9 years |
TheSteelRat |
Updated maintainer message
9 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added maintainer message
9 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added maintainer message
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of version 1.0.4.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Updated version to 1.0.4 and changelog.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Increased priority of excerpt length filter.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of version 1.0.3
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Invalid tag.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of version 1.0.3
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Fixed problem with CSS stylesheet in page content and not in the head …
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of version 1.0.2
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Fixed problem with missing compressed JS file.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Fixed version number.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of version 1.0.1
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Removed branch.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
* Fixed license.
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of version 1.0.1
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
* Added "length" attribute to [frp_excerpt] shortcode.
* Added …
11 years |
TheSteelRat |
* Added [frp_comments] shortcode.
* Removed legacy code.
* Fixed bug …
12 years |
TheSteelRat |
Readme updated
12 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of 1.0.0 version
12 years |
TheSteelRat |
Release of 1.0.0 version
12 years |
TheSteelRat |
Completed taxonomies support
12 years |
TheSteelRat |
Working on taxonomies support
* Partially taxonomy support, except …
12 years |
TheSteelRat |
Moving predefined templates feature to separate branch
12 years |
TheSteelRat |
Changed posts querying method. More native now. This change has fixed …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added basic custom taxonomy support.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Adding custom taxonomies support.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Making engadget theme.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Making engadget theme.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added widget wrapper div for fully customize widget using themes. …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Changed themes list hover and active background.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Working on engadget theme.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added detect of text area change and replacing its content.
2. Get …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Nice themes list with animation.
2. Themes select works.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Version 0.3 released.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Working on themes.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Finished frp_date since time parameter.
2. Parse theme file and …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added test empty theme.
2. Added time ago function.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added some comments to code.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added frp_author shortcode.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Changed Contributor name in readme with capital letters.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Version 0.2 release fix
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Version 0.2 release
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Fixed all categories selection and buttons actions on just created …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Fixed shortcodes insert after widget form save.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added global post replacement to make shortcodes more native. Now you …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Fixed PHP Notices if featured image exists in template with size …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added categories list disable if 'All categories' checkbox is checked.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added template shortcodes link to readme.txt
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added shortcodes usage page in readme.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Changed donate title in readme.
2. Added additional links to plugin …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added russian language translator to readme.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added russian translation.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added one FAQ item.
2. Changed widget and plugin description.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added pot file for translations
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added banner for wp repository.
2. Changed single post template.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Fixed screenshot name.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added readme and screenshot.
2. Temporary disabled checkboxes …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Init version
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Flattr button added on widgets page load and just show or hide on click.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added flattr button to widget title.
2. Fixed 'Thumbnail' translation.
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added thumbnail shortcode with size as parameter
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
1. Added categories checkboxes manage on All categories check.
2. …
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Added frontend styles for widget
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
Disable download from WordPress plugins
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
13 years |
TheSteelRat |
13 years |
plugin-master |
adding flexible-recent-posts by TheSteelRat