5 months |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Tested up to to 6.7.
8 months |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Tested up to value.
Correct plugin review URL.
11 months |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Tested up to value.
Revised keyword list.
11 months |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated Tested up to value.
15 months |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Tested up to version to 6.4.2.
17 months |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated Tested up to value.
20 months |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Tested up to value to 6.3
2 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated info regarding the pro version.
2 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
- bumped Tested up to version to 6.2
- corrected list of additional …
2 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Test up to value to 6.1.
3 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated Tested up to value.
3 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated Tested up to value to 5.8.1.
4 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Requires at least value to 5.0.
4 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Tested up to value to 5.6.
5 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Set Tested up to value to 5.5.
5 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped tested up to value.
5 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped tested up to value.
6 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Removing unnecessary info in FAQ.
6 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumping Tested up to value to 5.1.1
6 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped Tested up to value.
6 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped tested up to version.
7 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumping WP version.
7 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped tested up to version.
8 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Links updated to https from http.
8 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped tested up to value.
8 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
- Security issue (cross-site scripting) fix applied.
8 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated tested up to tag to 4.7.
8 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumped compatibility to WP 4.6.1.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumping Tested Up to value.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updating short description to more closely reflect functionality.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Changing title to more closely reflect functionality.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumping version compatibility to 4.5 for latest WordPress release.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Revising asset designs.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Add icon assets.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
New banner design.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
New banner design.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
- updated readme with consistent information about pro version and …
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Removing out-of-date pricing for pro version.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updating title to reflect expanded scope of plugin.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updating tags
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
* All versions: Removing redundant code. Re-organizing code for …
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Adjusting mimetype per best practices.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Deleting banners. Replacing with png.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
New banners
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
New banners.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Moving screenshot to assets folder.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Confirmed compatibility with WP 4.4.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updates to description section to describe additional features.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Minor tweaks.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
* All versions: Unneeded CSS removed.
* All versions: Additional …
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Reversed order of changelog so that most recent entries at top.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Code tweaks.
9 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Code cleanup.
Added settings page.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Syncing author name to other plugins.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Bumping WP version compatibility to 4.2.2.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated Donate link.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Correcting author name (again).
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Correcting author name.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updating Tested Up To version.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Continued revisions to description.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Tightened up description copy.
10 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated description to direct users to additional support options.
11 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Confirmed that plugin works fine with WordPress 3.9.1.
11 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
WP version updated.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated readme to correct format.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Updated readme to correct format.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Corrected contributor list.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Tweaks to SQL and corrected contributor list.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Continue to work on contributor list.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Corrected contributor list.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Tweaks to SQL and confirmed works with WP 3.4.
12 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
Tweaks to SQL and confirmed works with WP 3.4.
14 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
14 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
15 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
16 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
16 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
16 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
16 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
16 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
17 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
17 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
17 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
17 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
17 years |
Marios Alexandrou |
17 years |
plugin-master |
adding rss-includes-pages by Marios Alexandrou