9 years |
dustin999 |
Updating screenshots
9 years |
dustin999 |
Removal of education.com module and photos
9 years |
dustin999 |
tagging version 4.5.1
9 years |
dustin999 |
tagging version 4.5
9 years |
dustin999 |
Fix minor issue
9 years |
dustin999 |
tagging version 4.4
9 years |
dustin999 |
tagging version 4.3
9 years |
dustin999 |
Added StreetAdvisor module
9 years |
dustin999 |
tagging version 4.2
9 years |
dustin999 |
Updte lme.php
9 years |
dustin999 |
Updte readme.txt
9 years |
dustin999 |
Delete obsolete opions
9 years |
dustin999 |
Releaseing 4.1.1'
9 years |
dustin999 |
Tagging version 4.1.1
9 years |
dustin999 |
Updating readme.txt in tag 4.1
9 years |
dustin999 |
Updating readme.txt
9 years |
dustin999 |
Tagging version 4.1
9 years |
dustin999 |
Updating last version tag and deleting yelp module
9 years |
dustin999 |
Delete unused files
9 years |
dustin999 |
Security fixes adviced by WP
9 years |
dustin999 |
tagging version 4.0
9 years |
dustin999 |
Security fixes
10 years |
dustin999 |
Dummy commit
10 years |
dustin999 |
Testing Dustin credentials
11 years |
jmabe |
Security and bug fixes
11 years |
jmabe |
Tagging 3.2.6
11 years |
jmabe |
Versioning 3.2.6
11 years |
jmabe |
Various bug fixes
13 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.2.5
13 years |
amattie |
nileguide fixes; versioning for 3.2.5
13 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.2.4
13 years |
amattie |
versioning for 3.2.4
13 years |
amattie |
fixed a few XSS issues
13 years |
amattie |
added links to admin to get api keys
13 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.2.3
13 years |
amattie |
versioning 3.2.3
13 years |
amattie |
made all branding links and logos open in new windows; fixed schools typo
13 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.2.2
13 years |
amattie |
versioning 3.2.2
13 years |
amattie |
change for upcoming NileGuide API change; WP 3.3 support
14 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.2.1
14 years |
amattie |
fixed css for shortcodes; versioning 3.2.1
14 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.2
14 years |
amattie |
versioning 3.2
14 years |
amattie |
fixed map in yelp and nileguide modules
14 years |
amattie |
fixes for market activity and market stats data
14 years |
amattie |
small matchcollege styling fixes
14 years |
amattie |
fixed homethinking link
14 years |
amattie |
added "realtors by homethinking" module
14 years |
amattie |
fixed colleges url
14 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.1.2
14 years |
amattie |
versioned for 3.1.2
14 years |
amattie |
versioned for 3.1.2
14 years |
amattie |
* Removing some debugging code that was causing problems during …
14 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.1.1
14 years |
amattie |
adding "colleges" into shortcode builder tool; versioning for 3.1.1
14 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.1
14 years |
amattie |
small css fixes and versioning for 3.1
14 years |
amattie |
small fixes for colleges module
14 years |
amattie |
fixed some small bugs w/ the new college module
14 years |
amattie |
updating readme with new version info
14 years |
amattie |
added college module using matchcollege data
14 years |
amattie |
fixed issue where shortcode insertion tool wasn't working sometimes
14 years |
amattie |
fixed possible issues with some of the modules not working when …
14 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.0.1
14 years |
amattie |
updated readme.txt and version for 3.0.1
14 years |
amattie |
fixed neighborhoods, nileguide, walk score, teach street, and about …
14 years |
amattie |
added neighborhoods and nileguide modules to the shortcode insertion tool
14 years |
amattie |
fixed maps in nileguide and yelp modules when used as shortcodes -- …
14 years |
amattie |
fixed cache loading issue
14 years |
amattie |
reverted commented-out caching
14 years |
amattie |
fixed some php warnings caused by passing variables by reference
14 years |
amattie |
updated documentation for shortcodes
14 years |
amattie |
fixed UTF issues in readme.txt (no code changes, already changed in …
14 years |
amattie |
fixed UTF issues in readme.txt (no code changes)
14 years |
amattie |
tagging 3.0
14 years |
amattie |
merging / versioning for 3.0 - yay!
14 years |
amattie |
updated screenshots
14 years |
amattie |
fixed zillow mortgage url; fixed issue with nileguide photos
14 years |
amattie |
fixed issues with urls when the neighborhood or city name contained …
14 years |
amattie |
fixed slashes in description before quotes; fixed issue with form not …
15 years |
amattie |
moved yelp logo into module header; removed yelp radius param as it's …
15 years |
amattie |
js cleanup
15 years |
amattie |
* restricted yelp module to a 3mi radius to prevent it from defaulting …
15 years |
amattie |
deleting old pre-3.0 assets
15 years |
amattie |
deleting old pre-3.0 assets
15 years |
amattie |
added branding link and donate button
15 years |
amattie |
added dsidxpress, fixed layout issues, and added handling for bad API …
15 years |
amattie |
adding in the shortcode editor
15 years |
amattie |
set table width to default to 100% as way too many themes don't have …
15 years |
amattie |
checkpoint (small fixes)
15 years |
amattie |
adding badge and jquery-ui back in
15 years |
amattie |
ie 6 fixes, education.com filtering, added screenshots, updated readme.txt
15 years |
amattie |
* small styling fixes for v3
15 years |
amattie |
* checkpoint for work on v3
15 years |
amattie |
* checkpoint for work on v3
15 years |
amattie |
* checkpoint for work on v3
15 years |
amattie |
* checkpoint for work on v3
15 years |
amattie |
* checkpoint for work on v3
15 years |
amattie |
* checkpoint for work on v3