2 years |
curtismchale |
updating the rest_base argument so that we have the “old” rest routes …
2 years |
curtismchale |
updating the rest_base argument so that we have the “old” rest routes …
2 years |
curtismchale |
updating the rest_base argument so that we have the “old” rest routes …
2 years |
curtismchale |
updating the rest_base argument so that we have the “old” rest routes …
2 years |
curtismchale |
adding rest support back for custom post types and taxonomies
2 years |
curtismchale |
added back rest support for cpts and custom taxonomies
2 years |
curtismchale |
added back rest support for cpts and custom taxonomies
2 years |
curtismchale |
full refactor for 2.0
2 years |
curtismchale |
full refactor for 2.0
2 years |
curtismchale |
updating readme
2 years |
curtismchale |
bumping version number to make sure I have write permissions on .org
12 years |
norcross |
taxlistcombo testing
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
12 years |
norcross |
and now German. GOING WORLDWIDE, KIDS!
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
12 years |
norcross |
adding French language LIKE A BOSS
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
12 years |
norcross |
rebuilt columns to native WP function
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
12 years |
norcross |
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
12 years |
norcross |
added a back to top link. because I'm nice like that.
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for recent commit
12 years |
norcross |
added redirect option for items
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
12 years |
norcross |
added option to turn off content filter if need be.
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for recent commit
12 years |
norcross |
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for recent commit
12 years |
norcross |
minor bugfix for conflict with specific forms plugins
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for recent commit
12 years |
norcross |
RSS bugfix
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for recent commit
12 years |
norcross |
IE bugfix
12 years |
norcross |
quick typo fix
12 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
12 years |
norcross |
permalink addition for expanded
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
added single FAQ slug changes
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
new shortcode and CSS / JS edits
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
new expand / collapse options
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
post class filter for taxonomy pages
13 years |
norcross |
moving screenshot to assets
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
adding post class filter
13 years |
norcross |
messed up the tagging earlier.
13 years |
norcross |
messed up the tagging
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for recent commit
13 years |
norcross |
bugfix for menu links on plugin page
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
more of the good shit
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
updated Random FAQ widget
13 years |
norcross |
tagging most recent commit
13 years |
norcross |
new shortcode for combo list
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
wow. that escalated quickly.
13 years |
norcross |
tagging latest commit
13 years |
norcross |
adding SEO options and removing bad setting
13 years |
norcross |
tagging for commit
13 years |
norcross |
apparently I'm a sped.
13 years |
norcross |
tagging latest commit
13 years |
norcross |
13 years |
norcross |
tagging after commit
13 years |
norcross |
updated user permissions for sort page
13 years |
norcross |
branching for commit
13 years |
norcross |
removed fullsize icon
13 years |
norcross |
I feel like I found a long-lost friend. And by friend I mean old code.
13 years |
norcross |
tagging before commit
13 years |
norcross |
Updating for fallbacks
13 years |
norcross |
Tagging prior to update
13 years |
norcross |
See changelog
Made it a bit fancy. I'm like that.
13 years |
norcross |
13 years |
norcross |
3.3 update and banner include
14 years |
norcross |
v 1.11 update. This is the point in time where I write something …
14 years |
norcross |
1.1 update. Big effin' deal.
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
1.042 update
14 years |
norcross |
bug fix
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
updated readme.txt
14 years |
norcross |
v 1.04 update
14 years |
norcross |
Updated readme.txt
14 years |
norcross |
1.03 update
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
Updated to v 1.02
14 years |
norcross |
Updated readme.txt
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
User error
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |
14 years |
norcross |