9 months |
freshdeskintegration |
upgrade to 2.4.1
11 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Update new Version -> 2.4.0
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Updating the folder name to proper version
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Removing old trunk
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Adding new version
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Creating temp folder for storing old version files
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Creating temp folder for storing old version files
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Creating temp folder for storing old version files
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Creating temp folder for storing old version files
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Creating temp folder for storing old version files
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Creating temp folder for storing old version files
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Uploading new version for security fix (Gautham Lakdive)
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Delete created redundant new version
12 months |
freshdeskintegration |
New version for security fix
19 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Deleting the old php file.
19 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Version 2.3.4 app upload
19 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Back up old file
19 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Removing readmeold which covers WordPress 6.2
19 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Adding Readme file for Wordpress 6.3
19 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Renaming old readme file
23 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Fixed the warning Undefined array key "action"
23 months |
freshdeskintegration |
Fixed the warning Undefined array key "action"
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Version 2.3.2
There was a typo in a function that updates 'wo_options' …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Version 2.3.2 =
There was a typo in a function that updates …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Bug fixes
Widget not showing on the front end issue is resolved
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Bug fixes
Widget not showing on the front end issue is resolved
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Typo Fix
Last used URLs with credentials
Support with PHP 8.0 & …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Typo Fix
Last used URLs with credentials
Support with PHP 8.0 & …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Updating readme.txt file - Tested upto Wordpress version 6.1.1
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Updating readme.txt file - WordPress version 6.1.1 supported
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
removing README.md file
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Updating files for 2.3 version
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Removing the rejected tags 2.4 & 3.0
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Deleting README.md file
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Version 2.3
Updated oauth library
Sanitized, Escaped, and …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Updated oauth library
Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated as per …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Updated oauth library
Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated as per …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Version 2.4
Support with PHP 8.0 & PHP 8.1
Updated code to match …
2 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Support with PHP 8.0 & PHP 8.1
Updated code to match WordPress coding …
4 years |
freshdeskintegration |
2.2.1 - Bugfix - Fixed an error related to fetching the settings for OAuth
4 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Introducing support for Freshworks SSO via OAuth
5 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Freshdesk URL fields are made to be synce with each other
5 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Description updated in readme.txt file
5 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Assets added and plugin info updated
5 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Coding standard updated as per Wordpress guidelines
5 years |
freshdeskintegration |
Copy changes and Comments to Tickets conversion
9 years |
shreyasns |
Fixing logout url not having a protocol
9 years |
shreyasns |
tagging version 1.8.4
9 years |
shreyasns |
minor sso bug fix
9 years |
shreyasns |
tagging version 1.8.3
9 years |
shreyasns |
fixed redirects not working when http protocol is not allowed in the …
9 years |
shreyasns |
updating plugin file with version 1.8.2
9 years |
shreyasns |
updating plugin file with version 1.8.2
9 years |
shreyasns |
tagging version 1.8.2
9 years |
shreyasns |
replace split with explode to support php7
10 years |
shreyasns |
tagging version 1.8.1
10 years |
shreyasns |
minor bug fixes - check if keys exists before using the hash variable
10 years |
shreyasns |
tagging version 1.8
10 years |
shreyasns |
Security fix for open redirect vulnerability
10 years |
shreyasns |
tagging version 1.7
10 years |
shreyasns |
sso and other fixes
10 years |
balakumars |
tagging version 1.6
10 years |
balakumars |
Fixing SSO redirect and Logout both Wordpress & Freshdesk
11 years |
balakumars |
Adding the listing 1.5
11 years |
balakumars |
Cleaning the listing so removing tag/1.5
11 years |
balakumars |
Fixing the version to 1.5 in ext.php file
11 years |
balakumars |
Making 1.5 to get listed
11 years |
balakumars |
Checking in version 1.5
11 years |
balakumars |
1.4 version listing added.
11 years |
balakumars |
Updating readme.txt so that 1.4 appears in listing
11 years |
balakumars |
Updating the revision message
11 years |
balakumars |
Changing the stable version in readme.txt to 1.4
11 years |
balakumars |
tagging version 1.4
11 years |
balakumars |
Bug fix SSO & Vanilty URL
11 years |
sathishfreshdesk |
Tagging version 1.3
11 years |
sathishfreshdesk |
Adding the screenshot for comment link
11 years |
sathishfreshdesk |
Added comment link in ticket description
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
tagged version 1.2
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
fixed the error message on enabling the plugin
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
Tested in 3.9 version and updating readme.
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
to make version 1.1 reflect in plugin listing.
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
to make version 1.1 reflect in plugin listing
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
to make version 1.1 reflect in plugin listing
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
updated readme for 1.1 in tag
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
updated readme for 1.1
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
tagging version 1.1
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
Remote login(sso) failing for non-logged in users. This is fixed.
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
Remote login(sso) failing for non-logged in users. This is fixed.
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
removed the wrongly named screenshots
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
screenshots name changed and readme updated
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
plugin name wrongly updated, now fixed readme.txt
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
screenshots updated in readme.txt
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
readme: updated with markdown.
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
readme: modified the installation and description part to avoid bullets
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
updated screenshots to naming conventions and readme accordingly-trunk
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
updated screenshots to naming conventions and readme accordingly
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
updated readme
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
updated the readme manual installation part
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
Screen shots added
11 years |
hjohnpaul |
tagging version 1.0