4 months |
petredobrescu |
Updated the WordPress version tested with this plugin.
8 months |
petredobrescu |
Add compatibility with WordPress 6.6
10 months |
petredobrescu |
Add Fastpixel links to the readme file
12 months |
petredobrescu |
Tested the plugin with WordPress 6.5 and updated the readme file.
17 months |
petredobrescu |
Update the WordPress version this plugin was tested with.
20 months |
petredobrescu |
Update compatibility with WordPress 6.3
2 years |
petredobrescu |
Update the WordPress version tested up to (6.1)
3 years |
petredobrescu |
Update compatibility with WordPress 6
3 years |
petredobrescu |
Wording fixes to the readme file
3 years |
petredobrescu |
Remove RIAU from the SP plugin list
3 years |
petredobrescu |
Also update the readme file in the tag, as otherwise it won't show up
3 years |
petredobrescu |
readme file update
3 years |
petredobrescu |
Updated compatibility to WP 5.9 in the latest tag readme file.
3 years |
petredobrescu |
Update WordPress compatibility to version 5.9 in the main readme file.
4 years |
petredobrescu |
Updated readme for WordPress 5.7 compatibility
5 years |
petredobrescu |
Updated "Tested up to" to WP 5.5
5 years |
ShortPixel |
WP 5.3 compatibility check
5 years |
ShortPixel |
Works with WP 5.2
6 years |
ShortPixel |
* Improve security to the settings form by using nonce
6 years |
ShortPixel |
Tested up to WP 5.1
7 years |
ShortPixel |
Updated banners and icons
7 years |
ShortPixel |
= 1.8.5 =
* Remove recommended plugins
7 years |
ShortPixel |
= 1.8.4 =
* Add recommended plugins
7 years |
jepsonrae |
= 1.8.3 =
Release date: 20th December 2017
* [Fix] Skip animated …
8 years |
jepsonrae |
= 1.8.2 =
Release date: 21th August 2017
* [Fix] Better sanitize …
8 years |
jepsonrae |
Remove the Keywords section from readme
8 years |
jepsonrae |
i= 1.8.1 =
Release date: 18th June 2017
* [Fix] Notice not dismissing
8 years |
jepsonrae |
= 1.8.0 =
* [Update] Add convert PNG to JPG option
8 years |
jepsonrae |
owner change
10 years |
jepsonrae |
[Fixed] Undefined option notices when running WordPress in debug mode.
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated compatibility to 4.2.2.
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated readme and icon.
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated readme.
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated readme.
10 years |
jepsonrae |
[Update] After reports of the plugin resizing PDF files, added check …
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Converted plugin to use WP_Image_Editor
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Updating the stable tag.
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Fixed incorrect statement in readme.
10 years |
jepsonrae |
Correct the logic behind which direction to perform resizing in
10 years |
jepsonrae |
= 1.6 =
[Update] Tidied up the plugin settings page.
[Fix] Significant …
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated donate link and added large icon sizes.
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated the icon and donate link.
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated the icon and donate link.
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Updating icon.
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Updating icon.
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Adding icons to plugin.
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Updating the readme to state tested up to 4.0
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Removed some error logging and corrected minor logic in resize decision.
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Fixed bugs in compression quality.
Added option to re-compress even if …
11 years |
jepsonrae |
Updating the readme to indicate tested with WP 3.9
12 years |
jepsonrae |
[update] Added ability to enter a resize value of zero (0) to prevent …
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Deploying v1.4.1
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Beginning 1.4.0 branch
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Creating branch for 1.4.0
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Began implementation of convert BMP to JPG
Still need to:
• Amend …
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Fixed the Readme for 1.3.0 line
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Added ability to set the JPEG compression quality level when JPEGs are …
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Now only runs images through the resizer if required, i.e. the image …
12 years |
jepsonrae |
• Updating compatibility to WP v3.5.1
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated the banner to remove the title
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Corrected filename of header banner image
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Added header banner for plugin page
12 years |
jepsonrae |
= 1.1.1 =
* [Fix] Corrected functionality that sets default plugin …
12 years |
jepsonrae |
= 1.1.1 =
* [Fix] Corrected functionality that sets default plugin …
12 years |
jepsonrae |
= 1.1.0 =
* [Update] Added ability to set maximum height (thanks …
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Fixing version numbers in plugin file within trunk and tags
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Fixing version numbers in plugin file within trunk and tags
12 years |
jepsonrae |
Updated readme and tagged to v1.0.1
13 years |
jepsonrae |
[Added] v1.0.0 stable tag
13 years |
jepsonrae |
[Updated] Moved changelog to readme
13 years |
jepsonrae |
[Added] Added a changelog
[Updated] Readme to be ready for initial release
13 years |
jepsonrae |
[Updated] Updated the readme.txt file for latest version
13 years |
jepsonrae |
[Added] Adding initial files to plugin repository
13 years |
plugin-master |
adding resize-image-after-upload by jepsonrae