3 months |
azaozz |
Hotfix: Better fix for WP 6.7.1.
4 months |
azaozz |
Hotfix: Update for WP 6.7.1.
6 years |
peterwilsoncc |
Bump tested up to details in readme.txt
6 years |
peterwilsoncc |
Hotfix 1.2: Ticket 46280 for WordPress 5.0.
Ensure themes enqueuing …
12 years |
markjaquith |
Declare our public static methods to be public and static
12 years |
nacin |
Hotfix 1.1 (not yet listed as stable tag in trunk)
12 years |
nacin |
Hotfix 1.0: Lets you update Twenty Twelve if it is shown as "broken" …
12 years |
nacin |
Hotfix 1.0. For 3.5, add transient clearing and an admin notice.
12 years |
nacin |
Hotfix: If Twenty Twelve exists but is broken, act like we are version …
12 years |
nacin |
Hotfix for Twenty Twelve upgrade issues. See …
13 years |
nacin |
Fix formatting in readme.
13 years |
nacin |
Hotfix 0.9 fixes adding and updating Custom Fields in WordPres 3.4.2.
13 years |
nacin |
Hotfix: Tag 0.9.
13 years |
nacin |
Hotfix: Bump version in trunk.
13 years |
nacin |
Hotfix: Update readme for 3.4.2 custom fields fix.
13 years |
nacin |
Hotfix: Fix Custom Fields add and update. see …
13 years |
markjaquith |
Remove the test
13 years |
markjaquith |
Testing the new plugin repo update speed
13 years |
markjaquith |
Space out the readmes
13 years |
markjaquith |
Move the banner to the assets directory
13 years |
markjaquith |
Create assets directory
13 years |
markjaquith |
Add a banner
13 years |
markjaquith |
0.8 is stable
13 years |
markjaquith |
Tag 0.8
13 years |
markjaquith |
Use admin_init instead of in_admin_header
13 years |
markjaquith |
Readme updates. props nacin
13 years |
markjaquith |
Some cleanup. Only do the CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS thing if they do not …
13 years |
markjaquith |
Hotfixes for two WordPress 3.3 issues. See WP Core #19510 and #19524. …
14 years |
Otto42 |
fix version number in php file
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.7 is stable
14 years |
markjaquith |
Tagging 0.7
14 years |
markjaquith |
Fix OTHER parse error
14 years |
markjaquith |
Fix readme formatting issue
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.6 is stable
14 years |
markjaquith |
Tagging 0.6
14 years |
markjaquith |
Fix parse error
14 years |
markjaquith |
Add JSON support for people who lack it. Props nacin. 0.6
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.5 is stable
14 years |
markjaquith |
Tagging 0.5
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.5 in trunk
14 years |
markjaquith |
WordPress 3.1.3 bugfix from nacin
14 years |
markjaquith |
Decided against including this fix. Too big.
14 years |
markjaquith |
Only add uninstall hook on activation to reduce DB churn. Put …
14 years |
markjaquith |
Use front, not root. Create uninstall and deactivation hooks. props duck_
14 years |
markjaquith |
Some additional fixes from duck_
14 years |
markjaquith |
version 0.5 beta to fix pathinfo custom taxonomy rewrites and URLs.
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.4 is now stable
14 years |
markjaquith |
Tag 0.4
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.4 to trunk
14 years |
markjaquith |
Get the readme ready for 0.4
14 years |
markjaquith |
Proposed fix for the parsed_tax_query issue in 3.1
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.3 is now stable. I got a hotfix plugin for the hotfix plugin to …
14 years |
markjaquith |
Tagging 0.3
14 years |
markjaquith |
Update readme
14 years |
markjaquith |
Init the array. Add a filter.
14 years |
markjaquith |
Readme tweaks
14 years |
markjaquith |
Move the recent hotfixes up to the description
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.2 is stable
14 years |
markjaquith |
Tag 0.2
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.2 to trunk
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.2 beta, using better hotfix for comment_text fix. Yank cws_ function …
14 years |
markjaquith |
Description change. Trying to bump it so WP.org notices the readme.
14 years |
markjaquith |
Tagging 0.1
14 years |
markjaquith |
0.1 into trunk
14 years |
plugin-master |
adding hotfix by markjaquith