (high-level construal) improves face recognition and increases retrieval of the abstract features of an event, whereas lesser distance (low-level construal) impairs face recognition and increases retrieval of the concrete details of an event. The findings have implications for transfer-inappropriate processing accounts of face recognition and event memory, and suggest potential applications in forensic settings.

Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1992
Recent studies have suggested that there is a specific impairment of implicit memory for lexical ... more Recent studies have suggested that there is a specific impairment of implicit memory for lexical priming in Alzheimer's Disease. However, there are problems in accepting data from the word-stem completion paradigm as evidence of pure implicit-memory performance. To assess whether Alzheimer's Disease patients are relatively impaired on implicit memory for lexical information an anagram-solution task was adopted. A group of 16 early stage Alzheimer's Disease patients and a group of 16 normal elderly subjects were presented a list of 40 target words. Subsequent free recall was significantly poorer in the former group, but while both groups were significantly better at solving anagrams for words they had previously seen, there was no difference between the two groups in the amount of priming. The data are consistent with the view that previous reports of an implicit deficit in Alzheimer's Disease may not generalise to implicit tasks independent of explicit-memory performance.

Neuropsychology, 2007
Deaf and hearing individuals who either used sign language (signers) or not (nonsigners) were tes... more Deaf and hearing individuals who either used sign language (signers) or not (nonsigners) were tested on visual memory for objects and shapes that were difficult to describe verbally with a same/different matching paradigm. The use of 4 groups was designed to permit a separation of effects related to sign language use (signers vs. nonsigners) and effects related to auditory deprivation (deaf vs. hearing). Forty deaf native signers and nonsigners and 51 hearing signers and nonsigners participated in the study. Signing individuals (both deaf and hearing) were more accurate than nonsigning individuals (deaf and hearing) at memorizing shapes. For the shape memory task but not the object task, deaf signers and nonsigners displayed right hemisphere (RH) advantage over the left hemisphere (LH). Conversely, both hearing groups displayed a memory advantage for shapes in the LH over the RH. Results indicate that enhanced memory performance for shapes in signers (deaf and hearing) stems from the visual skills acquired through sign language use and that deafness, irrespective of language background, leads to the use of a visually based strategy for memory of difficult-to-describe items.

Neuropsychologia, 2002
It is claimed that Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients show reduced inhibitory processing and this ... more It is claimed that Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients show reduced inhibitory processing and this has been put forward as a reason why AD patients make intrusion errors at recall. However, the evidence to date has been equivocal, because non-inhibitory mechanisms can account for the pattern of findings. Recently, however, a paradigm has been developed that is claimed to give a purer measure of inhibitory processing in episodic memory, the retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) paradigm [Inhibitory Processes in Attention, Memory and Language, , we were interested whether AD patients would show a deficit in inhibitory processing using this procedure. Participants studied lists of category cue-exemplar pairs (e.g. fruit-orange) then practised retrieval for a subset of items from a subset of categories before taking a final memory test for all studied items. As in previous work, inhibition was measured as the difference between final memory performance for unpractised items from practised categories, and unpractised items from unpractised categories. The results show that AD patients showed normal levels of inhibition with both tests of cued recall and category generation (CG). This suggests that a deficit in inhibitory processes during retrieval is not behind the high levels of intrusion errors made in recall in AD. (C.J.A. Moulin).

Neuropsychologia, 2000
Previous research claiming that there is a metamemory de®cit in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) has been... more Previous research claiming that there is a metamemory de®cit in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) has been based on paradigms in which metamemory judgements are compared with performance. These methods confound predictive accuracy with very poor memory performance. In the experiments presented here this confound is removed by focusing on the sensitivity of metamemory judgements to item dierences at encoding, rather than on predictive accuracy. In Experiment 1 participants studied words of high or low recallability, and either made judgements of learning (JOLs) or declared recall readiness. It was found that the AD group discriminate between items in their metamemory judgements to the same extent as age matched controls. Both groups rated the highly recallable words as being more likely to be recalled, and allocated more study time to low recallability items. In Experiment 2 participants were asked to rank the likelihood of recall of items that varied in objective recallability. Once again, AD patients were as sensitive to objective dierences in stimuli as controls. Therefore, using measures based on sensitivity to item dierences, we ®nd no evidence of a metamemory de®cit at encoding in AD. The ®ndings are discussed in terms of metamemory functioning in AD, and its relationship with memory performance. 7

Neurocase, 2001
We present a patient (PW) with non-fluent progressive aphasia, characterized by severe word findi... more We present a patient (PW) with non-fluent progressive aphasia, characterized by severe word finding difficulties and frequent phonemic paraphasias in spontaneous speech. It has been suggested that such patients have insufficient access to phonological information for output and cannot construct the appropriate sequence of selected phonemes for articulation. Consistent with such a proposal, we found that PW was impaired on a variety of verbal tasks that demand access to phonological representations (reading, repetition, confrontational naming and rhyme judgement); she also demonstrated poor performance on syntactic and grammatical processing tasks. However, examination of PW's repetition performance also revealed that she made semantic paraphasias and that her performance was influenced by imageability and lexical status. Her auditory-verbal short-term memory was also severely compromised. These features are consistent with 'deep dysphasia', a disorder reported in patients suffering from stroke or cerebrovascular accident, and rarely reported in the context of non-fluent progressive aphasia. PW's pattern of performance is evaluated in terms of current models of both non-fluent progressive aphasia and deep dysphasia.

Memory & Cognition, 2009
The mirror effect and subjective memorability (C481) 2 Abstract Between-list manipulations of mem... more The mirror effect and subjective memorability (C481) 2 Abstract Between-list manipulations of memory strength through repetition commonly generate a mirror effect, with more hits, and fewer false alarms for strengthened items. However, this pattern is rarely seen with withinlist manipulations of strength. Three experiments investigated the conditions under which a within-list mirror effect of strength (items presented once or thrice) is observed. In Experiments 1 and 2, we indirectly manipulated the overall subjective memorability of the studied lists by varying the proportion of non-words. A within-list mirror effect was observed only in Experiment 2, where a higher proportion of non-words was presented in the study list. In Experiment 3, the presentation duration for each item (0.5 s versus 3 s) was manipulated between groups with the purpose of affecting subjective memorability: A within-list mirror effect was observed only for the short-presentation durations. Thus, across three experiments, we found the within-list mirror effect only under conditions of poor overall subjective memorability. We propose that when the overall subjective memorability is low, people switch their response strategy on an item-by-item basis, and that this generates the observed mirror effect.

Memory, 2005
Brown and Murphy's (1989) three-stage paradigm (generatio... more Brown and Murphy's (1989) three-stage paradigm (generation, recall-own, generate-new) was used to assess the effects of participant elaboration on rates of unconscious plagiarism in two experiments using a creative task. Following the generation phase, participants imagined and rated a quarter of the ideas (imagery elaboration), generated improvements to another quarter (generative elaboration), and listened to a quarter of the ideas again without elaboration, with the remaining ideas acting as control. A week later, participants attempted to recall their own ideas, and generate new solutions to the same cues. In Experiment 1 both forms of elaboration equally increased correct recall, and decreased plagiarism in the generate-new task. However, generative elaboration led to significantly greater plagiarism in the recall-own task, but imagery elaboration did not. Participants in Experiment 2 were encouraged not to plagiarise by means of a financial incentive. However, they showed the same pattern as seen in Experiment 1. Therefore, contrary to a simple strength account, the probability of a person plagiarising another's ideas is linked to the particular nature of the elaboration carried out on that idea, rather than its familiarity.

Law and Human Behavior, 2011
Improving eyewitness identification evidence remains a key priority for research. Basic laborator... more Improving eyewitness identification evidence remains a key priority for research. Basic laboratory research has consistently demonstrated that allowing participants to withhold answers about which they are unsure leads to improved accuracy. Surprisingly, this approach has not been the subject of comprehensive investigation in the eyewitness identification literature. In this article, we explored the utility of allowing uncertain witnesses to opt out of an identification decision, by providing an explicit don't know option. Further, we contrasted the rate of use of this explicit option with the frequency that participants spontaneously withheld a decision when asked to respond in their own words. Four hundred and twenty participants witnessed a mock crime video before being presented with a showup of the perpetrator or an innocent suspect. Participants were tested either immediately or after a 3-week delay, with one of the three report options: Participants either made their choice in their own words (spontaneous report), chose between identifying and rejecting the showup (forced-report), or chose between identification, rejection and don't know (free-report). Only 2.2% of witnesses spontaneously used a don't know response, compared to 19.3% who used it when the option was explicit. Compared with the forced-report decisions, free-report decisions were more accurate, more diagnostic of the suspect's guilt or innocence, and came at no cost to the number of correct decisions rendered. These data suggest that utilisation of an explicit don't know option may be of practical value.

Law and Human Behavior, 2008
Five experiments tested the idea that instructing a witness to close their eyes during retrieval ... more Five experiments tested the idea that instructing a witness to close their eyes during retrieval might increase retrieval success. In Experiment 1 participants watched a video, before a cued-recall test for which they were either instructed to close their eyes, or received no-instructions. Eye-closure led to an increase in correct cued-recall, with no increase in incorrect responses. Experiments 2-5 sought to test the generality of this effect over variations in study material (video or live interaction), test format (cued- or free-recall) and information modality (visual or auditory details recalled). Overall, eye-closure increased recall of both visual detail and auditory details, with no accompanying increase in recall of false details. Collectively, these data convincingly demonstrate the benefits of eye-closure as an aid to retrieval, and offer insight into why hypnosis, which usually involves eye-closure, may facilitate eyewitness recall.
Papers by Timothy Perfect